When would someone EVER believe INVENOMATING (injecting) ANIMAL body parts into our BLOOD is a GOOD thing.


And what is even MORE disconcerting is MOST doctors do NOT know this!

Most do not read the INSERTS of these drugs and vaccines.

AND the insert that went out with the EUA vaccines for covid did not include ANYTHING in the insert - just a BLANK piece of paper. Many people posted videos showing this, and asking the pharmacist to open the paper inside the vaccination in front of the patient and they were surprized it was blank…

The reps of these drug companies sell these drugs and vaccines to the docs, and they have financial incentive to write massive amounts of prescriptions

and therefore they are FAILING in their OATHS to DO NO HARM by

NOT being RESPONSIBLE in KNOWING that these insidious ingredients

are within the products they are promoting and giving to TRUSTING patients.

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There is a LOT more in the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections than that...

Also, most inserts do not contain all ingredients, so even those who read them can be misled...

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Disgusting revelations coming to pass.

May justice come this year!

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Hello, not of any great importance but I saw on one of the pictures in this post it said that the use of monosodium glutamate isn't allowed in Europe. Just wanted to say that it's been used since at least late spring of 2023, as a small sausage maker I used to purchase from in Styria has added it to his products since then, which I no longer purchase.

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Snowden ,Assange...

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utterly beyond belief. I hope guys like you keep telling people about it. If we keep trying to get the message out, let's see if anything comes of it.

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This is terrifying.

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And also embarrassing to realize how unprepared and defenseless people are...

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With such abundance, you would have thought that a natural predator for mosquitoes would appear but nobody seems to have found any.



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24Feb2025. Thanks. I appreciate the tip. It is not mentioned at the WHO website. I will post a reply once I finish researching. There is a LOT to unpack. I have doubts since just a couple of weeks ago, a bat happened to fly into the living room and my two cats went ballistic trying to catch it. I left the door wide open and even turned on the lights to help it. It just kept flying here and there. I fell asleep. Outcome unknown. I hope some researcher can get a grant to bring a cageful of bats into those sites above and see if they can really thrive on mosquitoes. I smell a Nobel. Right now all measurements are through proxy. If it works, we can slowly move the bat houses closer and closer to bat heaven. I have access to a gallon of used coffee beans 6 days a week, so 6 gallons. I place then at 6 spots in and around the house. It maybe wishful thinking but I seem to get less bites now except yesterday. Maybe it is time to refresh the lot.

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Frogs seem to have disappeared here, in rural KY in the last two years. Lots of small lakes around here.

Also, the GM mosquitoes are supposed to be infertile, but these keep popping up ever since.

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The best solution is the photonic fence but suspiciously, the patents are locked up and no humanitarian is offering to free it and open source it. https://youtu.be/hqKafI7Amd8?t=933 .

The only way to circumvent the patents is to forgo the wing beat identification and have a drone sweep the area while dangling a hoop that has continuous invisible lasers firing within the plane of the hoop. The kind of lasers found in DVD burners. Infertile mosquitoes breeding? Michael Crichton covered that in his book Jurassic Park.

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Mad scientist's, doctors, medical system, government, police in some cases and all other institutions we are for the most part the only sane ones left it would seem. People sooner or later must realize that because the entire system and institutions are corrupt there may be no change without citizens interference.

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I'm a bit concerned that nothing will change the course of events:


Yes, the system is rotten and it cannot be changed from the inside:


It will inevitably collapse, but it's unclear if there will be any organic human survivors.

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Hope the long cold winter kills them!

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There is more where these came from. :)

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Lyme 2.0

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FYI I was out in the fields over summer with shorts while pulling out some ragwort. And I felt ‘things’ biting my ankles. No it wasn’t the puppy. They were strange almost hard shelled insects that were new to me. Been here over 20 years so asked another been here all his life about them. He said he’d been bitten too.

The bites produced huge welts along with itching, there was a burning sensation. They all became infected requiring antibiotics. Diagnosed as bacterial impetigo. Only affected human species on our multi species farm.

We did have one case of impetigo about 20 years ago but no one else was bitten. Assumed to have been blown in from Spain where dominant weather pattern of extreme heat coming from.

Now Would BoXi Johnson have allowed Gates to release his diseased mosquitoes? Yes. Just like the sky graffiti that’s become an everyday upsetting occurrence (I keep a photo journal. Funny how rare cumulus clouds happen weekly now).

I know my local mosquitoes, fleas and ticks. These were new and more like sand flies I’d experienced on Tropical beaches (Incl heaven on earth Maldives).

As for ingredients: the animal by-products listed: could these be where the ‘truncated double strand and single strand non-target DNA and RNA’ mentioned in manufacturing process for EU licensing application by Pf?

