Since PEW did not consider the opinions of observant Jews important enough to include in their survey, I took the liberty of posting this link.

Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe :

"Iran vs. Iron Dome of Emunah_ Modern Miracles and Divine Wonders "


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Apr 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Sunni Caliphs are not based on lineage to the Prophet (pbuh), this is what Shia's believe to be the case and was the point of disagreement when the prophet (pbuh) passed away.

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The priest who was officiating at my dear sainted mother's funeral mass (her sister had bought a hundred masses for her. Not sure how that works), tried to dissuade my sister from giving her eulogy- "Lassies always weep up a real mess of 'em" he told us in his fake Irish Brogue-he was from Minnesota. She laughed and insisted. Of 8 Simacs raised Catholic left, not one took communion, a sign of the decline. Taking 110 years to switch over from Latin would have delayed this. I lost interest as soon as I could understand what they were saying.

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Absolute dinger! I come from 'Catholic' Ireland and honestly have no interest in organised religions, they seek to be the middle men and get you to believe God is outside of you that the Bible is truth (spare me!) and tbh the two 'christians' in my family are not very nice people. nuff said.

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My spouse and I, being miraculously led in pretty unusual ways to Salvation in the Lord (whose Hebrew name is Yehoshua),

believe the bible, thus end times which the Lord likened to a woman with 'birth pangs', with the contractions coming

closer and closer, each one painful, then letting up for a while.

End times, according to the bible bring on some bad things: mark of the beast, antichrist in the temple, believers hunted and killed.

No trouble understanding how any of that could happen, as I think about Scotland!! For example.

Another way to put 'end times' is 'do you believe things are getting 'darker', or worse, or, to use a biblical word 'more evil'?

The bible says the 'man of lawlessness will be revealed'. I think that's certainly been going on. Actually, I think since

the Lord came 2,000 years ago. It was then, is now. Just more pervasive.

The rapture doesn't happen until 'the last trump'(look it up), so that's after all the bad stuff.

Certainly, it's hard to believe that anything can be completely fixed at all: the oceans, the air, the ways going on.

In my country, it's concealed, but it's totally unfriendly, distanced. Social distancing plus. Unsocial distancing.

And because people just can't agree on anything, it's likely for the best.

I just didn't find 'Yehoshua', the Lord to be a liar in anything He said or did.

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I attend Mass most mornings and there is a small group of committed Catholics that are there every morning and are the backbone of the church. Every day we pray a rosary after Mass and sometimes we pray for the conversion of the Pope. Every age seems to usher in a new world religion. Before Christianity it was Mithras( whose symbol was a bull in the age of Taurus.) Jesus ushered in Christianity in the age of Pisces( the fishes). Now we are entering the age of Aquarius and who knows what the dominant religion will be. Hang onto your prayer books- looks like it’s going to be a wild ride.

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the end of time for all ...from the moment of conception we start to die ,,, we are not but start to die... die ing is on going process ending with death then re boen again an d start die ing again ,,, over and over and over ... " if you eat of this tree you shall surely die " not surely be dead untill we get liberated from die ing ... dear God of goodness truth life and love please enlighten us how we may attain liberation from die ing

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This is in no way meaning to be disrespectful. It's just basic math.

The story says that God gave us the rainbow so it would never flood the earth again....Did he mean with POPULATION? ..... We won't soon be ABLE to have a population due to the gae/trans/cyborg rainbow agenda. The math is just all wrong.

So THAT may not be the end of the whirled, but the end of humanity all together & thus the end of the whirled as we know it.

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I'm'a takin' a more Dickensian view 've things i.e. "best of times" an' "worst of times"--it's sure an eye-openin' marvel ta see jus' how many lies we wuz told--so that's (ta me) a great boon cuz once ya know ya cain't "unsee"--like that they wanna kill us!

My latest on that Band-Aid ripper is here btw:


SO...so we're livin' thru some lousy-as-heck challenges (mebbe not the WORST but purdy bad) BUT if we git ta the other side (not gettin' apocalyptic or apoplectic!), whatever minds not made ta mush that 'are left kin start rebuildin' with greater awareness (than ever) of whut undid 'em--inchin' ta the "BEST." It may be some years 'fore the full house'a cards collapses but I jus' don't see the evil weenies winnin'--they are too smug by half an' too dumb by half too! I try ta keep my chin up but my feet bare 'nuff ta step inta the mud a bit an' git ta see the muck up close so I know ta avoid it 'fore it turns ta quik-sand!

But ta address what yer sayin', ta what GOOD duz this talk land ya? I know a nice homeschoolin' mama (evangelical) that told her "poor" kiddos that their "end" is near--I'm sorry she did this--she is a decent person but how HORRIFIC ta tell this ta yer young'uns (the eldest is like 15). It's like groomin' 'em (unintentionally) for a cult like Heaven's Gate (oy an' egads).

I read that 'fore Gutenberg there wuz a 500 year GAP where folks (not the rich, natch) fergot how ta read. IMAGINE. I mean I read ta my surprise that the lower classes in some ancient civs. were quite literate ta varyin' degrees an' they LOST IT (kinda like airline werkers unlearnin' how ta fix aircraft today?). So that ta me sez--there's hope. Now if ya really wanna make me heppy, they'll fix Notre Dame LIKE IT WUZ, restore all them melted statues, an' find copies of all the burned books. I remain reso-loot-ly! hopeful!

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The religious spirit has tried to slowly erode the inner knowing that we all come into the world with. They've replaced the nurturing of life and the respect for dignity of humans and all living things with rules and regulations. Jesus spoke in parables for a reason. It's traveling our own journey and learning about the journeys of others that strengthens the humanity in us--not making more rules. There should be no middle ground in sanctity of life issues. Rules can cause a pulling of consensus into some manufactured. "middle ground" to try and please all of the rule followers and their varied opinions. Human dignity is the same--treating people as objects to be used is wrong on every level-- there is NO middle ground. No court of law can change that fact no matter what new laws, rules or regulations they institute.

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Only church goers or studiers of religion will know what the "End of Times" signifies.

Then there's those who believe that they are going to be saved in the Rapture. Possibly suits them to look forward to the end of the suffering.

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