Sounds like a purdy good explanation of the mechanics ta me--the BEST THING is that no "good stuff" is destroyed--no healthy tissues, etc. --- only rottin' necrotic matter / bacteria (not very appetizing though!.)

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Have been recently. Did not take the sedative on offer just as last time. Mildly uncomfortable. Next time I'm going to be asking for a list of materials used as my gums were packed with something this time.

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My attitude is that like any other symptom or effect of an imbalance, we must have a balanced health, like eating hi prana foods, nothing powdered or boxed. Whenever I feel some pain in my teeth, I know I didn't do something right, like eating too much watermelon, (which was bred to be unnaturally sweet) so I try to get back on track, and the pain goes away, indicating to me that the teeth are being remineralized. I heard awhile back that the natural foods you chew on will interact with your teeth, so do not brush immediately after eating. But degradation of all things is inevitable as we age.

I've always wanted to purchase this book: https://www.amazon.com/Cure-Tooth-Decay-Cavities-Nutrition/dp/1434810607/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1SYSGW6CQFS8U&keywords=cavities+naturally&qid=1676915913&rnid=2941120011&s=books&sprefix=cavities%2520naturally%2Caps%2C83&sr=1-9 .

I had a friend who pulled his tooth out with pliers or something- made a bloody mess on the carpet, but it got done.

Very few biological dentists in my area, and many that tout they are, probably are trying to capture that market/niche.

Regular dentists always insist you take xrays, etc. or else the insurance won't work, one dentist told me. And every single dentist appointment tells me I need a nightguard for grinding my teeth at night- easy money. You would think I would have no teeth left by now, but still the same level for decades. 17 years ago I bit into something hard, loosening a baby tooth behind my adult lateral incisor, and the dentist did a root canal, which other dentists later thought was strange. Then I learned about root canals, and sure enough 10 years later, it had rotted out, so now I have a titanium implant, which I now wish I didn't have, since it's metal! Oh and the candy/lollipops at the dentist for kids- gotta love the problem/reaction/solution!

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Yeah, just like all the dishes of candy at the oncology clinic...cancer's favorite food is sugar!

My husband had 6 root canals, all of them horribly infected. Some of them were so bad, the dental asst and dentist were practically gagging.

I hear you about the nightguards...I've also been told by numerous dentists that I needed one. I finally tried one...holy toledo! It was impossible to get any sleep and impossible to close my mouth. And you can't return it for a refund if it doesn't help you!

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What can be done about treating infected root canals without a dentist?

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Sorry for the late response! I’m not sure, but I seem to recall reading about ozone gas therapy? You def need to dive deep down the warren to find out anything, that’s for sure.

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Ozone WILL kill you...

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And back down the rabbit warren I go!

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I heard 'bout CO2 dentists--it kills all the infection--nothing is cut, drilled, non-invasive... no specifics on the "deets" but it got written up years ago on Mercola an' I made a mental note've it...

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That's an intriguing idea. Thank you for introducing it; I've never even heard of it.

Let me make an assumption regarding the way it could work. Does CO2 kill an-aerobic bacteria? In nature, they are eating up rotting materials (saprophytes). Anyway, if anything is rotting in the mouth, like an infected root canal, those bacteria are needed. Maybe, that's how CO2 dental treatment works.

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oh no, you've been to an oncology clinic! Whoever's getting treatment, don't get chemo!

Oh, and hospital food is horrible too. You'd think they would have something nourishing after a birth or surgery, but of course not!

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There are lots of misdiagnoses for "cancer."

The way I have seen it, chemo kills 49 out of 50 healthy people, too.

And yes, hospital crap is full of GMO and worse...

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yep, millions every year getting mammograms, for example, and the percentage is high for misdiagnoses. Chemo, AZT, remdesevir, midazolam, dioxins, etc., they've perfected their technique.

Also, there was a video I watched given to me from a TCM friend, and it was pointing out that 'cancer' is not a thing, but that the body is in a constant state of battle with things that cause imbalance, and sometimes the body will wrap around toxins to isolate it and try to expel or dispose of it, e.g., mucus, tumors. Karkinos is Greek for a hard shelled crab, so this scarring (like scarab, another zodiac sign like Cancer) is the body trying to isolate the runaway cells.

