Hi Ray,

I've come back to this post because l am really troubled. I have been pondering it all evening....

I don't have a comment or opinion....l have questions to ask you.

I'm not sure what you are saying & because l have deep respect for your perspective & viewpoints l am SINCERELY asking for clarification.

I believe you are stating that we should NOT have FALSE hope.....

Okay....l get that & l agree.

You said:


*What faith? Faith in what?

You said:


*Trust in what? Ourselves? Our Creator? A personal spiritual belief system?

*Faith in what?

(same questions as above).

Obviously l do not now nor ever did place my faith & trust in fallible entities. I've mentioned before that l am a believer in a Creator of all that exists.

Yes, l've had my "hope" encouraged but then dashed because l was foolish in my hope (like initially thinking Feullmich's hearings would "hopefully" solve things).

You also said if our Creator is not well-meaning then we are all screwed....well, yes, that's a given!

I sincerely hope (haha...there's that word again) that He is well-meaning! I have faith/trust that He "lS" well-meaning. I pray this is not all just a big cosmic joke. I don't believe it is.

Are you saying that we should not have false hope & just be blundering along "hoping" things will someday get better? Of course, another given. That would be foolish....

Okay, so are you saying we must have trust/faith that a Higher Power is in control (even if that means humankind will eventually become extinct as l believe it very well could happen)?

I guess l'm obtuse (please forgive me) but l am asking you for clarification on what you are implying in this post.

My hope is gone but l still have faith/trust in God & His plan for His creation. Is that what you are saying we should have in order to have hope? That we should trust that our Creator is in control so that we can thereby have HOPE for the future of our souls no matter what happens in this earthly realm?

That if we who have faith/trust in God first & foremost then we can have "hope" that it will all work out in eternity?

Please clarify even if l am totally misunderstanding what you are saying in this post. This is such a profound issue. Probably the most important issue for all of humanity.

If the future of humanity is doomed so be it. But who are you implying we should place our trust/faith in to allow us to have hope?

That is my question.

Thank-you in advance for your reply!

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Sorry Laurie about the ambiguity in my article, but I believe, answering your questions is a private job that everyone has to do alone.

You have done that!

Nobody can ask for more!

It doesn't matter what I think; what matters is what YOU think and what YOU are doing with your life. Therefore, you didn't misunderstand anything I said! :)

If I have to answer the question for myself, I certainly confirm that faith must be directed to an objective and an entity that are more important than my life; there is no other way I can maintain my personal integrity. After making the right commitment, one cannot be intimidated, which is clearly expressed in Matthew 16:25: “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” Please, notice that I have no inclination to preach; I would be the wrong person for that. My job here is to inspire my readers to do the thinking and making their own decisions!

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Thanks, Ray, for getting back to me. You really weren't ambiguous in your post. I just really, really wanted the clarification that l was understanding correctly. It is a wonderful sense of peace being able to direct my faith & trust in an entity that is so much more important than myself. It is deeply gratifying not to live with fear & intimidation. They can destroy my body but never destroy my soul.

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I agree, it’s entirely personal.

...on Earth as it is in Heaven, for me, that is my job and quest as it is all I can do and see, process all of creation is in- constant readjusting. These past few years have most definitely increased the ‘gifts’ of seeing for me, Laurie, you’ve written almost exactly what I have experienced!

Hope and dashed hopes.

I remember/hearing seeing Mike Yeadon for the first time- posting from his garage! His sincerity rang very clear for me. Then Reiner and all the interviews- I think he is/was sincere also- popularity changed his dynamic. It was useful in seeing the breadth of the corruption, particularly through the world wide judiciary systems.

You’re doing great Sister!

Go humans, even though it seems we are but few!

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It turns out Yeadon is a Christian. Must have found his way back home...

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I have always gotten positive vibes from Yeadon since l initially heard him talk & have observed his progression as his awareness grew. He is a real genuine, caring man. It is wonderful to learn he is a Christian! And to hear, Ray, that you positively impacted him does not surprise me.

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I was most surprised, too, when he seemed to turn around only 2-3 weeks after our brief conversations... I don't consider myself an important asset, because I am not one. :)

I learnt about his affiliation only a few weeks ago, which explained his change of directions.

FYI, I like the guy, too! With all his faults and mistakes, he looks/sounds authentic.

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I will need to wait & think about this post (need to digest & mull it over before commenting indepth) but l feel comfortable right now to comment on Reiner Feullmich & Malone.

