Interesting you use the term poisoning, a couple of brilliant people I follow have said that it’s likely to be arsenic/arsine poisoning that’s causing a lot of the health issues and not in fact a “novel virus!” Which would fit in with your theory here

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Arsenic has been in California wine and in European water for a long time.

"Covid" symptoms started with the new 5G installations in Wuhan and in Northern Italy. Chemtrails have been dispersing heavy metals and a number of other nasty things for decades. Among the traditional poisons, pesticides are major culprits, but EMF/ELF, microwaves, non-sick utensils, flame retardants, food coloring/additives/preservatives, all kinds of "medications" (even in tap water) and, of course, "vaccinations" also do their jobs.




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That's true!!! e.g. Well, here https://odysee.com/@NIOLAND:0/Dr.-Masataka-NAGAO--EN:0 every body wonders, even though everyone should know that the cause is clearly identifiable!


Japan and 5G https://rcrwireless.com/20210316/5g/where-does-japan-stand-in-deploying-5g

And that Graphene is an excellent heat conductor, we also know https://phys.org/news/2015-03-graphene.html

Every normal thinking person can imagine what happens to a person's blood, if he has Graphene in his body/in his blood and he comes too close with EMFs in contact.... here you only need to add 1 and 1 together - and THAT has nothing to do with the so-called immune system or a so-called "mRNA", which NOT exist - it is pure poison, which kills people slowly but surely - infinitely many already very early, we also know that, because what else should the people have died in the last 2 years? A so-called "C-virus" has NEVER existed!!! Absolutely diabolical!!!

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Thank you for the links. I didn't know some of them, so they help me, too.

Subscribed to your site! :)

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Thanks to you as you have a lot of knowledge about this!!!

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Everything in this newsletter should be saved, referenced, and shared with as many people as possible. It’s an education that everyone should have.

I tip my hat to you Ray for putting this together. 👍

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Actually, you are the first reader to note that everything in my articles is linked to everything else in the rest of my articles! :)

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I'm glad you are finding my articles useful. Please, remember, my site belongs to my readers.

I don't consider myself the Oracle of Truth (my stance is never static: I keep adjusting my current ideas according to the latest reliable data), but I usually end up to be quite accurate in my analyses and in my predictions. (That's one of the reasons why I jokingly call myself "the Source.")

It is quite unlikely that my thoughts can be found anywhere else on the Internet at the time of my publications. Even when I combine existing sources, I am one of the "first responders" and my ideas are quite unique for the first few months or, at least, for a few days. :)

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I actually canceled a knee surgery because they insisted on sticking a covid “test” swab up my nasal cavity. Not happening. I’d rather limp.

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In November, 2020, I canceled my last dental appointment. I couldn't sleep all night. It was clear to me that the swabs dentists use could be tainted without the dentist's knowing about it. A year later, it turned out that graphene oxide was found even in dental Lidocaine...

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In regard to the tests- I have been very concerned about this as well. So far have never tested, I'd like to keep it that way, but I know some hospitals are making these "tests" mandatory for surgery and some other procedures. I was wondering if there was a way to beat the system? Do you think they would let someone blow their nose in a tissue and then dip the swab into the nasal secretions instead of inserting it into the nasal passage?

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Can't you make out that you are super self-conscious about it and ask to do your own swab in private and then just spit on it?

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