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Try thermography for breast, non invasive and earlier detection then mammograms.

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Statistically, mammograms are up to 50 percent false negative or false positive. They press on the breast, and by irradiating it, too, might start cancer in those, who are prone to it. Moreover, "doctors" invented a "zero-stage" cancer (renamed to Stage 1/a or c?) that is not even cancer... Chemo, however, would kill even most healthy people"


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It was my spouse. I would never go that route but he was “fear-mongered”.

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Sorry to hear that.

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I stopped going for teeth cleanings about 3 years ago. Every time I went, they stuck metal probes between my teeth and gum to see how deep the "pockets" were. My mouth would bleed and be sore for days and have nagging gum soreness. About 8 months ago, I read an article about how we all have 2 digestive systems: the Gut Biome, and the MOUTH Biome.. We pre-digest our food in the mouth and add enzymes before the food hits the stomach.

We are constantly Killing The Mouth Biome with Chlorinated water, Fluoride, commercial toothpaste, mouth wash, etc. So, I decided to make my own toothpaste using components I knew were beneficial to a good Biome.

1. Organic Coconut Oil

2. Baking Soda

3. Bentonite Clay

4. An "all natural enzyme supplement" powder.

I use 2 parts oil and 1 part of each of the other 3.

After a couple of months, my gums healed up. No bleeding or soreness and my mouth and teeth feel cleaner.

I do NOT rinse after cleaning. unless it is chlorine free water.

You want to KEEP the beneficial Germs in you mouth, NOT Kill Them.

P.S. The "enzyme supplement" I am using is some left over from my departed dog. It's called ProZyme.

Tastes Great! ARF! ARF!

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Coconut oil and the clay definitely cannot hurt.

Not sure about the enzyme supplement powder. What is that? Who is the manufacturer?


Is PRN a subsidiary of any big player or is it owned by the globalists? What are the "natural ingredients"? (Poisonous mushrooms and bullcrap are also natural.)

Ananas comosus is pineapples. So far, so good.

This one doesn't look good:


This is used in food manufacturing:


Anyway, here is the product label:


Baking soda does kill bacteria, but it doesn't ask them if they are good or bad...

In emergencies, hydrogen peroxide or colloidal silver rinsing might work.

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A couple of thoughts on your comment. 1. We don't swallow the paste and if we are healthy, molds are not a problem. 2. The scare about the "mold" is coming from a Germ Theory Perspective. 3. There may be a better Enzyme product out there and I will search when my current supply runs out. 4. I would not use Hy. pero, as it kills bacteria. Which is exactly what we don't want. 5. And any alcohol is also not good for the mouth biome. Have a beer, but not right after brushing. Cheers!

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Whatever is on the skin, it gets ingested. The gums absorbs stuff even faster...

I understand that the mold is coming from Germ Theory; still, some mold doesn't belong in the body (and I have no idea if this one does or doesn't).

I hope, you have access to decent beer! It's become hard to come by. :)


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I just endured a "deep cleaning" yesterday that consisted of creating a blood bath in my mouth. It was only one quadrant of my mouth, and my initial thought was to finish with the rest of my mouth before saying goodbye to the dentist forever. But now I'm thinking of cancelling the next appointments and just sticking with my WaterPik and natural toothpaste/wash like yours. Thanks so much for sharing your formula.

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Yup. Glad to share. I just finished making a small batch 15 minutes ago.

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Waterpick actually does quite a bit of deep cleaning.

A good bottle of beer is also a good cleaning agent! :)

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Yes. I do use a water pick occasionally. Mainly if I feel something got below my gum line. I also keep those plastic floss picks with in arms reach thru out my house and cars. I use then constantly.

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I use a waterpik every day but I've been adding a drop of hydrogen peroxide to the water - doesn't sound like that's a good idea.

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As far as I can see, food-grade hydrogen peroxide must be used ONLY in emergencies, because it alters the bacterial balance in the mouth, which affects metabolism.