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I’m no fan of wiki but it was the fastest to prove this actually has been going a long time - bio warfare….

Japanese bio attack against the Chinese.

They used PLAGUE “Infected fleas”.


Except this time it may be a local attack…

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Can you say a few words about the time frame and the localities, please?

Also, I am collecting similar experiences for an important article, so if you know about anything similar, please, tell the story.

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It’s around the Blackwater River estuary in Essex. MOD controls two large tracks of land nearby. One is in the next village where my neighbour told me he was playing tennis and noticed being bitten around the ankles on the grass courts. He described them the same way - dark, small, hard shelled biting insects. New to him despite playing tennis there for over 40 years.

The resulting bite swelling was much more pronounced, and had more ferocious itching then either fleas or our mosquitoes. We have Malarial Anopheles mosquitoes breeding here. At dusk we see what looks like smoke coming up from the wet ground.

I had an argument with the two bird sanctuaries here. They re-introduced the wetlands that the Victorians worked hard to dry out. So they broke open the sea wall so the tidal estuary of the Strood would bring water for the birds. And the expanded reservoir would have wetland for migratory birds.

They eventually discarded my complaints by saying ‘mosquitoes don’t breed in brine’ THEY DO in Louisiana and Florida wetlands.

The area along the East Coast of Britain from Norfolk to Kent was infamous for the mosquito borne disease of ‘the augue’. Even mentioned in Shakespeare. Oliver Cromwell was given this area as a gift. But here he developed the augue and subsequently died. The augue is malaria.

I met someone years ago from the WHO on holiday in the Maldives. She was an expert on malaria and mostly worked in Africa. According to her, this area has been marked for a future malaria outbreak.

So I know a bit about Malaria and this area. No need to do anything special then simply release a few infected mosquitoes and this area will return to sickening.

Book on how sickened the marshes of Blackwater River can be found in: Mehalah 1880, by Sabine Baron-Gould. It’s set in the desolate marshes of Mersea and the surrounding estuary.

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Dental procedures now carry the risk of Graphene Oxide among other substances. It is a highly toxic world out there.

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Been that way for decades now.

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Logically, even the swabs can contain active injections...

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True. This includes the Schwabs too such as Klaus 'you will own nothing and be happy or else'.


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And the genetically engineered mosquitos. There was some discussion about vaccine containing tomatoes and other foods. Does anyone have good information on NAD infusions? Amounts, things to be aware of?

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Looks like "we" are royally screwed/

No that it makes any difference...

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We have always been extraordinarily susceptible to powerful - crats. Wouldn’t it be great if we could defeat the little cowards?

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No way for the time being; they "own" the "MONEY" "we" are using...

Other than that, yes, it would be great...

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Return to local trade. Food growing, hunting & gathering, exchange networks. Wood, water, midwifery and alternative health, educators. Decision making of the people by the people by trusted councils of elders and young people who are ready to handle the responsibility and communication. Who pass the spiritual tests revealing motivation. Goal of reestablishment of natural ecosystems of forests,water, plains - natural sources of food, shelter resources. The great American plains full of Buffalo and natural predators, grasses, insects and soil organisms.

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Is that all? Who needs money when you got friends?

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How else would they get to the un-vaccinated? also there is so much more to chemtrails than weather modification, plant erosion/earth metals Nano-tech medical breathable delivery systems and holographical visuals to project alien invasion with pre-planted explosives on earth to fool and control the masses, on the money with this info and thanks for the links. Respect & X 2 All

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Okay I hate reading all of this. But thank you. We can t even get GATES to be STOPPED from releasing MOSQUTOS for Christś sake.

How are we gonna stop these mad men?

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They will terminate themselves, too...

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I hope so..before there is nothing left and no humans to rebuild

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Logically thinking, there will be not much left of humans by the time the monsters meet their end, too... In my experience, humanity has this self-destructive pattern that always leads to the same end, but this time, it's on a global scale, so it's unclear how many might make it as organic humans. :)


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In Australia, chemtrail delivery of "vaccines" has been approved as of September, 2022:


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The trouble is there have been lots and lots of toxins in the environment for years and years. I think a lot of this is to distract us from other evils going on. Fear is the key after all to inaction.


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General poisoning certainly presents a Gordian Knot. Some decyphering might be possible, but nobody really has the whole picture and even if it was available, only an extremely complex algorithm could make relatively reliable calculations, well beyond human means.

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But not beyond God's means. Anyway, I was given the keys as these are all in the Word of God, language itself. Takes a bit of sorting out but I am getting there as fast as I can.

But of course we are all running the human race together and it is all rather exciting despite appearances to the contrary.

In any event the answer to everything is 42 as all Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy fans will know.


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Ohhh no!

