Elon Musk: Google "Polygraph test of Ella Gareeva"

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Thank Ray, Whilst the whole world, one way or another, has & is working itself into a frenzy over covid, long covid, etc etc etc. Now the other smoke & mirrors. CBDC, WW3 & some more.

Served it's true purpose the scamdemic. WHAT? I hear them/you SCREAM. OH YES INDEED.

All a cover up for the totalitarian enforcement system to be installed Whilst everyone was distracted.


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The original article clearly says: Messed Up: How California...

Later Vijay Prasad wrote: "It strikes me as a bit dehumanizing to treat children like this."

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Rob never said a word against the muzzle before they became unfashionable.

He is still supporting viral (infection) theory and the criminal climate change narrative...

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It appears that most people didn't actually read the article since the author wasn't Robert Kennedy. Brenda Baletti, PHD was, and said "according to a paper published in JAMA Pediatrics". Ray, are you shooting the messenger here? I found your conclusion to be ambiguous and misleading, and am surprised to see you use such a tactic. Disappointed too.

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The messenger shot himself in the foot. CHD is Rob's project...

He is posing to protect children, while supporting the violence of the muzzle against them.

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I don't read it that way at all. The article is exposing this ridiculous action and shining a light on how completely insane California has become. JAMA is the source. The article never supported, but ridiculed the insanity.

I'm not unsubscribing, but I am scratching my head. It seems to me that your bias is affecting your usual good sense.

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While i am very happy to hear some truth about #BigPharma injections being literal poison enter the mainstream, i have discovered that RFKjr is in on the climate scam. So, that's a massive red flag. It's also more confirmation that it's ALL political theater. They're all controlled. Quite literally the POTUS has been preselected for nearly a hundred years and managed by the CFR. (h/t James Perloff, The Shadows Of Power).

The courts, the legislatures, the executives and ESPECIALLY the bureaucrat agencies are captured. The latter was basically created to run the Luciferian shadow government and orchestrate the takeover.

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Yes, he's a climate change fanatic, though in recent days (as in literally a couple of days ago), he's tried to walk it back by saying that mega billionaires want to use climate change to usher in totalitarian controls. But just 3 months ago, on his CHD site, he posted a comment as moderator saying that carbon is an existential threat to the planet: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/exxon-climate-scientists-predicted-damage/ "the carbon which now poses an existential threat to our planet". He also pleaded with readers not to fall for the propaganda and lies, which I took to mean that he thinks people aren't intelligent enough to do their own research and come to their own conclusions.

Also, he's not really for free speech--he's rightly angered when his free speech is censored, but has no problem censoring your free speech, if your views on climate change differ from his. His CHD site repeatedly censors/deletes comments that disagree with their viewpoint, and back in 2020 there was a tweet from him complaining about facebook allowing "misinformation" (aka truth!) about climate change.

Also, many in the health freedom movement see him as compromised and maybe even a fraud: https://rfkexposed.com/fact-6-robert-f-kennedy-the-facts/ Though RFK Jr. says he's against dangerous vaccines (like Gardasil) for kids, he endorsed Hillary in 2016 after knowing her foundation (fraud) Clinton Global Initiative had a partnership with Merck for distribution of Gardasil. And he also endorsed the Clinton-Kaine ticket, knowing that Kaine mandated the HVP vaccine for girls prior to entering high school. So, what does he exactly stand for??

Here's a quick video by Alison McDowell on the first chapter of RFK Jr's book: RFK Jr.'s "Mismanaging a Pandemic" Narrative: Testing, Early Treatment and Repurposed Drugs


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One might reasonably argue also that the courts, legislatures and executive branches were designed for such a takeover. I do lean this direction, but i am not married to the idea. However, that such are captured NOW and how they got that way is well-documented and sourced.

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As the rulers make the laws, there are laws for them (protecting their power and their assets) and laws for the rest (serving control and involving punitive measures). This has always been inevitable in order to secure social stability.

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"Social stability" is always temporary. =)

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It is; all civilizations follow the same timetable, but their collapse usually takes out a substantial number of their population.

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"... PCR test (tainted with toxins and stealing your DNA)"

Those of us who were in the unfortunate situation of such a test may wish to read up further on the impact of these toxins. At least I would be interested to learn the extent of potential health compromise. Any good sources available? As for the DNA, what they're doing with that is undoubtedly concerning beyond words as well. Massive data to be crunched by AI, all leading to a sinister scheme of some kind at a minimum...

