When cams show the QAnon Shaman being guided through our Democracy Sanctuary by Capitol Police, and blues only see the unfairness of giving Tucker sole access, the blinded will never see the entire Elephant. His gaolers did acquiesce to "no spray" meals, although organic was Beyond the Pale.

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Good Spring morning,

The instructor is always learning

Trash is not yet burning

Yet creativity is churning


For what? Cracks in the walls of rigidity

Ya got to notice the piggery jiggery

Tap your heels together three times

You’ve had the power all along :)

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Speaking of trash talk......https://reclaimthenet.org/big-tech-censoring-trash-talk-gaming

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The truth of the uselessness of further labor is obvious. Now Covid injections, lock downs, turmoil is a ad-hoc last gasp kind of solution for the Great Bourgeois like Gates or a Rothschild in that all calculations present high likelihood of success in population reduction of the West and One World Communist Governance until all mankind withers away in 50 years. The triumph of the injections indicates the depth of fear among the living. The mask proved we do not mind dehumanization. Together they show the incredible success of idolism in a former Christian nation. The four idols distinguished by Francis Bacon are the idols of the tribe, den, market, and theatre. Idols in this sense are eidola, the transient, and therefore to Bacon erroneous, images of things. (i) Idols of the tribe are general tendencies to be deceived, inherent in our nature as human beings. They include uncritical reliance on sense perception, and tendencies to overgeneralize or jump to conclusions and ignore countervailing evidence against our views. (ii) Idols of the den are distortions arising from our particular perspectives (the metaphor is that of Plato's myth of the cave); the corrective is to remember that whatever our mind ‘seizes and dwells upon with peculiar satisfaction is to be held in suspicion’. (iii) Idols of the market-place are errors that come in the course of communication with others: misunderstandings arising through abuses of words. (iv) Idols of the theatre are the errors introduced by theories: the abstract schemata of Aristotelianism, and the introduction of theological notions into science. Bacon here compared philosophical and religious systems to theatrical, and therefore fantastical, representations of the world.

Thus we are in Suchness. No political change from this idolatry can occur. Only inwardly can we see a "Turning." Then and only then is possibility the spark lights the flame of freedom.

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Hopefully the people recognise how fucked we already are. We must reach those who know how bad it really is. Our overlords killing us is BAD.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I'm thinking that many must approve of the democide, not just the WEFers.

Not everyone who has escaped the shot is crying out a warning.

I'm putting Trump in this category - of wanting a depop. No excuse for feigning naiivite. Not all in this corner of Substack are bothered, as evidenced by misleading messaging.

Toying with us some more.

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We are deep down in it for certain. Lots of corporate partners - and their corporate lackeys - are involved. No culture gets to be this screwed up without a lot of people being involved. The WEFers are just the top-downer management function. I mean when we know the YMCA & The American Red Cross are WEFers it becomes kind of obvious. Most of our cities are run by political tools obedient to the C40 cities of Bill Clinton and the WEF. It is going to take a ground swell revolution much like what the Dutch farmers and North American truckers have been doing. Much capable civil disobedience.

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I was always suspicious about recycling as a scheme. That's why I reuse everything I can before recycling 👊

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Lot of money to be made in the recycling business.

Council compost schemes now for household collection. While the water pipe bursts gurgle on ignored.

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Not just the Atlantic.....Scientific American, too...... "New Evidence Supports Animal Origin of COVID Virus through Raccoon Dogs

Genetic sequences show evidence of raccoon dogs and other animals at the Wuhan market sites where SARS-CoV-2 was found in early 2020, adding to evidence of a natural spillover event"


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Yes, gaslighting is overflowing the pods.

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