(Hmm, I was in ft Myers Tuesday & so angry to see them getting the chem trails going… the ones that look like feathers. & then a set going perpendicular)

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That is evil!

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The problem is that most people simply cannot imagine evil like this. These days, probably drones are doing the job.

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Drones do a 'good' (ahem) job in the White House that's for sure. They are called Joe Biden and his mal-administrative team.

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That's the idea: evil succeeds, because people stopped realizing it exists.

Drones, toxins, parasites, microwave frequencies, who knows what else.

One must not give up on being prepared; that means living and preparing for life, not death.

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Truly pure evil

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You make a bloody good point here. I've often wondered if mosquitoes will ultimately be their 'get out of jail free card' for all the mRNA vax deaths and injuries. I've also long suspected their geo-engineering of the little blighters! After all.. what are mozzies, but flying syringes?! And one other thing.. I've always felt it could be detrimental to our 'very existence' if they were to eradicate mosquitoes altogether based on the assumption they're merely disease spreading pests. They may well serve a vital purpose to which we're unaware. Their hop skipping between humans and wildlife may be distributing bio information between us.. pre-informing/updating our immune systems of changes to our environment. Who knows?

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I have wondered about that too? Batś eat them. They are food for other animals. What if they destroy the bats? Then what goes?

It is a CYCLE of life. These mad crazy people MUST BE STOPPED.

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All being well the the mosquitoes will destroy the bats. That is the ones who are bats like Bill Gits the Turd (sic) and Melinda Gits (I have applied New Zealand accent for effect).

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Apparently, a person needs about 300 GMO mosquito bites to get "vaccinated." That's how the graphene accumulates...

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Mosquitoes would be suspicious by their existence in Dunedin.

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In Australia, bats are pollinators of fruits. That doesn't keep the Australians from killing them though.

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Completely agree on the second point. Said exactly the same to my wife last night when I was watching a video of some WEF guy from Nigeria stating that he wanted to rid the world of Mosquitoes.

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Perhaps he meant bare toes in mosques. Just a thought.

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Well that's pretty vague. I though qui or que meant who or what.

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True. Anagrams of mosquitoes include:

so misquote - perhaps i misquoted.

I to mosques - perhaps mosques and Islam are problematic.

moose squit - it's the moose which is the problem. There's a moose loose aboot the hoose is part of a song.

qui smote so - who need smiting. Or perhaps the W.H.O need smiting as it is problematic too.

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Who are we drinking to, brother?

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Well if alcohol is the tipple,I would say the Holy Spirit as He is 100% proof!!!

IMHO of course.

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Here is a video (added to the text, too).

"⁣Slip Of The Tongue By Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Confirming Vaccines Are Weapons":


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Depends which way you look it. He would say weapons against a potentially deadly virus. We say weapons to use on the human race.

I say weapons are among other things an anagram of 'eon wasp' i.e. they sting for a long time. The vaccines have a long lasting effect, hence all the Nazi side effects, and I do mean Nazi.

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Of course, but it's still funny. :)

As far as I can see, "Nazi" is a cuss word without any firmly established meaning. Alternative wording might accomplish more.

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Nazi is nasty, so Nasty acceptable. Z is equivalent to Tz, a Hebrew letter. so we have Natzi.

Y is like an 'I' so now e have Natzy. Z is similar to 'S' only in reverse and with points rather than curves in the symbol.

So we can have Natsy. Rearrange and get Nasty.

That may have been all a waste of time as Nazi sounds like Nasty anyway.

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Dec 14, 2022
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I think Nutzies is very good. Better to underachieve and do good with what you do that to over achieve and be a Nutzie and do evil. Build on what you do well and more will be given to you.

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Dec 14, 2022
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Thank you. Do you mean do I support the comedian Zelenskyy with 2 'y's (although 'wise' he is not)?

No I don't. Do others in UK? Sadly yes. Now, I do think the whole thing a charade (albeit death and destruction do go on) and a pantomime as it is all very odd. So I wrote this to gather my thoughts. I think it quite funny, but I am easily pleased!

However, my intent and summary are serious and I am very grieved by all the lies people are being fed.

Bizarrely thought all this is because we follow a timeline similar too WW2, only 80 years ago making us 1942 if you will. I have a link if you need it. In the Ukraine we see a type of rerun of the East front between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Stalingrad was being fought over, to be recaptured by Soviets by early Feb. 1943.

In the meantime my effort on the Ukraine pantomime.


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Dec 14, 2022
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It is sunny in the UK today, no rain! But in my village were my wife and I live they have 3 Ukraine flags out and have done for many months. I think people think that the UK and Uk-raine are one and the same, rain or no rain!!

As it is pantomime season over here it is possible this may be appreciated.


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Fascinating, I have just looked it up online.

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