Who is the train driver?
Lots of noises are sounding off about “resistance” or “non-compliance.” What can those amount to?
Forgive me, if I am repetitive, but there are lots of new subscribers who are unlikely to go back to my previous posts, and the following details must be kept in mind by everyone, who still maintains some hope for personal independence.
People are talking about resistance, while wearing a muzzle, as it happens to be the case on top of this Steve Kirsch post:
Just looking at the muzzled faces is making me sick...
Can’t they just take it off and refuse to leave? What kind of police would enforce such a malicious edict? I bet, they wouldn’t, if they had to make hundreds of “arrests.”
Anybody can speak out. The question is where and what the losses will be. Obviously, the globalists want everything to break down, because they want to “build back better.” They will enforce it by mandating digital IDs, carbon credits, “health” passports, (anti)social credits, and a ubiquitous UBI (Universal Basic Income) card, based on their CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). The card will work like a debit card, and it will be your only way to access your “money.” It will also encompass your earnings from wages or salaries (not much else, because “you will own nothing”). You will be allowed to buy only certain things (e.g. only crickets for supper) and your access to your funds can be terminated anytime, if your are “non-compliant.” The test run already happened in Canada, when people wanted to support the truckers for freedom. Canada also displayed how enforcement is going to work (too many mistakes by the Turdeau “government” by giving away the plans):
Another problem is that what difference would it make “to speak out openly”? By now, everyone with a brain can admit that 9/11 was obviously a false flag, yet the resulting “Patriot” Act is still in effect. Elected reps vote for what they are told, completely ignoring what’s good for their electorate.
All governments are being held captive by the global banking cartel that controls the money flow, production/distribution, “healthcare,” the MSM, and just about everything else that matters:
The ONLY thing that can save people is to ignore the globalists’ fiat money and start new local currencies. Sadly, that would involve replacing illegitimate “governments” and handle the enforcers. Looks quite hopeless, but trying cannot cause more harm than what has already been done. The globalists have their hands on everything, but they might not be able to coordinate their actions even with their worldwide simulation that they have been using in the last two or more years to advise them):
Those, who have nothing to lose, are their most dangerous opponents. Most people belong to that group, but most of them still haven’t realized that. They want hope to replace action and the hope usually places the burden of responsibility on someone else.
In a genuine democracy, unelected bureaucrats are supposed to serve at the pleasure of those elected by the people. And the elected are expected to represent and serve the interests of the voters and citizens. In the democratic pecking order, voters (the people) are the top dogs.
But in the “exceptional” Democracy we now experience here in America the arrows denoting the direction of authority have become inverted. The deep state bureaucracy is the undisputed Boss. Politicians serve the mob Bosses like servile lickspittle appointee’s and the American people are GMO corn and cannon fodder.
Remember Ray, the globalist financier's best friends, the Military Industrial Complex with the revolving doors spinning faster than Max Verstappen's turbosupercharger. What a fantastic level of coordination between Big Global Intel and the "moneychangers." Self-reinforcing actually.
And if you won't play games, submit to the "Cartel," we will invade and replace you.
Win - Win for sure! Just ask Colonel Gaddafi or Seth Rich. Oh wait, you can't.
Ray, don't ever stop hammering on these points, I love repetitive, it is a surefire way to fight the disinformation/propaganda.