Initially, l fell in love with what Feullmich was doing with his "Crimes Against Humanity" hearings.

I was thrilled. I thought "Wow, these damn bastards are going to get what's coming to them"! I listened to every interview. I was so filled with HOPE (haha). I couldn't wait for Nuremberg 2 to begin!

But then when the hearings were concluded & it became apparent that no legal proceedings or legal action was going to happen....well, my bubble of hope fizzled out. It was just a kangaroo court in a sense. I guess it was a good thing because it provided education to many on what was going on with the stupid PCR tests (which was Fuellmich's main focus & he lead people to believe that's how he & his team were going to LEGALLY WIN IN A COURT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW expose & BEAT the corruption of the scamdemic & then the PCR tests would stop because they are worthless & the mandates for the covid poison jabs would cease. And those responsible would be held accountable!). I feel Feullmich dished out SO MUCH HOPE but then failed to deliver anything of consequence! Other than informing some portion of the population of the corruption what did his hearings accomplish? Big sigh.

But then he publicly announced that he had accomplished his "goals"??? with his hearings & that was that. So like what?

Like no Nuremberburg 2??? He was done??? I don't recall his exact words....but....he was done. That's when l knew humanity was totally screwed.

I still don't comprehend how the global elite is NOT being held accountable for this genocide....but that's my inadequacy. I''ll figure it out eventually. You would think crimes of this magnitude would easily be able to be prosecuted. At first l figured it was money & so much corruption (as in bribes & blackmail, etc). But now l'm thinking it's obviously much deeper than that. A spiritual battle way over our heads.

What l do understand is exactly what Ray has just said....Fuellmich was all a big show. I wonder (aside from fame) what his efforts profited him? His show with his hearings sure hasn't turned anything around in this whole genocidal mess. Not a thing. And yes, the Titanic continues to sink!

As for Malone....l haven't read his Substack for today yet. I will later. But it always bothered me that he took so long to come out. Sure he's smart & has insider knowledge but something is "off" with him. I'm thinking he's quite ego-driven. Malone writes all these technical articles (which l read) & does all these interviews (which l watch) but....l really dunno. What is his game? He makes me uncomfortable....really, who gives a shit about his gentleman farm in Virginia & his rare breed of horses that he raises!!!

(Don't get me wrong....l love & have owned horse in my lifetime....but why does he always need to bring that up in his Substack & interviews!). Is he trying to garner our sympathy & admiration? Oh, another thing....he won't let you comment in his Substack unless you are a paid subscriber. Petty on my part but that disturbs me....

Those are my subjective ramblings for now....l will be back later if l think l can contribute more.

Thank-you Ray.

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Fuellmich was definitely a show.

Malone, just like Kirsch, is slowly understanding what Yeadon understood about eight months ago (and I tend to believe, I played an active part in his awakening, while communicating with him): nobody will be spared only for being an accomplice. The "science" these "experts" act upon is based on lies and their representatives are, therefore, fully dispensable.

Sorry, I've never had the nerves to read Malone; too many lies... Horses definitely raise sympathy and admiration, but they are also memes of a "freedom" that exists only in stories.

Oh, I don't subscribe to anyone, with the exception of Jon Rappoport (I think it was mostly he, who woke me up, but I'm still not sure if his Substack is really he; once I'm convinced, I'll pay), who doesn't allow comments from anyone. Being well-meaning cannot have a price tag on it...

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Agreed. The foundation must be built on rock( faith, trust). I hope I’m not considered a moron for mentioning this, but Dr. Reiner Feullmich is conducting Crimes against Humanity in Europe. Maybe we at times, need something like that to help get through the tough times. Although we’re taught to go by faith, not sight. I know I just can’t stand what’s happening to us, the world.

Check out Dr. Malone’s post today. It’s an interview with Mike Wallace and Aldus (sp?) Huxley in 1958! The narrative before the video is very interesting. Today has been a long time coming.

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No, you are not a moron. Getting your priorities straight might still make a difference. Fuellmich will not do that. It's a show, while the Titanic of the world is going under...

Malone is a shill, but in the last two weeks, I noticed that fake opposition started to reveal parts of the truth; sadly only parts that make no difference anymore and nobody will be indicted for the crimes, anyway.

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😢You speak truth!

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❤️not working!

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For me neither, trying to leave a bunch!

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Sep 18, 2022
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I don't think God takes revenge; I am only human, but even I have never taken revenge on anyone, because I found even the very thought nauseating. More likely, He will grant people their wishes for eternity, unless they prefer to trust Him instead...

