A Few Typical "Medical" Diagnoses
They all show the face of the Beast behind modern "Medicine"
Drugs disguised as candy.
“Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all.” (Voltaire)
Several years ago, my father-in-law’s heart stopped after the ambulance arrived. They successfully revived him, and based on the symptoms, he was suspected to have heart attack. In the hospital, his heart checked out fine. What they found was stomach ulcers.
Voila! The masters of the sick-care universe declared he had an h. pylori “infection,” (at the time, that diagnosis was a new discovery for “doctors” to treat ulcers successfully) to be countered with antibiotics. Indeed, only after a couple of weeks, he fully recovered.
Years later, I learnt that h. pylori is usually present in the stomach (kind of like Candida in the guts), but according to the butchers, it “doesn’t always cause illness.” At this point, the presence of H. pylori in the stomach, when ulcers are present, can indicate the absence of the bacteria that prevent or fix ulcers, but no “medical” research has identified it, possibly because the very idea would go against their current paradigm. The antibiotic used for “H. pylori” probably resets the stomach flora, which gives a chance for the beneficial bacteria to grow (which might be actually prevented by H. pylori). At least the cure tends to work, even if it’s based on the wrong premises.
Doesn’t this remind you of “doctors” telling their victims that “viral flu infections” cannot be treated, but drinking plenty of fluids would speed up the healing process? Yet they are “vaccinating” people against “the flu” and their injections contained graphene oxide as early as 2019…
In my father-in-law’s case, what can you deduce from the antibiotics working and the suspected cause not causing an illness?
Obviously, the endoctrinological system of such patients is out of balance, which is what I consider the main cause of disease:
So, these “medical professionals” used a deduction that was false, but they prided themselves in healing the patient. Good riddance.
In another story, as a young man, when I had appendicitis, the good “doctors” had no clue, because they were taught that the diagnosis must be based on pressing down on my left lower abdomen and after they suddenly release the pressure, I was supposed to have sharp pain on the right side. I didn’t. Their diagnosis failed me, but that didn’t change their mind.
During the five months until my appendix finally burst, I saw several doctors, and there was only a single female doctor, who told me to get a surgery immediately, but I hoped the whole thing would go away, because when I gave myself time, the pain usually subsided.
I was even hospitalized and held for a week until I was eventually dismissed as a hypochondriac (at least I managed to read a few good books). I remember a major professor parading around at the hospital, coming to my room and telling his flock of sheepish medical students that I was a typical example of a patient, whose symptoms were imaginary (they are still going to tell you the same, if you go to see them with morgellons or with 5G symptoms; the euphemistic term is “psychological”). Five months after the initial symptoms, my appendix perforated, and I was cussing all the way in the ambulance to the hospital (well, I was young), while holding myself in the air by hanging on to the straps on the ceiling at 6 AM. I couldn’t put up with the vehicle going over bumps. At the hospital, nobody dared to touch me until 4 PM, when a surgeon, whose hands were three times the size of mine (and my hands are not small at all), decided to risk a surgery, perhaps because they didn’t want me to die there without one. I still ran a high fever for another three days, but once the biopsy arrived, they jabbed me with the matching antibiotic injection, and my fever stopped immediately (which makes me wonder why they removed my appendix, the storage place of my gut flora, instead of taking a biopsy and checking for the correct antibiotics) . The discharge papers didn’t mention that I needed a few yards of my rotten intestines removed. Doctors cover for each other. A year later, a family friend, who happened to be a doctor, told me that nobody expected me to survive. I was young and rode my bicycle to my new girlfriend’s place 30 miles a day at full speed for three months, and I survived. Sometimes loves saves the day. (No, we didn’t have sex, because I refused to do that before marriage.)
That brings up the topic of diagnosing “covid.” They used a fraudulent PCR test (used for “diagnosing bird flu,” too, and combined it with the symptoms that exactly matched radiation poisoning from the new 5G towers:
When my 30-year-old sister found a hard and insensitive lump in her breast in Canada on a May morning, she was sent to a mammogram that showed nothing (about half of those exams come up with false positives or false negatives). For good measure, she went back for another checkup in June and by that time, a lump of the size of a quarter was identified, but due to her age, “doctors” determined that her chance of having breast cancer was one in 10 thousand, so they told her not to worry. She was thorough and went for several second opinions, but they told her the same in August, and by the time she went back again at the end of November, 9 out of 12 of her lymph nodes were cancerous. That was the end of the game, but she still trusted “doctors.” She accepted both radiation and chemo. Her chemotherapist was drunk all the time, because he must have been intelligent enough to know he was little more than an executioner. On one occasion, she noted that until then, she had been receiving “something yellow” and that time, she was receiving “something red.” Oh, well. She never had a chance, although she lived for another two years after being given 3-6 months.
When my mother suffered a(n obviously Russian) psychotronic attack in Germany, she was immediately “diagnosed” as a loony and she was placed on Haloperidol1 that would turn anyone into a zombie (it is still in use for psychiatric victims). She lived for another 28 years, but never recovered from the “side effects” of the drug.
On another occasion, I suffered a joint injury. In retrospect, it must have been the cartilage being dislodged in the hip joint, but MRI, no matter how expensive it was, showed nothing. Not sure they could have done anything about it, anyway. At least, I was not diagnosed as a loony…
“Doctors” are always ready to treat you to death.
Of course, nothing beats them as accomplices in the mass murders with the muzzles, “tests,” and the injections:
You must also have your own horror stories about the “achievements” of the modern medical pseudo-science. At least, my old doctor, about 50 years ago, had it right. When I went to see him, he usually finished examining me by saying,
“Raymond, we doctors have no idea what we are doing, but let’s try this.”
It usually worked. Yet I am still wondering how many of his patients had to die until he learnt his trade for the better…
Just to add to the mix; this is how laughable madical diagnosis is:
So far in my lifetime (nee 1980), I have known triple the amount of people who have died from pharmaceuticals, than any other disease, old age or accidents combined.
This is all the real life data I need to make a decision about pharmaceuticals.
Yes, I’m sorry about the loss of your sister and her daughter. A friend of mine lost her son and she said it’s unimaginable pain.