Is  retinyl palmitate poison?

I feel Agent 131711 claim that retinyl palmitate is poison is inaccurate. Retinyl palmitate is the active, bioavailable form of vitamin A found in animal products, such as liver, eggs, and cheese. Unlike some forms of vitamin A, vitamin A palmitate is a retinoid (retinol). Retinoids are bioavailable substances, easily absorbed into the body and used efficiently.

The absorption of β-carotene from plant sources ranges from 5% to 65% in humans and some people, for example those with compromised guts, are unable to take in enough beta carotene and become vitamin A deficient.

Retinyl palmitate supplements finally cured me of my chronic systemic candida infection. The active form of vitamin A is necessary to fight off candida. I eat keto and my 2 favorite foods are red meat and eggs, which is why I hadn't even thought to consider I had a vitamin A deficiency.

Regarding "synthetic" vitamin A, degraded with enzymes, buying liver and eating it would give you the animal form however all active vitamin A, including animal liver, is toxic in high doses.

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So what do you attribute the vitamin A deficiency to? I was and am still mostly Keto (travel really wrecks that for me). My wife doesn't eat meat and I'm wondering how to deal with deficiencies, but I'm not an expert or pushing for her to join the mostly carnivore crowd. I suspect that eskimoes and others have an instinct for when to back off on the liver, but maybe that's not the case. Any extra info would be appreciated. Thank you.

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"precision fermentation" - fantastic find, brother! I had no idea.

Thanks a mill for piecing together the puzzle with Protein called CRBPII. I didn't really understand what that is either.

Glad you are more knowledgeable with the "inner workings" of these chemicals; together we can figure this sh*t out! Fantastic work, my friend!

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Thank you kindly. I owe you, too. I'm finding it spectacular that we complement each other's findings, which suggests that we might be digging in the right places.

Your method is ingenious (and it's applicable to a lot more than chemicals), and your logic is flawless. I consider my knowledge of chemistry quite rudimentary, and I have always had a problem with it, along with biology (biochemistry comes along, too) as disciplines whose working paradigms prevent the use of logic, when someone is trying to compile a whole picture. Physics has a number of paradigms, but at least they are trying to be universal and they remain consistent, at least within their own domains.

Still, logic is logic, and I tend to combine induction and deduction within a single interpretive frame:


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I cringe every time I see that evil Joe Biden with his nasty old face whisper how everyone "should pay their fair share" of taxes. They're all a bunch of dirty bastards. Reading your article makes me feel so effed over. If we all could become so angry like Jesus did to those money changers, but on a much higher level...........God help us.

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Every tax collector I've had the displeasure repeat the "your fair share" MK trigger as if they were programmed by the masons or eastern star to say it like a judge will always bang the gavel THREE TIMES (embedded MK in the general population).

It has its origin in merchant marines where a hired crew or even Pirates still had to "pay their fair share" of whatever the captain had determined.

Sounds like moist communism to me.

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We wouldn't be around without help. :)

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Finally clean and sober after a terrible year of detox from alliopath meds,

NOW are you telling me I am killing myself again taking crap supplements?

-Geez, the food is NOT 'vitamin' rich when it lasts in your fridge for over a week...not even your 'veggies' or your 'organic' salad that lasts for over a week...

-When 'Whole Foods' began with Bezos... my partner and I wondered if one day...

Bezo's 'Organic' Super-Store would be the only place to purchase 'healthy' foods...

-This year alone....

many MANY of the local food chains, including Wally-Mart, and ALDI have dramatically reduced what were once burgeoning 'ORGANIC' sections.

Entire "health' sections in the markets are GONE...no more access to oils, teas etc. all greatly reduced along with selections. Almost every grocery store has re-organized and re-duced supply. Every week the shelves are thinner and thinner...


since January 2023

the Y-Tube Dr.'s I follow....

-suddenly STOPPED discussing supplementation, instead are promoting 'nutritious foods'


... one famous Doc now has PFIZER as a sponsor

did you read that?


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I have taken so very many supplements. There was a time when I was swigging Carlson’s fish oil for “anxiety and depression.”

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Me too, I could open a shop I have so many. After a long a protracted health issues from I think dental anaesthetic- with no help from any where holistic I started muscle testing (used in kinesiology) myself for everything (I have been a body worker/teacher for 30 years) and body said no to all. I am hoping to get back to work and you can be sure muscle testing oneself is top of the list.

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I've tried a few supplements a little a few times in my life, but only for a few days, and nothing made a difference. I guess, my liver managed to detoxify well. :) Most of the latest miracle treatments for the general poisoning, however, made me feel worse. There was a single exception, but even that worked only for 2-3 weeks. Now, I know better and will check the MSDS reports on ingredients in everything I consume or ingest (one ingests through the skin, too, and I cannot do much about the air I breathe in, except for using air filtration).

Agent's article helped to complete my thoughts about modified proteins, and it's perhaps my most important finding since I started my stack.

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Interesting. I've taken so many over extended periods of time, but when I was doing so (mostly in the 1990s-early 2000s), I always assumed they were a "safer" alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. Sometime in the early 2010s, I really began to reconsider that belief. I haven't really taken many since that time. However, I was doing Carlson's Vitamin D/K drops during the initial "COVID" fear porn. I bought some NAC along with Quercetin and zinc and other supplements recommended for "COVID" in 2020. My "NAC"--or whatever was in it--reeked of rancidity after a couple of weeks. That was my last taking of supplements, though from what I read in various Subs, nato-kinese seems to benefit some people.

