May I chime in….and say…there is life after death…this is not Hell…or Heaven…the Creator is real and benevolent! He showed Himself clearly through His Divine Son…Jesus Christ….as Hebrews says….”God Who at sundry times and in divers manners…spake in time past…unto the fathers by the prophets!” “Hath in these last days spoken unto us…by His Son…whom He hath appointed heir of all things by whom also…He made the worlds!” Heb 1:1-2

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I do believe in life after death and that the soul is immortal.

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While God is creating us, that's for sure. Only an idiot cannot realize that we, including the little nook we call our "Universe," couldn't exist without a Creating Power.

In line with the Pascalian way, our only chance is that the Creator means well.

Some of us, which includes me, have had their personal experiences (impossible to share) that showed us that "God doesn't play dice with the Universe."

It has always been one of my favorites, "Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, what God is preparing for those whom He loves." Indeed, the way I exist, is linked to time and place to the point that I cannot imagine myself "living forever." On the other hand, already at the age of 19, I realized that Hell is this Earth, as long as it lasts forever. As a friend of mine from 'Nam put it, "I don't know if Heaven exists, but I know, Hell does. I've seen it." So have I...

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🙏🏼🙏🏼 I believe hell and heaven are both on this earth. Depends on how we live our lives. I think that’s from A Course in Miracles. It rings true for me.

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I love this!! Thank you @Ray!!

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That's soo kind of you!

I think, there is nothing greater than good people getting together! Good only by the Grace of God, of course. :)

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I realize my title was a click-bait, but if you think of it, it really wasn't. I just hoped to lure people into a conversation to share out thoughts. :)

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Not complete idiots though this can be usefully categorized in a fashion by Rabelais and his kinds of fools or Gurdjieff and his toasts to idiots.

Only the unhappy turn to philosophy or the intelligent and academic seeing a pot of gold at rainbow end. The basis of our life world is misery for money in retirement and pecuniary emulation through joyous toil. To stop short at 21 and say to oneself why is not encouraged.

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I love your artistic formulations. Art, for me, always has a speck of truth in it, even when I disagree or, shall I say, especially then?

As the human condition is basically the same, no matter where we go in place or time, it's hard to disagree, as long as I don't insist on my current perspective, which I don't.

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If you care to answer the quesion, please, listen to Mozart's Requiem first. I think, it has all the answers...

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