Lordy this is on the money (theirs! not ourn!)--an no, we cain't underestimate the true evil of AI; if we allow "them" to convince us how "lame" it is--we shall sadly git bit by our own suicidal trust (didn't too many folks just DO this?) Like the dear Little Prince, so intelligent yet so wrong to think lettin' that snake bite him would return him back to what he once had, to his beloved rose, to his small planet. We are all with him--but best to repair our planes an' git the hell outta danger--never trust the snake or think' you can use 'im fer yer own loftier purpose. The whole picture from space (not Space X-the Movie) is a paintin'--an AI one at that. Scenic design (ain't intelligent but sure fooled a passle'a folks...)

Oh dear Ray, still recovering? What ails ye? Sorry I haven't read much've anythin' but I hope all is okay! I been outta the loop myself--all healthy in body but not in spirit--my youngest has gone offa the deep end given these 3+ years of Hell ketchin' up with 'er so we're runnin' ragged like human stypic pencils...tryin' ta save her from herself! (I'll post 'bout it eventually) Sending healin' thoughts n' blessin's yer way!

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What if you dropped your cellphone in the trash, after smashing it? Land line from Ooma, under $15 a month.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

You summarized my thoughts...but who to contact to stop it? Politicians don't even respond.

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Good work and connections made here Ray. People certainly don't need mass surveillance, they are doing a pretty job of doing it to themselves. The nail in the global willfully ignorant coffin will be these satellites, if people don't take the time to look up from those cute (soon to be dead cat) videos: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/5g-satellites-a-threat-to-all-life

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