The biggest change to my past awareness of 'poisonings' from the industrial world is that they are ON PURPOSE. I really did not want to believe that; now it is simple to see. Training us for a century or more to accept 'costs' of experimentation and poisoning on 'lab' animals. It was only a matter of time till we were/are the lab animals. Poisons suck, there are few in nature that have killed so many, relative to what human (chemists) have created. Getting rid of industrial by-products (the sludge at the bottom of storage tanks etc) by making them into new (poison) products, that's the business strategy we are really fighting. Step 1 is not needing the product in the first place, which points back to petroleum processing primarily. I don't want an eletric car, but I can still see how the gasoline engine has been causal in this debacle. Make poison sludge unprofitable and unsellable.

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You've known and understood all along.

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