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exemplary and essential research

shocking too

thank you

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If my conclusion is true, it's the most important discovery about the way people have been being poisoned for much longer than the time when the injections sped up the process. I've been saying that talking about the injections is a red herring for months, but this time, it has become just about certain.

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"John D. Rockefeller:

"We're going to keep them alive for a short time, weakening their minds while playing the opposite. We're going to use science and technology in subtle ways so they never see what's going on. We're going to use soft metals, aging accelerators, and tranquilizers in the food and water, and in the air. They will be covered in poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will make them lose their minds. We promise to find medicine from our many foundations, but in the process we give them more poisons. Chemical poisons are absorbed through the skin of idiots who think they are some great actors and the hygiene and beauty care products presented by musicians bring eternal youth to their faces and bodies, through their thirsty and hungry mouths we destroy their minds and the system of their internal organs, reproduction.

You will continue to prosper from their wars and deaths. We repeat this until we reach our final goal. We will continue to keep them in fear and anger, giving them images and sounds. We will use all means to achieve this. We provide the tools through their work. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors. We will always hide from them the divine truth that we are all one. They must never know this! They can never learn that colors are only illusions, they must always believe that they are not equal. We will reach our goal drop by drop. We will take their lands, resources, and wealth to gain complete control over them. We trick them into passing laws that steal what little freedom they have. We will set up a money system that will destroy them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. When we collectively ban them, we will charge them with murder and present a different story to the world because we will own all the media. We will use the media to flow information and manipulate their emotions in our favor. When they rebel against us, let us trample them like insects, for they are less than that."

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Where did you find this quote by Rockefeller?

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This is now from a Hungarian site, but I have also seen the original in English.

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While the Rockies have been selling the byproducts (industrial waste) to the people in many forms, I would also love to see the source. (This sounds like a quote from the Elders).

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The source is not indicated here. So far, everything has happened this way, and you write about these things. But of course it can be dismissed, the facts remain facts... This also applies to the minutes of the elders.

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All I can say is that the text is strikingly similar to The Book of Elders. Whoever wrote it, knew what was coming, and it's been here for quite a while.

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We provide the tools through their work. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors. We will always hide from them the divine truth that we are all one. They must never know this! They can never learn that colors are only illusions, they must always believe that they are not equal. We will reach our goal drop by drop. We will take their lands, resources, and wealth to gain complete control over them. We trick them into passing laws that steal what little freedom they have. We will set up a money system that will destroy them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. When we collectively ban them, we will charge them with murder and present a different story to the world because we will own all the media. We will use the media to flow information and manipulate their emotions in our favor. When they rebel against us, let us trample them like insects, for they are less than that."

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Burn in hell, Johnny Robafeller!

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Will not! A Roman Catholic leader said a long time ago that only they invented the idea that they could keep people under their rule...

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Who said that?

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I’m beginning to see your point about proteins and enzymes. The blood is merely showing very weird thing’s floating about and or growing. Vascular system is the plumbing - bringing in needed and flushing what is not useful any more. Complex indeed ! Lab coat I have not either, sexy in a lab coat 😂.

Looks like for now I’ll stick to making the syrup, also working up a nice supplement from Turkey Tail, self sourced in the woods . At the gallery I’ve been concocting all natural soap and body butter- calling it C.U.Y.A.

Stands for ‘clean up your act’.

Yeah, I’m still entertaining myself in the midst of this octopus leach attack.

Actually sold 8 bars and three of the body butters yesterday 😂. Have to make more- I’ll send you and Monika some when I get more made.

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Curious about the 'syrup

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Maple, sap is running, makes for great sugar treat, contains trace minerals from the trees:)

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Thank you! We always use local in this house!

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I am probably lucky that so few people understand my point about modified proteins. Also, I started the article with diversions for the AI that analyzes it, and hid the essence in a few sentences near the end.

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Modified P, sure was effective for the weed killer, prevented absorption and or consumption of sunlight for plant growth 😉

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Thanks I didn’t understand but going back gain now 😉

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Sorry, I had to hide the point I was making. On the down side, it's difficult to find it even for human beings. If people understood it, I would get about eight thousand subscribers in a day or two, and hit a hundred within a month.

On the other hand, this stack is only for the three percent of the three percent. I'm happy with the number of my readers (2,356, and losing one or two who adore the microscopy red herrings).

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Sounds like a plan that has been proven to work! :)

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Are You Ready For Some Fixedball?

"All my normie friends are here on Monday night!"


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I'm not surprised you're "mortally tired of gazing at microscopic images of damaged blood cells." I am going cross-eyed myself - layer upon layer upon layer of "information."

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It's more and more likely that the "blood work" is mostly a red herring. (I can attest to the destruction of RBCs, because I have had it, too, but that's only a symptom, not the cause of the condition.) I've been suspecting that for quite a while, and Karl's rude attack on me helped me to become even more convinced. No progress, however, has been the most convincing part.

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Looking at the images leads just as far as the chicken can get watching the grill.

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It became a clown show the day Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem and then became a racist organization by posting "End Racism" in the end zone! They should stick to playing football; it is embarrassing!

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And I'm wondering if any of the "experts" is going to pick up my finding about modified proteins...

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Entertainment is simply catchy, highly contagious and toxic, tell me about it. I've never got over it, poisoned, lol!


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Feb 26, 2024
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Thanks for the tip. Never heard of it, but I'll check it out.

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