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Sep 18, 2022
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What I believe is that people punish themselves with their crimes. God doesn't have to add anything.

Believing in a loving God seems more realistic than in one who is brimstone and hellfire. People create their own hells, so God is out of that job! :)

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Sep 18, 2022
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The question is what that responsibility involves and what happens, if it's ignored by the person.

"Doesn't break down the broken reed." Not sure about the "disciplining" part. Even Shakespeare's Hamlet observes about Solonius:

"Smile, smile, and be a villain!"

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Sep 17, 2022
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What is it about Faith that scares so many into thinking that they must try to paint those humble enough to know that they are the creators of diddly-squat , and are merely Manipulators ( once Stewards ) of the Garden , as lazy, thoughtless bums, waiting for some Non-existent Imagined Entity to save them from their irresponsible ways of showing concern for The Sacred?

Meanwhile, the Man of Science diligently leaves no stone unturned, no resource unexploited, no Pandoran box left unopened, and somehow feels safe in his KNOWLEDGE that there will be no Force that he'll have to answer to for his hasty-wasty crimes against life... since we all just erupted here --BANG!-- you know, hedonistic sensualism in a nerd suit, riding the wave of entropy, no rewards, and no punishments?!!?

Ignorance of The Law is no excuse, children, so kindly shackle yourselves in place, if you'd be so kind, and Quiet Down; let's have some Order in the Court, so that we might ease your way for you as you go... into the squeeze-chute. Yikes.

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Yes, it can be for those, who have no idea who they are.

A drunk can pray endlessly, "Please, God, let me not drink."

God doesn't do the drinking. He does...

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It's unclear where Scott is coming from. If "he" is a bot, "he" will not answer. If "he" is a troll, "he" will make no sense in "his" response. If "he" is a human being, "he" is unlikely to be able to say anything in response. "His" remark aligns well with Freemasonry. I only wish those radical rationalists in the idiotic treads of the "Enlightenment" tried their own medicine, and they may be left buried alive for the rest of their lives, which are not going to be long, because the "useful idiots" are not going to be spared by the technocrats... I only wish rationalists had tried what I did around the age of 19: live by perception and logic. After six months, I had to give it up, because it is not for human beings; in fact, it's for the perfect psychopath (and the US school-conditioning has been geared towards producing the conformist psychopath for 40 or 50 years by now!) No, these freaks only expect others to do it!

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I remember reading about your youthful experiment/ experience! Wise for a young man, back then.. I forgot there may be bots or trolls. & freemasonry, ugh, cringe. Thanks & appreciate your substack & the authentic commenters here

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The commenters are definitely the most valuable people here!

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My faith in Jesus, leads me to be as responsible as possible to Him, myself and humanity.

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People reconsidering the way and the reasons for which they live may have been the greatest positive result of the plandemic!

As soon as the worldwide murder plan was clear for me in March, 2020, my first step was certainly that! :)

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Cheers to that, Ray!

I know of many people that were always making excuses for theirselves, and for any other lukewarm toadies willing to ride along, saying that it would take a catastrophic event to effect some change on their part(s), and lo' and behold -- here came the almost obvious Hux-wellian scheme --canned, wrapped, and ready to ship worldwide, a la Klaus and his Schwabbies.

Now "they" (this time referring to the poor, doped masses, as opposed to the hidden and not-so-hidden "they" of the string-pulling elite) are willing to take the zombie apocalypse, Mad Max dystopia that has been growing in the womb of hollywood; now being removed by Caesarian section, the beast is unleashed, and many of these will continue to hearken to the lies, as we can learn from the wisdom found in Matthew 24 --truly, the whole sermon on the mount, but particularly the verses 38-42, in regards to what we will see, as we are seeing ...

I would not be truly Alive if not for the words written there for those willing (able?) to sense the profound truths that they contain - that Living Word.

The only lasting sustenance, and worthiest of treasures!

Keep hold of the Shield!

Ephesians 6: 10-20 !!!

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"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him."

"Collect treasures in Heaven..."

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Blessed to even be the garbage man, even the last one on the train, as long as we're on it is the Important Part.

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Romans 5:1-10

Faith indeed gives us a “response-ability.” The ability to respond to the unlovable with love and the unforgivable with forgiveness.

Hate begets hate, and love begets love... and the smallest amount of light illuminates the darkest places.

Peace and Grace to you all from our all together lovely Jesus.

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