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The "tests" sometimes even killed people by breaking the blood-brain barrier...

They poked the back of the nostrils less then an inch away from the fear center in the brain, making the victims more docile...

In the last eight months or so, I initiated two conversations about detox,



Outraged has a few good articles on the subject:


Roman has good information on related subjects, too:


Katherine Watt and a few others are also good.

I am not optimistic about the chances for detox, but natural antioxidants seem to delay damages.

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Super appreciative of these links, thank you! I'll dig into those. Thus far the PCR test toxins seem to be a bit of an unknown in terms of just what is delivered into a person's body. Were there a variety of brands, were they consistent in terms of the toxins? Seems they had to have been scheming those instruments long before unveiling the plan.

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The PCR swabs definitely contained graphene oxide in hydrogel, but I assume, they may have contained artificial parasites in order to hook the payload near the brain.

The swabs also contained at least one carcinogen.

The "secret labs" had to develop and test the bioweapons before deployment...

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that's disturbing beyond words. does that imply once a PCR happens, there is no turning back given that payload near the brain? this graphene oxide and parasites scenario reads like right out of sci-fi. Is there anything one can do toward assessing possible damage or is it all just about watching and praying?

To only have an optimistic chance of diagnosis, then recovery/healing...

Seemingly only very few are even somewhat aware of this crisis and it sounds outlandish to most people who hear of it.

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No, there is no turning back, and chances are it's in my body, too, although I've never worn a muzzle, accepted to be "tested," or injected.

The only reasonable way to slow down the process seems to be natural anti-oxidants.

No healing, no recovery.

The damage is too complex to even be diagnosed by the most sophisticated AI on Earth, because one thing affects another and, sadly, that includes the miracle medications advertised. Do you think the technocrats were not prepared for those?

Most people, including me, will likely to die without knowing what hit them. :)

Being prepared is a good idea!

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On controlled opposition: politics is a kabuki theater, each politician is a controlled opposition for a show and amusement to the public.

Let's break the word "amusement" down: muse means showing attention, "musement" is a state of being conscious. "A" - muse , "a" is an inhibitor to "muse" in other words; a distraction, a desire on the part of whom ever is providing it, to discourage thoughtfulness.

In ancient Rome, the games of coliseum were called public amusement.

The two party political system has served the same purpose. Don't think too much, don't pay attention to that guy behind the curtain who is pulling the strings for the political puppets.

It doesn't matter who is "Selected," to office. Same shit different day, provided by the same billionaire criminals.

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Is anyone taking his candidacy seriously? Including him? How quickly does the press throw him under the bus alá Bernie Sanders? He flew on the Lolita Express a couple of times, that’s enough to torpedo any hope he has. He need to run third party and siphon off some Biden votes.

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I know you'll just roll your eyes at this, Ray, but since you specifically asked for our thoughts: Currently I can only imagine the reason for this otherwise apparently good man to want to through himself into the fray might be to draw further attention to what is really going on and consequently be an effort to wake up more people; those few individuals who would then maybe hear, for the first time, that the world they perceive has nothing to do with reality.

He knows he won't be elected, but that's not what this is about.

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Actually, he might get elected, but what difference would that make?

Rolling my eyes is not among my habits, because it would prevent me from seeing straight. :)

Rob is a politician. 'Nuff said.

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Yes, he's definitely a politician and pretty much promotes all the left wing corporate media talking points. Michael Tracey posted some basic research on RFK Jr. on his twitter, mainly to counter the group think/cult of personality going on, where nobody was asking questions or looking at his positions on issues:

Of course RFK Jr. was neck-deep in all kinds of Russiagate conspiracy nonsense. Have any of his new cult followers bothered to actually research the guy?


I think TPTB might put him in there to continue moving the climate change agenda forward. But IMO, it doesn't matter who they put in there, they just keep advancing toward their Great Reset.

Also, according to the research of Katherine Watt, the key position that he responsible for this health dictatorship we are under is the Secretary of HHS. But even if we got a good guy in as President, nominees for that position have to get approved of by the Senate, which is a swamp. There's no way the Senate is going to allow a non-pharma controlled person to be Secretary of HHS, just like they won't allow someone who is anti-war to be Secretary of "Defense".

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The "climate deniers" should go to jail (or be executed?) is just a bridge too far for me.

