I would not consider you a Nobody, Ray. You do have 3,200 followers, so that IS something to be proud of. When Jesus walked the Earth, he probably didn't have that many. His fame came later.

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Thank you kindly. If I were not a nobody, I would not be allowed to appear here. :)

I prefer "readers" over "followers," because I never expect anyone to agree with me; my objective is to provide details in an informative, entertaining, and motivating manner which might assist my readers to make their own decisions.

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does mind over matter mean ?... if you dont mind it doesnt matter

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You are only a nobody because some idiots have to be somebody. Therefore, they think that anyone who isn't a somebody is a nobody. Other's opinions about anything have nothing to do with reality and the way things really are. You don't have to be anything at all and that's the ultimate state of existence. When you are nothing, you are everything you want to be.

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Jul 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I first heard “Fanfare” from ELP and remember how much poorer Copeland’s original was when I heard it. Copeland was one of the early examples of someone promoted well beyond his merit in my recognition.

After watching the Paris pride parade, it’s become clear that the bottom is on top and they want to rub our faces in it all the way down.

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Jul 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Bravo to an uncommon common man. By the way, thanks for the E.L.P. video-- nice keyboard work. That was a period in time when I thought most of the world was good (gotta love those rose colored glasses), except for the atrocity in Viet Nam. And, the government is still spraying Agent Orange and worse.

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Jul 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I am Adam American. A common man with next door neighbors and attended public school really until leaving college with my fellow common Americans. We shared a language, a skin color, subdivision, school, team sports like little league or basketball to keep wayward youth already astray from going further. Aside from that nothing. I had next to no intercourse with my fellow young Americans until high school and then only two. O solo mio as the only child of older parents who also had no friends I was an avid reader and neighbors were not readers. Events and enjoyments of mine not shared by them. Indeed so common were we that one afternoon tired of the constant argumentation between me and the other across the street I used my sling shot and nearly broke a jaw. My isolation was deepend.

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Jul 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I've always had a fascination for what I felt was the "common man". My dad was ah lifelong factory worker, and his dad a farmer. My neighborhood and schools were filled the children of blue collar workers. We all felt that we were individuals even in our commonness. Looking back I don't believe I ever had what would be considered a 'woke' teacher, although they were all so very different.

I feel blessed/cursed because I've come a long, long way and have somehow gained enough perspective as to not take all that we're bombarded with daily too seriously. Absolutely some of what is happening could mean the difference between life and death, but the majority is beyond my control.

I have drawn a line in the sand and conditions and certain entities are getting dangerously close.

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The only time, when I managed to make contact with people, it was always on the common domain, and all those people were unpretentious. I am far from idealizing them, as I wouldn't do that kind of harm to anyone. :)

What happens, when nobody does anything?


It's Aikido: let the bastards go ahead and destroy themselves with their own energy...

Oh, I always stand my ground and make sure I look and sound innocuous. :)

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Do your fish still need help?

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I’m just a nobody layperson but geez thank you for finally saying what CDS is!

That took some doing 😵‍💫

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Two of them passed (well, removed before they passed, because it was some kind of parasites that would have moved into new fish after the diseased ones would die). After adding some aquarium salt to the tank, the rest seem okay. It was the introduction of new stock combined with the recent introduction of UV filtering (it saved the original stock a couple of years ago, but after that, it was turned off in order to let natural microbes develop in the 40G tank).

Other than that, I'm running a steady tank with lots of water movement through five filters (which contain no media) and a truckload of activated carbon. Only four swordtails, a zebra, and a 2" suckermouth in it. As long as it's not overpopulated and the water I use is filtered through carbon to take out the chloramine, it's basically maintenance-free. The lighting is low-medium on a timer, and most of the feeding comes from an Eheim automatic filter.

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OK, good to hear. Just so you know, one can use CDS safely in fishtanks to eradicate parasites and chemical toxins. Rule of thumb is to start with 1 ml of 3,000ppm CDS per 100 liters of water.

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Not sure what you mean by CDS. Beyond that, I've never had any luck with medicating sick fish in the last 40 years, and chemicals certainly affect the tank itself, too, so I'd prefer to replace the whole stock, if needed.

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Not a chemical.

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