Nov 18, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Lovely exchange here! Heartened to see a post Covid pharmacist!

My brothers daughter graduated w/ dr of pharmacy degree just pre-Covid. She married a classmate who did the same, May’21. They were hell bent on jabbing the entire wedding list and facilitated the process due to their respective positions.

Her tears were the main reason my brother jabbed, as future son in law set up the one and done JnJ jab appointment for him. It’s been a train wreck of various maladies ever since that none of the family will discuss . My mom and sister and I were the hold outs.

The happy couple had since saddled themselves with many lovely liabilities, big new house, cars etc. so that they are now slaves to their debt which obviously leaves them with the choice of tow the line and keep blinders on or enjoy their wedded bliss in debtors prison.

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and the there's this from Dr. Gerry Curatola, DDS,  a pioneer in biological dentistry rejuvdentist.com /biological-dentistry/tooth-meridian-chart/

Tooth Meridian Chart: Is It Legit? What Is It Good For?

You may have heard that tooth meridian charts can explain why you’re having specific health problems. It’s tempting to believe that a simple dental procedure could cure an ongoing chronic illness.

But is there any truth to the tooth meridian chart? And what is a meridian chart, anyway?

The tooth meridian chart derives from the marriage between Western dentistry and traditional Eastern medicine. It’s used to explain how the body’s energy may link problems in the mouth to other areas of the body.

Most people associate meridians with acupuncture, but some biological dentists believe they may be affecting your oral health, too.

There isn’t much scientific evidence that energy running through meridians in your teeth affects the rest of your body. However, some recent evidence suggests that acupuncture meridians may be related to connective tissue planes throughout the body.

In other words, there may be a physiological basis for some parts of the meridians.

We want to provide you with some basic information about tooth meridians to empower you to make your own decisions about your oral health.

What is a Meridian Tooth Chart?

What are meridians? According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), meridians are channels that carry vital energy, or qi, throughout the whole body. When your qi is blocked, it can keep your body’s organs from working properly.

Acupuncturists and energy healers work to unblock the qi so energy flows freely and your body can heal itself.

There are 12 primary meridians in TCM. They are:






Large intestine

Small intestine






Do teeth have meridians? According to traditional Chinese medicine, yes, certain teeth are associated with each of the body’s meridians. A tooth-organ relationship chart shows you which meridians are associated with each tooth and organ in the body.

Is the Meridian Tooth Chart real?

The meridian tooth chart isn’t supported by modern science, but many say that it has still helped their patients.

Holistic dentists who follow the chart say they’ve helped their patients overcome diseases and illnesses with proper dental care. Some even claim they’ve avoided giving root canals by addressing problems in the body first.

What is the purpose of the Meridian Tooth Chart?

The meridian tooth chart explains how toothaches and other dental problems can signify ailments somewhere else in the body.

For example, a toothache in the tooth associated with the intestine could be a sign of chronic digestive problems. Or, damage to one of the teeth connected to the kidneys could create kidney problems for that patient.

(Reminder: The evidence for tooth meridians is anecdotal, but if you’re worried about what’s going on in your mouth or body, book an appointment with Rejuvenation Dentistry.)

Which tooth corresponds to which organ?

What teeth are connected to what organs? Here are the teeth that are associated with some of the body’s major organs:

Which tooth is associated with the heart? Wisdom teeth (third molars) on both the upper and lower jaws are associated with the heart.

What is the significance of the tooth corresponding to the stomach? The molars on the upper jaw and premolars on the lower jaw are associated with the stomach meridian. A toothache or other problem with those teeth could indicate stomach issues, according to traditional Chinese medicine.

Other organs on the tooth-meridian chart:

Lungs: upper premolars, lower first (front), and second (back) molars

Large intestine: premolars

Small intestine: wisdom teeth

Liver: canine teeth

Gallbladder: canine teeth

Spleen: lower left premolars, upper left molars

Kidney: upper first (inside) incisors, right lower second (outside) incisor

Bladder: all incisors on both jaws

How Oral Health Influences Overall Health

Regardless of whether tooth meridians actually exist, your oral health absolutely influences your overall health.

Many studies have shown that problems with your teeth and gums can create chronic health conditions in the rest of the body. Harmful germs in your mouth release chemicals that promote inflammation throughout your body, which can cause many problems.

Damaged or missing teeth can also affect the quality of the food you eat. Many fiber- and nutrient-rich foods are crunchy or hard and take time to chew. If it’s difficult for you to eat, you’ll be more likely to eat low-fiber, nutrient-poor, high-sugar foods.

Your poor diet can then create even more problems and negatively affect your health.

Here are some chronic diseases that have been linked to poor oral health:

Cardiovascular disease



Alzheimer’s disease and dementia


Premature birth and low birth weight

Mental health [...]

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

that's why medicine is called a "practice"...? i always tried to emphasize risks vs benefits of "dangerous" drugs... i was accused of scaring people in complaints to the management... and being incredibly helpful in compliments to the management...

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

ahhh, an old farmer pal said when he was young, the doctor would tell him to get checked out by a dentist first...now,THAT's one savvy /humble doc,eh?

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Have you encountered Ivan Illich's book Medical Nemesis? 1973, and he discussed doctor caused death. I am 65. I saw my father have his first heart attack when I was six and we were fishing at a trout lake in PA. He died during open heart surgery when I was ready to enter an MA program in Myth Criticism. Symbolism aside, the time between age 6 and the summer of 1963 in PA. and age 22 in Sacramento in 1985 in hindsight is grindingly slow and since then appreciably accelerated. What must it be like for a 90 year old doctor, a GP, seeing sicknesses and treating patients compassionately and professionally?

A doctor born into the world of 1932 and seeing his ART today.

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I was thinking this morning more or less along these lines though I never had the old fashioned doctor as a child. I was thinking of the poet and doctor, William Carlos Williams. He was among the very last of the old GP's. He made house calls.

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