Blatent. They are stealing this land, but they are losing the trust of all the other peoples of the islands of Hawaii. Can Hawaii's people somehow fight back in any real way?
I’ve heard that there are police cars that have no indication of being Hawaiian, just say “police “ or something. Anyone have info on this? Is it even true?
I can’t confirm this guy is legit but it sure sounds like it. In addition, I’ve heard there are police, not from the area obviously, and new vehicles that must have been shipped in. Amazing they had time to shop these vehicles right away but food & water - shelter for the victims took weeks. 🙈
I saw videos of jet skis delivering water and food to beaches because locals were not allowed past check points to bring much needed food, water, & medicines. They only could let FEMA trucks go through. This was in very beginning.
In one of the early Hawaii Realtor videos, I think it was the day after the fire, he was out taking video of Lahaina town and at about minute 5:50 he was walking along the street and came across several blue shirts laying in the scorched rubble, that were still folded with paper price tags on them🤨 Blue shirts, not burned.
Its in the link that I have posted, also covering the use of filters. However, being a photographer, I know that there are at least 2 blue lens filters densities available to which neutral density filters, among others, can be added in order to enhance blue saturation.
Even from the fragments that are available, it's quite clear what happened there. It was mass murder. As Lucinda said in the comments to the previous post, everybody is in Maui now...
Blue filter on green laser blocs 80% of the beam. When a laser throws green colour light on a blue and red balloons, the red will burn first. In this case, we are talking of milliseconds laser bursts. Any non-green object will burn faster than any other colour.
Considering that many blue or brown materials have a green pigment component they would either not burn or burn much slowly.
Match this with a detailed Lidar map of an area, as observed over Hawaï in January 2023, and selected locations to be spared (billionaires’ houses) to the nearest millimeter and you might get the perfect Lahaina burning pattern.
Now, let’s see what will happens with the predicable grab of the land. I long to know which of the government, the municipality or the real estate agents sharks will do it.
Three days after the disaster I have sent some money at random to a resident through a fund raising. Although I’m not an American, showing solidarity seemed to be the right thing for me to do under the circumstances. :)
Canadian Rebel News' Alexa Lavoie joined Sheila Gunn Reid to discuss her on-the-ground coverage of the deadly wildfire that tore through the town of Lahaina (aired 02/09) -
My take: Psychopaths wanting to cage Humans used Their DEW weapons to take out the places They wanted but the owners would not sell. And now They're hiding data. And taking over the destroyed property.
The big question so many are asking: where are the children?? I heard 1200 missing. Lots think they were trafficked. All the buses were parked then after the fire...the school was spared...only six buses were left. I have a pic.
You should post the picture on notes. There might be someone( hopefully) trying to put pieces together & find out the truth. Not our gov. obviously. 🙈 I would post anything people think might be helpful.
Blatent. They are stealing this land, but they are losing the trust of all the other peoples of the islands of Hawaii. Can Hawaii's people somehow fight back in any real way?
I guess I'll have to go shopping for some blue shirts and jumpers (I think you call them pullovers) tomorrow.
So thats what they're really doing up there in that space station. It has nothing to do with space at all.
Sounds surprisingly reasonable!
I’ve heard that there are police cars that have no indication of being Hawaiian, just say “police “ or something. Anyone have info on this? Is it even true?
I can’t confirm this guy is legit but it sure sounds like it. In addition, I’ve heard there are police, not from the area obviously, and new vehicles that must have been shipped in. Amazing they had time to shop these vehicles right away but food & water - shelter for the victims took weeks. 🙈
I saw videos of jet skis delivering water and food to beaches because locals were not allowed past check points to bring much needed food, water, & medicines. They only could let FEMA trucks go through. This was in very beginning.
In one of the early Hawaii Realtor videos, I think it was the day after the fire, he was out taking video of Lahaina town and at about minute 5:50 he was walking along the street and came across several blue shirts laying in the scorched rubble, that were still folded with paper price tags on them🤨 Blue shirts, not burned.
Doesn't it require a particular hue of blue?
No it doesn't.
Its in the link that I have posted, also covering the use of filters. However, being a photographer, I know that there are at least 2 blue lens filters densities available to which neutral density filters, among others, can be added in order to enhance blue saturation.
I really don’t know, I just thought it was strange that cotton shirts would still be folded and not burned amongst the smoldering all around them.
I remember the housetops that survived; they all had the same blue color. I'm sure, the color was not the only type of target for the laser to spare.
There are a few who I trust giving updates from Hawaii or thorough research reporting. Here are there links.
Even from the fragments that are available, it's quite clear what happened there. It was mass murder. As Lucinda said in the comments to the previous post, everybody is in Maui now...
Laser beams are made to be colour selective. They can pierce the only red balloon through a row of different colour ones.
The most powerful are the blue ones (military use), meaning they won’t affect blue objects rapidly:,can%20aid%20in%20burning%20ability.
The Blue Laser and Its Applications in Industry and Science [melting metals… as Aluminum?]:,energy%20from%20a%20blue%20laser.
Blue filter on green laser blocs 80% of the beam. When a laser throws green colour light on a blue and red balloons, the red will burn first. In this case, we are talking of milliseconds laser bursts. Any non-green object will burn faster than any other colour.
Considering that many blue or brown materials have a green pigment component they would either not burn or burn much slowly.
Match this with a detailed Lidar map of an area, as observed over Hawaï in January 2023, and selected locations to be spared (billionaires’ houses) to the nearest millimeter and you might get the perfect Lahaina burning pattern.
Thanks for this explanation of lasers and the color blue.
Oups! I had not opened Ray’s bottom link, full of the same info but, not on the blue colour.
Take good care!
The military DEW research center was conveniently next door.
I didn’t know that fact.
In this video of Lahaina, all the blue houses walls are intact and only the inside has burned, proving the use of a blue laser!!!
Now, let’s see what will happens with the predicable grab of the land. I long to know which of the government, the municipality or the real estate agents sharks will do it.
Three days after the disaster I have sent some money at random to a resident through a fund raising. Although I’m not an American, showing solidarity seemed to be the right thing for me to do under the circumstances. :)
Canadian Rebel News' Alexa Lavoie joined Sheila Gunn Reid to discuss her on-the-ground coverage of the deadly wildfire that tore through the town of Lahaina (aired 02/09) -
My take: Psychopaths wanting to cage Humans used Their DEW weapons to take out the places They wanted but the owners would not sell. And now They're hiding data. And taking over the destroyed property.
An Open Letter to Klaus Schwab (article):
You Have a Choice – Will You Choose Wisely? (article):
The big question so many are asking: where are the children?? I heard 1200 missing. Lots think they were trafficked. All the buses were parked then after the fire...the school was spared...only six buses were left. I have a pic.
You should post the picture on notes. There might be someone( hopefully) trying to put pieces together & find out the truth. Not our gov. obviously. 🙈 I would post anything people think might be helpful.
Sorry, I'll be away for a few hours; will respond after that. If anyone seconds any of the ideas, that will be automatically posted.
Was a DEW used on 9/11 🤷♀️
Thermite was found at 911 site. DEWS? CGI? Probably more.
There is no question about the controlled demolition of the towers, especially Building 7.
Sure seems like it to me. Check Dr. Judy Wood's research and book.
Yes. That’s what I watched
Just read something on that a few days ago. I am siding with the holographic version combined with controlled demolition.
Please, introduce links with a little explanation.