Those sent to Hell stay there forever. Then how do you explain gates?

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To me, it looks like everybody's wishes will be respected, and a LOT of people will end up in Hell, while thinking they have chosen Heaven...

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Boy, I’m resonating with the tone here Ray. It’s all clown world now, I did have to chuckle your good wishes and longevity to the creators of the big power play. Very kind of you to hope they get what they wish for;).

Blueberries are ripening, netted the patch last evening, 40 bushes heavy laden.

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My wife just finished planting her veggies, and some of the saplings she planted two years ago are now bearing some fruits! Also, we have some strawberries this year; last year was a flop.

As for the freaks, they deserve what's coming to them, nearly exclusively because it is their hands that directs their fate.

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The "mutant law" definitely means that many people, probably me, too, have been turned into semi-synthetic creatures. All it needs is some impulse or 5G instructions to activate the programming in selected individuals.

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me too , ....semi synthetic creatures , reminds me of egyptian and greek animal human hybrids mutants mythology ,accounts and pictures [ now possible ie chimera ] , [[[maybe they knew how to do genetic engineering ] ... maybe the flood to get rid of these mutants , atlantis , lemuria ,[ only a few un mutated humans left ie sodom and gemorra ] and it seems that history is repeating again .just some of my wide speculation

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if they have our dna sequence then individual targeting ...

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Legalized FDA non-regulation of biological products effective May 2, 2019, by Federal Register Final Rule, signed by then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb. no testing required for medicines or procedures

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What can be done about an administration that has been hijacked since 1913?

Not that they need any "law" to protect them; they sometimes wait for decades to "legalize" their practices even retroactively...

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they want us to believe that silence is consent [ satanic kaa baal istic legal jargon ][ no silence always means silence neither consent or non consent..thats why they required us to sigh a consent form for the kowwid wacx. therefore i made in good Gods and image and likeness proclaim that silence when dealing with the baalists or anyone else is always non consent ... they must get my consent directly openly knowingly in my written not coerced consent in triplicate with witnesses of my choosing ... by the law of the God of goodness truth love etc my heavenly Father and me as His prodigal son and heir ... all glory and thanks to our Father His Son and His Holy Spirit....

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Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Kg1i2tQ569VI/ court luled ... vawxed not human

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What makes it worse is that injections are not even necessary anymore; there is enough nanotech in just about everything...

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Yes but I think there could still be more ritualistic abuse to be done?

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Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Agreed by overwhelming evidence and events. Nothing has derailed the death train. Appears to gaining momentum.

7/100 almost = .0625, deagle numbers.

Oh well…

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The embarrassing part is that even now, only a handful of people seem to understand all this...

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May We take Their tool to power away. That is My aim. Wish I had any energy accounting tokens (money) to have a home, let alone getting free energy tech out... Sadly I am left with directing Others in the hope They have the wherewithal.

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

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their achillies heel is ... " CONSENT" the cosmic creation laws rules as presented in [ ka baal istic texts and oral ] they are satan must get our consent before he may act on us { the story of job shows that } ie human free will is supreme nor satan nor God may override free will ,,, the satanists the baal ists are trying to upsurp that law by saying that free will is only for humans made in God image and likeness not half animals half hnumans which up to now is just a unsubstanciated claim , but now the satanists say and claim that the waxxed are geneetically altered and are no longer made in Gods image and likeness and therefore have no human rights ...so they may do to them as we do to any other animal... therefore........ i unwaxed repentant prodigal son of the All Mighty God of Love the Father Son and Holy Spirit proclaime as the heir of my Heavenly Father apply and issue the following command, choice , adjudication , by my free will that ... No genetic change can or may change our image and .likeness to the God of love truth and goodness except by our /my HEAVENLY FATHER THE GOD OF LOVE .

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Interesting. Our meat suits are temporary recepticles of our souls. Satanists think corrupting and altering our bodies also does our souls. They are mistaken. Give Caesar what is his but God will not countenance their legalese traps being applied in Natural Law.

