Two articles, 17 years apart with my comments about both of them; possibly they'll serve to ... counterpoint the surrealism of your underlying metaphor, if you know what I mean: 😘

💣 "The (Formerly Law-Abiding) Citizen’s Guide to Navigating the US Prison System" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/the-formally-law-abiding-citizens

💣 "Waiting for Clarity On the Brink of Oblivion" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/waiting-for-clarity-on-the-brink

At this point, I'm 64 and touch wood, won't be around a fuck of a lot much longer anyway, but frankly, I don't imagine I'll be alive in 2 years the way things are going... and more and more, I just want "out" anyway. There's nothing I can do about these monsters and their demonic plans and God, as Arthur Koestler observed lo these many years ago, has left the receiver off the hook...

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People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul... Carl Jung

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So do you have a primary doctor? If so how does that work? I needed one as my knees were bothering me. The guy seemed nice enough and I'll probably keep going but he did soft sell me anti-depressants. And before we could get to the business of what it would take if I wanted an MRI on my knees I would need basic blook work including and Aids test. (Been married for 13 years now). The cognitive dissonance is uncomfortable. Curious how it is for people with more heterodox thoughts than me.

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Fantastic!!! Please keep re-posting!

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Useless eaters 1st

Useful idiots 2nd

Revolutionaries 3rd

The experts think they are needed

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