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Floss has Teflon in it...

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1. I don't eat them.

2. They are so slippery, they pass right thru me.

I jest, you are correct.

Is there a Teflon free floss? I'll look.

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Good to know. I have a few bottles of Guinness left over from St. Patty's.

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Guinness has red algae in it (a known carcinogen), but perhaps it's not GMO, and it's okay to consume in moderate quantities. :)

Good beer has become hard to come by...

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At least you didn't use horse de-wormer, haha!

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Also, oil pulling is excellent for dental health. Ancient Ayurvedic medicine. 20 minutes a day will clean teeth and remove toxins, but any amount will be beneficial. Brush with sodium bicarbonate to alkalize the mouth. I use a water pik as well- add a few drops of essential oil like clove, or peppermint after adding your water to kill germs, and freshen breath. Avoid root canals because of cavitations- bacteria can remain in the cavitation and cause disease in the body, see Dr. Weston A. Price’s work.

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The goal should not be to "kill germs" - this is bad advice.

Theres no such thing as contagious viruses, and ALL bacteria serves a purpose.

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Contagious viruses do not exist, but I can imagine that during heavy detox, the body can discard enough exosomes that might be toxic for others.

Logically, problems that are mislabeled as "infections" can indicate

1. bacterial/fungal/parasitic imbalance (e.g. "Candida);

2. It is actually bad when something lands in a person, when it doesn't belong there.

Both cases are more like poisoning, but I'm happy with calling them infections, if that's how infections are defined.

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I'm not entirely convinced the exosomes are the answer to how "contagion" appears to happen. Im thinking more along the lines of hormones & pheromones and frequency could potentially tell another person's body that now is a good time for detox (sort of how trees & plants communicate). But im not even sure that is the answer either.

Occams razor - sometimes the simplest explanation is the right answer. We are bombarded with toxins all day, every day, in many forms - air, food, water, EMF. Most people don't get sufficient nutrients, exercise, get enough sunlight, or have healthy meaningful relationships - all of which contribute to a detox event.

The problem is.... ever since Rockefeller took over medicine, and the Flexner report came out (labeling effective medicine as quackery) - research funding doesn't get directed towards actual science anymore.

But if you have any good info on exosomes that suggest otherwise, im interested to look into it.

(If ive misinterpreted your comment, then I apologize.... I just woke up and ive been under a lot of stress lately myself)

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Your comments are usually amazingly helpful, and even when you might be wrong (nobody, including me, is always right), your thoughts still inspire other people to do the same, which enables them to think for themselves, make up their own minds, and stop blaming anyone, because at that point, everybody becomes responsible for their decisions. Nobody in my situation could expect more, and people who think for themselves pose the only threat to the Cabal(s).

Out of what I have seen, exosomes are only symptoms, but they are blamed for illnesses and are called "viruses." When the poisoning is uniform, they might also become as such and even cause "infections," but the spectrum of harm is a LOT wider. This is only an appetizer:


Occam's razor is pretty close to reductionism, which tends to be a dead end. There are other tools available and yes, I am the one who has made them available for the general public ("academics," and I was one of them for 23 years, make a fortune stealing a lot less):


"Research" has been monopolized, although the costs of diagnostic equipment alone shouldn't break the bank. The problem is publicity and marketable findings. As the globalists own just about everything where "scientists" can make money, independent research doesn't stand a chance; it receives no funding, and if it happens to become useful beyond that threshold, its representatives tend to die under spurious circumstances.

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Well thank you for the compliment. And right back atchya - you always provide thought-provoking commentary and I appreciate that.

I only seek to understand more & hope to find the truth - or get closer to it - through conversation and friendly debate (many people seem to have forgotten what friendly debate is... they either take my comments as an attack, or they just flat-out attack me 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will not engage with people like that anymore).