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When I spent a lot of time among psychiatric patients, the only way I was able to justify their human dignity (most of them were unable to behave in a respectable manner, and were handled like animals on a reward/punishment basis) was that I assumed that in many of their cases the soul was intact, but the body was incapable of making full contact with it, which meant they were not completely functional in this world.

So, it IS possible to destroy the body, rendering it useless in this world (and possibly, take command of it as I described in https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/psychotronic-and-electromagnetic over a year ago), which is another manifestation that I cannot save myself.

It has become nearly impossible "to give Ceasar what is his," because it increasingly means to fully give up one's humanity...

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Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

A good link. I've written about all those things before, but it's good to see others are also informing readers.

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Yes, Caesar is stealing it all. All resources on and in the Earth. I should add, God gene research, vaccines against extremism etc. The jabbed are like automatons in many cases, devoid of any divinity

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good discernment , i pray that it is so

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RemovedJun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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True dat. Only Free Will can secure human dignity, and it is, most likely, already a zero-sum game.

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RemovedJun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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You and I think pretty much the same way in this regard. What could possibly make anyone think I've EVER played anyone else's game? :)

I'm an expert at being left out and stay out of everything! Don't you think I was not ready to die for not wearing the muzzle anywhere? 'Nuff said. :)

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RemovedJun 6Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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Of course, you didn't. I also use the general subject provocatively quite often.

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"The monsters believe that their magic AI will enable them to live forever and transform or kill others by DNA editing and other tricks, which very well might be possible, but it’s extremely unlikely to happen. They have put up their own lives, as everyone else’s, on their objective, so it’s probably time to wish them good luck"

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Jun 4·edited Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

"I even asked Ana Mihalcea to keep checking the blood of the uninjected, because I don't have the equipment."

I see several micronaughts say no difference between jabbed and unjabbed. Not Carnicom Institute, who notes there is a difference. That difference, I suspect will even out over time as un-cov-injected people are injected with other nanotech riddled things for non vax reasons. The cov-injected have a decent head start, but virtually all are exposed.

Sometimes, when micronaughts say unvaxxed blood is the same, I ask what else has the person in question had?

Cov-injected / not cov-injected doesn't cut it as a question. Did they have tests, literally any other kind of injectible, meds, supplements, eat highly processed foods, live in a highly EMF saturated environment etc. I'm largely ignored when pointing this out.

I like how Matt asks people with clear blood what they do, to figure out what practical steps one can take.

I cringe when I see people claim to be "pureblood", when that's unlikely even if they've perfectly avoided all voluntary contamination vectors. More like 'less contaminated blood', and even that is largely based on many variables.

Edited to add:

I've read a few of your posts as I was formulating my comment on this post. In one you mentioned your social / info delivery challenges in real life. Sorry if I don't have that correctly worded, I can't find where I seen it. Just wanting to say same here.

I hung out with friends a few days ago and ended up walking away for a breather when talk of cov and viruses came up, as well as a few other topics. I'm so exhausted by the sleepyness of even the most awake in people IRL. My husband is far more tolerant of and patient with such things, and very good at social stuff. He's able to wake people up gently and slowly, while accepting they may only partially wake up. I try to learn from my husband, and I've come so far compared to when we first met, but I still find it so intolerable.

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Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yup nano in many (if not all?) Injectables including insulin now. I avoid dental anaesthetics. High pain threshold.

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RemovedJun 5·edited Jun 6Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Sorry I can't like your comment, substack is preventing me from liking comments randomly at the moment. I can like posts, and some comments, but not all.

Edited to add: I found work around, I can like your comment from my notifications menu where I was notified of your reply :)

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Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

hahaha I totally sung that R.E.M. style! Thank you for the laugh :)

Yep, tyrannical individuals and organisations aren't the issue, mass compliance is. We've done this to ourselves.

