How far should this sedation go? I hope it’s not a Midazolam/morphene injection!
Poor dentists. They are on the top of the list of professionals who commit suicide. At this point, their profession is also under attack, and most of them probably don’t even know.
However, their patients are also under attack.
As graphene oxide was found in dental Lidocaine already in November, 2021, and a little mouth swab or a skin patch can deploy the same poison in the body (other liquids are also under suspicion), it is a good question if you want to go to the dentist at all. I remember having a dental appointment about a year before graphene was discovered in Lidocaine, and I couldn’t sleep all night and canceled the appointment on the day I was supposed to show up. I’ve been in a limbo ever since.
What alternatives are available for dental treatment?
Can you at least secure a safe extraction for yourself?
Can you find an alternative that is not advertised by the very same people who are selling it?
Waiting for answers, and I’m probably not alone…
I stopped going for teeth cleanings about 3 years ago. Every time I went, they stuck metal probes between my teeth and gum to see how deep the "pockets" were. My mouth would bleed and be sore for days and have nagging gum soreness. About 8 months ago, I read an article about how we all have 2 digestive systems: the Gut Biome, and the MOUTH Biome.. We pre-digest our food in the mouth and add enzymes before the food hits the stomach.
We are constantly Killing The Mouth Biome with Chlorinated water, Fluoride, commercial toothpaste, mouth wash, etc. So, I decided to make my own toothpaste using components I knew were beneficial to a good Biome.
1. Organic Coconut Oil
2. Baking Soda
3. Bentonite Clay
4. An "all natural enzyme supplement" powder.
I use 2 parts oil and 1 part of each of the other 3.
After a couple of months, my gums healed up. No bleeding or soreness and my mouth and teeth feel cleaner.
I do NOT rinse after cleaning. unless it is chlorine free water.
You want to KEEP the beneficial Germs in you mouth, NOT Kill Them.
P.S. The "enzyme supplement" I am using is some left over from my departed dog. It's called ProZyme.
Tastes Great! ARF! ARF!
Great question. Dentists are just as brainwashed as most doctors. Just try having a discussion on fluoride. I’ve yet to find a dentist or hygienist that doesn’t think fluoride isn’t gods gift to teeth.