Anyway, yes it is a sad state that research is in. Funded or not. I have always just been naturally curious - if I had more knowledge & training in science, I would try to get independent funding to contribute more research to these things and get us closer to truth. Maybe a public fundraiser or something even. Im sure a lot of people would be interested in that and provide support (I believe Lanka did something like this when he conducted his experiments in 2021-2022... what a fucking legend he is. Just wish more scientists would take the initiative rather than waiting around for someone else to do it. We dont NEED "official" or "mainstream" sponsored research grants - in fact, we need the OPPOSITE if we ever truly want "tHe ScIeNcE™️" to be un-biased).

But I digress. Ill review the links you provided. And I'll probably be back later to comment 😁

One last thing.... have you looked into pleomorphism? Its a fascinating topic - I used to be very skeptical of this concept but as I go deeper down the terrain rabbit hole - especially when I read books & research from late 1800's/early 1900's - it seems much more plausible and closer to reality. Admittedly, I dont know a ton about it to be able to have a full blown discussion, but its very interesting when you change perspective and look at the history of scientific evolution (and in my opinion, things made a sharp turn & went in the wrong direction in the early-mid 1900's). I hate to beat a dead horse, because i get tired of everyone blaming everything on these people, but Rockefeller and others completely corrupted society, sending us down a perpetual path of self-destruction via materialism & technocracy.

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Yes, although my project is about inform, entertain, and inspire, the community that can be formed behind it is invaluable. After it was attacked by morons/bots/trolls before, I am now quite adept at banning people who cannot conduct themselves with dignity and cannot respect their fellow commenters:


I used to allow people to badmouth me, but those days are over, too. Not because they can offend or harm me, but because they upset and exhaust other commenters, which kills the community.

I dunno about any fundraising forum that eventually wouldn't block payments for stuff that is not in line with their "community guidelines," but some are still possible to approach and if disguised well, certain forms of funding can slip through the cracks, at least for a little while. The problem is that many of these places, if the limit is not reached, simply swallow the money, because the know that contributors are not going to sue them for $25, and they are protected against class action lawyers (in a simplest scenario, judges wouldn't take the case). For that matter, my wife has a chemical engineering background, and she could do spectroscopy, but she would need the equipment. Considering the amount of romantically-adventurous chemicals falling out of the sky, being present in food, drinks, and in water, that would be a treat for the people, although I wouldn't expect us to ever endanger longevity. :)

As for pleomorphism, I have always been an independent thinker and thought twice before accepting "expert" advice. Also, I have been proven exceptionally good at re-inventing the wheel in most domains, but at least in Linguistics; my wheel was usually a lot better than the fads in the academy. I never worry much about "science," because most of the time, it's only smoke and mirrors:


I am planning to do something about Terrain one of these days, but I still don't have a large-enough audience to make a difference. In the meanwhile, I diversify (I'm sick of authors blowing their own trumpets all the time about the same old, without adding anything new), as usual.

Germ is obviously a scam. Pasteur was not exactly a saint (he allegedly admitted to his lies about Germ Theory in his diary donated to Princeton University by his last descendant in 2014), but I would place the blame on those who financed his criminal enterprise. The funny thing about terrain is that it was initiated by another crook, Bechamp, who happens to be a lot closer to the truth than Pasteur was, possibly because Bechamp was too smart to make up a big-enough lie. :)

From Comte's Positivism (which nicely fits the Masonic ideology, but I wouldn't accuse the Masons to be the only, or even the main culprits), Scientism became rampant and, although it is supposed to have been proven incomplete and, therefore, inadmissible for epistemological investigations. In the US, the masses are still being fed even a hundred years later the baloney about "scientific" knowledge. I consider you and myself at the same level of Einstein (after all, he "only" combined two existing theories into one, although I usually make up my own paradigms), so you don't have to think that you don't know... Nobody does...

Blaming others is usually based on one's self-image and, as such, becomes self-incriminating. :)

The strange thing is that the Rockefellows (descendants of a snake oil salesman, who was smart and evil enough unite railways and oil) to have done a lot of harm by forcing people to buy their chemical refuse as "medications" and by buying up "medical" training, they were not Jews, while the Book of Elders from 1905 describes a plan that predicted whatever has been happening in the last 100 years or more. Someone out there surely knows what's happening, but it's unlikely to be the "Masons," the "Jews," the "Jesuits" or whatever else that is easy to identify. None of these two parties form a single platform. Still, sometimes the truth is hiding in plain sight, so all I can do is guess, based on how I would go about the 2030 plan. I would certainly remain invisible.

