"There is always a chance that the event is pre-arranged with crisis actors." Majority of the time. Especially nowadays.

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The SF gay bar and the NYC subway event come to mind. They both included ridiculously incompetent crisis actors, but the list is endless. In NZ, a computer-game simulation resulted in New-Zealanders losing their guns, and if anyone questioned it by showing the "video" online, they were fined $10k.

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Absolutely, I remember those. Actually, at that time, there was a bunch of gay bar shootings, all faked and/or scripted to strengthen division (and fool the republi-tards, who are only able to recognize a [fake] shooter as real if it was a "leftist") But 99% of these mass shootings are faked entirely; actually, that's one of the things Agent agreed with me completely on, as he wrote about fake tragedies before, crisis actors, fake news, etc.

But you do hopefully know the more well-known ones like Sandy Hook were also completely fake, using crisis actors, etc. The "parents" are obviously lying, whenever I see them go around gaslighting the cattle taking them seriously about gun control, etc.

The foremost gaslighting behind Newtown is, usually, "There's dead children here - how could you say it was fake, what about the poor familes?!" But like I said, those "parents" are actors, as well as the surviving teachers that were interviewed, etc.

Ryan Lanza, was simply paid to pretend he had a younger brother named Adam; what a great opportunity that was for Ryan, lol, as he (and the father, "Peter") didn't even need to do so much as an in-person interview! Adam is likely AI generated; a deep-dive into his supposed life doesn't make sense if he was real. "Wolfgang Halbig" did a good documentary about Sandy Hook, but he was just scratching the surface - the documentary I'd recommended to anyone interested is called "Who was Adam Lanza?" Check it out!

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Author Anne Blake Tracy told me, personally, decades ago that across the country medical personnel and law enforcement were muzzled from discussing the prescription drugs mass shooters were on—and that the shooting incidents related to withdrawal can happen a year after the person swallows their last pill!

That’s without even accounting for weird relationships to govt agencies, etc. Keep in mind that suicide and HOMICIDE were

listed as a drug side effects in advertising a new weekly/monthly dose of a popular psychiatric drug way back—meaning Mfg’s were completely aware of this. Apparently, toxic mind control compounds take a long time to accumulate in the brain and a long time to decrease.

No one addresses that a number of these drugs have fluoride as an active ingredient or unlisted “helper” that drives substances through the blood brain barrier, increasing absorption in key areas but not overall. Oddly. So what happens when you tip the balance further by drinking 2 mg per liter fluoridated tap water? Guess who is not going to tell you?

*. RFK, Jr. mentioned in an interview that Sirhan was clearly shown in photos to be standing Iin Front and shots came from behind, so Gov of CA has some explaining to do. ( Newsome kept Sirhan in prison but allowed Manson family murderer to go free.).

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A small pinch of borax can undo the effects of fluoride, pls search this to verify, cannot remember where I read this. The person recommending it was actually using 20 mule team out of the box, a very very small pinch, daily. Trust but verify.

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I am familiar with bathing in borax or boron as a supplement to help with the extreme pineal calcification that fluoride causes.

Keep in mind it definitely does not "undo" the damage. It is a lifelong hobby, not a small pinch. It is good to have hope, but not a false sense of security, in my humble opinion.

An MD in the us (from India interestingly) told me that 70% of North America is demonstrably deficient in iodine and other minerals. It gets worse every year since we embraced fake fertilizers to force the fake appearance of nutrition in produce. America has a surface over quality obsession to overcome. I digress.

SO iodine doesn't just affect the thyroid, even though that's huge for every body function from immunity to higher brain functions. Iodine is used in every cell of your body.

Iodine is on the Table of the Elements in the same column as Chlorine (sound familiar) Fluorine, and Bromine, which are all toxic. Iodine too, if it is too much and the wrong kind. Suffice to say, we are flooded with the other chemicals and they compete for placement in body receptors. When you take fluoride/fluorine, for example, it latches on to the empty spots where iodine should be. Added caution, if you've been taking drugs or water full of fluoride, or eating foods etc...then when you get some iodine, your body dumps the bad stuff radically and you get halogenation gasses in the blood that can kill you. Chalked up to iodine "allergy." Right. SO go slowly in other words.

Fluoride fails on so many levels we don't have to go to this, but I will. Reportedly, Germany put it in water supplies pre-WWII to make the public passive and suggestible. It got so popular that it was dumped wholesale in prisoner food in Vietnam, for the same reason. It suppresses the parts of the brain that let you question authority. Doesn't immediately or visibly violate Geneva Convention, but super effective. Tired, passive people are easy to control. Also causes mutations in collagen formation, so you die of cancer, premature aging, arthritis and calcium deposits in heart/arteries and connective tissue instead of in bones where you want it.

All a big coincidence. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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The good news is there is always a small percentage of the population (1-3%) who aren't affected. They just can't be poisoned enough to go along.

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Where are the KR lawsuits?

He announced he was going after all of them, then nada.

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Virtually all mass shootings are scripted fakes.

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Then the scripted fake shooting might inspire a true nutcase or psychological drug user to act on his own.

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No, Kevin is 100% correct about the fakery. The whole "copycat" thing is bullshit, it just gives the scripters another excuse, to script and fake *another* fake shooting. You have to remember that most shooters (like the ones pictured above, for example, e.g. "Lanza") were already claimed to be a copycat in some regard, but in reality, no one was killed, and often, like Adam (AI) Lanza, the shooter didn't even exist.

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Either way it's a win for the syndicate

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David is still mostly wrong though, as the "copycat" narrative is also fake, it's an MSM/mainstream psychology false narrative. Many of the shooters listed above (most of whom probably never even existed, at least under their supposed name) were said to be copycats, and as we already pointed out, these shootings are fake, "copycat" or otherwise.

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Mass shootiings often come right before critical gun legislation.

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