He's sold out whether he knows it or not. Their was the statement that it may have been taken out of context, but he has not cleared that up yet, so it wasn't.

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Did RFK Jr. Say All Climate Change Deniers Should Be Put In Jail?

Watch Out for Propaganda (Remember, We Are in an Information War) https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/did-rfk-jr-say-all-climate-change?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=705029&post_id=116723141&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Sorry, Edwin, I'm not quite sure what you are talking about. I've never cried for blood. There will be enough of that, anyway...

And yes, he knows... I keep wondering how all these mass killers justify their actions...

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Unpopular news, so you may have to dig for it.

Doesn't matter anyway, no way he's getting near the presidency.

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Edwin....Go to: 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, Substack. He has some good articles about why Bobby isn't the right Candidate.

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I commented on those. :)

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We need more real men like you :-)

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Lynn, you know my question:

Who is "we"?

Furthermore, even if there was more, what difference would it make?

These are not necessarily pessimistic questions, and there might be answers to them.

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Thanks Lynn.

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You wrote "False hope sells, because it’s cheap"

It reminds me of the Gustave Le Bon quote: "The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim."

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I was surprised he interviewed Dane Wiggington on his Spotify podcast recently. I’m wary of his enthusiasm over “ climate change “.

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Dane Wig-outington is an operative and really just such a joke and soooo obvious. RFK is just another flavor of this of course. Dane's latest "were turning into Venus" faux panic could not be any more transparently concocted. If you criticize him on his blog he ghosts and blocks you. Do you really need to know anything else?

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A few years ago, I left a comment on an article on his site, expressing the opinion that those responsible for the toxic chemicals being sprayed on us aren't actually human. He deleted it immediately.

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He is still on YouTube. So I guess you’re right.

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Dane got his start in the "Big Leagues" of propaganda many years ago on Coast to Coast AM when George Noory took it over. That he was ever on that show at all, much less regularly, is a huge cause for suspicion in that Coast degenerated into full scale psyop mode upon Art Bell's departure. Even Art had way to many of these opportunists on but didn't let them completely take over the show.

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I had no idea he’d gotten started there. Thank you. That whole crew… Art Bell yelled at a friend acquaintance of mine once. No Jesus talk in their interview! I don’t think it ever aired.

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I'm surprised to hear that about Art because the shows were always live and he refused to even screen calls, even though the network was pressuring him to do so. That was one of the reasons people loved the show, because neither Art nor anyone else knew what was coming when he took a call. And some of it was just CRAZY. I actually got through once, about 20 years ago, and got to ask a question of a guest with absolutely no screening going on.

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I’ll ask my friend if it ever aired . Cool you got through.

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Why is Bobby running now? He could've many times years ago. Is he just controlled opposition?

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RFK Jr. stated that we are in perilous times and he felt moved to step up to the plate..

I hope you get a chance to hear his speech. .

I doubt that a candidate that addresses endless war, big pharma, the decline in health

of all Americans and calls out the democrats as the party of big pharma, surveillance,

endless wars and health of Americans is controlled opposition.

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Do you know Clif High?

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Then why didn't Bobby run long before President Trump. Bobby is Politics. He didn't see what was happening to the United States? Why hasn't he changed his Party to Republican.? He believes in what the Democrat Communists stand for? I just read a Tweet from Bobby praising

JOE and what a great guy he is....REALLY.... Go and read: 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, Substack. He has listed articles explaining why Bobby is not the Candidate. I'll go and listen

to one of President Trump's speeches. I want to hear some America First.

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Not necessarily. I consider him a distraction. Presidents make no difference.

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Not the way this country is run, Trump found that out.

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Trump, with his "Operation Warp Speed," introduced himself for what he is...

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YES, he has always been controlled opposition. THEY need the public to believe in people like him so they falsely believe that real push back is occurring when it isn't. People who are easily fooled (most people) are lulled into complacency while the agendas just keep rolling forward.

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Exactly. I see your point.

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Don't ppl have anything more positive to contribute to their brief stay on this planet? The dumbing down has succeeded.

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Please, explain what you mean and try to be a bit more specific this time.

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Apr 27, 2023
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The muzzle is in the first sentence of the original article:

"Researchers trained dogs to sniff masked and socially distanced children in a lineup to identify whether they had COVID-19, according to a paper published in JAMA Pediatrics this week."

You are probably right about the odor...

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