At the very center of all this US Land Title manipulation is Private Trusts:

Private Equity is the Trust held by the Trustors; they delegate how their “Property” is to be used by the Beneficiaries in the Trust arrangement. This is the function of IFC and the World Bank. Through the Trust System, the Trustors can hold command of all Corporate policies and assets. So, Private Equity doesn’t mean they privately Own a company, it means they can privately Control it. This is the same arrangement in the Public Sector, where a Federal Corporate Franchise can also secretly Control the Dejure Instituted Government.

Forget National Sovereignty, Public funding can be used for Private interests, through Private Trusts.

DTC and Land Titles:

Here is an article that goes into some detail in regards to Allodial ownership. Land Titles are not that much different than Stonks; they are effectively paper titles, so they are in fact controlled by the DTCC just like ‘stocks’ and ETFs. There are centralized methods of control; everyone knows what a “Parcel” or a “Manor” is. How about water rights to the land, who actually owns those rights?

What is Allodial Title? 11 Things (2023) You Must Know:

What applies to Land Ownership in this system, also applies to most other things we own; Our own Identities, our Children as can be seen with Birth Certificates, Vehicles, Houses, Money and Assets, fungible or not. Gokce’s article below explains a great deal of the various splits and divisions that exist to reduce Sovereign ownership of Real estate. The way it is so well defined, shows the general pattern of Trusts.


Also see this important article:


For an average person, you can only get a "beneficial title" to your property not the "fee title," it is nearly impossible to get Allodial Title anywhere....

Globalist Stakeholders want control over your Birth Certificate so they can control the Money they fabricate. By controlling the Money in the economy, they can control the Real Assets such as Land and Water Rights; even Physical assets like Gold and Silver.

Please see slide player: https://slideplayer.com/slide/15219327/

It is often impossible to identify who the real culprits are in the Trust System since these can be folded into one another; trust inside of Trust.

I Trust nobody.

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This is important information; I'm pinning it.

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Thanks Ray please you have and science on nicotine vapes being full of n.t.or p.e.g. or is a guess? Also check z app rife. what frequency breaks p.e.g. et all?

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I believe, PEG is a listed ingredient (it's in a lot of things, anyway). Not sure what the rest are and what you mean by "breaking PEG."

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Thinks Ray the vapes list p.p.g.but not peg can they lie? Dr Rife able to disintgrate cancer with frequency. This n.t. should have resonant freq. TBD So would Dr rife method also work for n.t.?

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“… and be happy” was modified after people got upset.

clearly the mRNA didn't work.

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That's pretty cheap land from Texas up to North Dakota and over to California / Oregon /Washington State.

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I´m selling a piece of land in Nicaragua, Central America, next to a millionaire´s house, like 15 miles from the capital, located on a modern major highway, a lot for a nice house for $20K. If anybody´s interested, let me know.

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I ache for My own place! I cannot tell You how much! But targeted, disabled, destitute, and homeless... Not likely to have My own home. But I doubt that will happen in My lifetime unless My work (unpaid) is successful.

Targeted Individual (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/targeted-individual

The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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The title is misleading..the central and south should not be capitalized unless it is referring to the actual countries not the locations. Or it should use the United States

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In English, important words are supposed to be capitalized in titles. :)

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Pretty maps Ray.

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