This is really good. While I think I’m pretty good at seeing/hearing the manipulation, there were a few new ones in there for me. Thank you! I would add to number 8, that catchy short word phrases are almost hypnotizing to people because they get repeated so often by the officials, then people walk around repeating those same phrases to others in their discussions. “Safe and effective”, “two weeks to curb the spread”, and our local provincial puppet’s phrase, “Be kind, be calm and be safe”. Catchy!, certainly more likely to catch that than C19. Then we are doing their work for them, spreading the “good” message. I would also caution against using absolute statements that encourage fear and reduce mental engagement in finding solutions, ex; your words in # 10, “while the 5G installations were/are taking place, ensuring full and complete control over people, both physically and psychologically”. Nonetheless, great article, much appreciated!

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Thank you.

"Mass manipulation" is one of my major topics. If you put the phrase into the search box under "Archive" on my main page, you might find more articles that you might enjoy. I am usually concise and to the point; several books have been published on a lot less, and their authors teach at Harvard and at other detestable places. :)

During living in various cultures speaking different languages, I realized that each culture divides up the human experience into different segments, which results in divergent concepts. Forcing specific words/phrases/expressions on the people weaponizes language, because as long as people use the same terms as their oppressor, they lose their cognitive independence or, to a certain extent, even their sanity. The most common result is Stockholm syndrome, when the powerless victims defend their torturers...

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Just seeing this. Thanks Ray. Yes, it's a point of interest for me too, since I remain baffled at the extent to which people are affected and have lost their own discernment. A dear friend took his third booster the other day, despite me sending him (at his request) very clear evidence of the dangers of the Jibjabs. He is a young healthy(formerly?) man, which is of course the most at risk for heart attack and death. I was absolutely gob smacked that he had come to the conclusion that it was somehow a good idea to get another one. I have yet to hear his reasoning. From my perspective he has made a grievous error.

That's very interesting, re; getting people to use the oppressor's language and how it causes a cognitive loss of independence. I was just thinking about the weaponizing of language when it comes to wanting to discredit opposing view points. A good derogatory "Label" goes a long way to discrediting everything that person says. To the point that people hearing the label will subsequently presume that person and by extension their viewpoint can hold no legitimacy and need not even be considered. I might put some more thoughts together about this. In the meantime, thanks for the search recommendation, I'll check it out! :-)

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Dear Ray, please do not feel under pressure. Do take the best possible care of yourself for AS LONG AS you need. You are the only one to know.

We miss you but all of us (I am sure) understand and at this point want your recovery more than daily articles be they ever so helpful.

Take care.

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Thank you kindly. It appears I survived, at least for the time being. While in the hospital, I even posted an original article on Ensure, which preceded other authors' articles on the toxicity of synthetic supplements as well:


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Dr Sam Bailey announced on her stack The End of Covid videos free to view from 11th July for 3 weeks. Trying to get people to see psyop of covid is hard enough without even touching 5g implications.

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My posts usually preceded Bailey's "revelations" on identical topics, and I consider her posts limited hangouts, because even later than me, she publishes less. Nothing new there...

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I've heard and seen this one all too often in my personal life:

"do not kill grandma" forced people and even little children into humiliating and poisonous muzzles and into dangerous, fraudulent, and poisonous "tests" and lethal injections.

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Very astute, honest observations and some beneficial solutions!!!

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