I'm still reeling from that social interaction, and something has been slamming us locally too, so I'm grumpier / more pessimistic than usual right now. The friends in question are a combination of religious and spiritual, all possessing of a faith of some sort, but still too asleep for me to handle on my bad days (which are increasing, annoyingly). I got a bit snippy with some things they said and regret that, mostly I kept it together and found reasons to walk away. Of course I do have IRL friends who aren't so difficult, but almost none who are aware of enough of the big picture. As a result, not taking actions needed. I'm so thankful for my lovely awake husband.

I might need to go have a good cry and boil some vinegar to clear the haze filtering our sun at the moment.

Thank you Pirate, I enjoy our interactions :)

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RemovedJun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Boiling 3L of vinegar lifted the depressed haze yesterday :) my teenager added a few herbs to the vinegar on instinct, and a love of 'potions', which I've never tried before. They put in a fallen ginko leaf, some rosemary, herb robert, and possibly cat nip by the looks of it. It made quite the interesting aroma mixed with the acidic twang of the evaporating vinegar. All our moods improved for the rest of the day.

A good cry always feels so good, clears things out :)

There's definitely something big happening, a huge shift. It's having a large effect on people in a way I've never seen before. I'm a naturally up beat and optimistic person, and even I'm having a tough time with staying out of depressed strangeness. I can still shake it off, but it's not as quick or easy as it used to be. I have a feeling about the what and why, but I sound crazy enough as it is 😂

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RemovedJun 5
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This is just my feeling, and not a fully fleshed out one at that, and subject to change as I learn more, aka as more is revealed both externally and internally as this event progresses. It's tricky to explain as I don't have words to use that won't carry different connotations to anyone reading my comment, as such I may use slashes with multiple terms to try cover various lenses people view the world through.

I'll be contextualizing as I go as there is so much room for misinterpretation in writing.

I'm not sure what the nature of our earth is, I don't now if it's a rotating globe. I don't think flat as I live in New Zealand and our sky isn't consistent with what I see in flat Earth models. Yet, I'm not attached to the current model either.

The sun, whatever it is, is real in some way as certain solar activity hits me hard and we can literally feel it's warmth as it rises. As time passes, less solar activity is having a greater impact, something is changing.

The Earth, in whatever form one conceives of it, has a field of some sort. That field/aether is protective to life, holds us up and nourishes our soul/etheric/energy. That field, which I've been acutely aware of and connected to my whole life, is declining to a significant degree. It's decline has been rapidly accelerating n the past few years.

On Earth there is a battle of 'good' vs 'evil', that is difficult to contextualize so I'll leave it.

There are cycles to the Earth. I think of it as inhale/exhale. It feels like Earth/Gaia is in the middle of an inhale. A retreating of energy. Which will be followed by an exhale. A rushing outward of the protective and nourishing energy field life usually gets to enjoy.

There is something cataclysmic that happens in that transition between the inhale and exhale, some life survives, but I don't know how much. I suspect evil forces are knocked back hard in the process.

I feel like the evil/demonic forces take advantage of the peak of the inhale, when life is at its most vulnerable, to enact various plans to whatever their ends. The nanotech and EMF are HUGE in their plan.

I feel humans and animals have a spark of the celestial/god force/a divine connection. I suspect EMF is used to knock our spirit out of our body just enough that the nanotech can hijack our connection to the divine/celestial. Not fully knock us out, as that would sever the connection and lead to body death. Just enough that they can 'get in'. Some will be more susceptible to this knock around than others.

Why hijack our connection?

To feed off the energy of the connection maybe?

To try and hide from the cataclysm maybe?

To break into heaven/the celestial realm maybe by riding our connection?

I don't know.

I don't think evil has access ordinarily.

It's why I'm so firm in my resolve to eliminate EMF from my life, I feel is make me less me and more a monster that is not me. I see it in others, some are so strong against it, most aren't.

I don't know if I'm right, I'm not so concerned with right anymore. I try to feel my way around this realm and this is what my feelings say at the moment.

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