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The grapheme in lidocaine is frightening. I had a crown pop off a few weeks ago, before I learned they were doing that. Had to go back in for more impressions a week later, and hence more lidocaine, because they needed to scrape off the temporary cement, and it was painful. I need to go back to get crown “delivered” which will mean more lidocaine. I Was thinking of asking for Nitrous Oxide(laughing gas). Anyone have thoughts, facts on that in these days of bioweapons?

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A lot of dental work is not that painful. Some is but it's nothing that as a kid of 8 I couldn't tolerate.

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Temp fillings might work to a certain extent, after they are placed properly...

Not sure about the rest.

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For those of you buying commercially made toothpastes, even "natural" ones, consider looking for one without glycerine. Most everything I've read about glycerine says to avoid it in toothpastes. It is sticky and difficult to rinse off completely, which can prevent remineralization of the teeth.

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I bought my own dental tools. I’ll still go every few years, but no more every six month for a cleaning.

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Way to go, but how can you handle extractions? Some teeth are brittle and you need the right pliers for them, even if they are not. How about anesthetics?

A few years ago, even dentists agreed that annual cleaning is more than enough, but there are alternatives for cleaning...

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A little off topic, but I find it funny. I need funny at times.

Remember 'the Spanish guy', comedian, did funny takes on Trudeau, other issues? He and his side kick just laugh and laugh?

Notice this guy has almost no teeth? And he would make a bundle.

He gets everyone laughing, and his laughter causes more.

No teeth don't seem to bother him at all. And, I suspect he might

have pulled out his own.

I say this for some comic relief, a little different 'slant'.

I think the no carbs, no sugar, xylitol gum might be good.

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Thanks for introducing this topic and all the suggestions, people!

Also, considering purchasing this book: Dental Herbalism: Natural Therapies for the Mouth (June 30, 2014) by Leslie M. Alexander Ph.D. RH(AHG) and Linda A. Straub-Bruce BS Ed RDH

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Small Publishing companies are out there; look them up...

I have used Inner Traditions, Chelsea Green and Skyhorse...

And no, I'm not getting anything for saying so, just giving you options...and they have coupon codes and sales from time to time...


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Thank you. I just ordered this book.

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How do they handle payments?

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Paypal, Paypal Credit, AmEx, VISA, Mastercard, Discover( It only shows Paypal at first, like many other sites these days)...I opt out of PayPal due to their policies so I am aware of this trick

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What are the alternatives?

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Sorry, alternatives to what?

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Payment methods.

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Mike Adams / Health Ranger Excellent products!


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I greatly appreciate this article!

Thank You! ☮️

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I brush my teeth (gently) with baking soda - and floss - a few times daily.

I clean my own teeth now and then with dental tools you can buy anywhere for cheap.

I rinse/soak gums with chlorine dioxide mixture.

No fillings.

Eat real food; have to chew a lot. Good for your overall mouth/jaw/gums.

No floride.

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A teeny bit of baking soda diluted in water is possibly also good for drinking moderately, like once a day (in emergencies perhaps more, but it does elevate blood pressure); it alkalizes the stomach and, therefore, assists the whole body.

For those, who chew gum: most of them contain aspartame, a know carcinogen.

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Try Sodibic 840mg capsules - contains bicarb soda.

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Why would anyone try a pill that is copiously available as baking soda?

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Yes, there's a lot of interesting research about baking soda. And another thing to consider is that almost ALL prepared toothpastes are extremely abrasive. Baking soda is very low abrasion. And being part sodium, anti-bacterial.

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My dentist uses lidocaine, I'll ask them what brand and try to dig up the info. Other than that maybe hypnosis or acupuncture as means for anathesia?

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Great question. Dentists are just as brainwashed as most doctors. Just try having a discussion on fluoride. I’ve yet to find a dentist or hygienist that doesn’t think fluoride isn’t gods gift to teeth.

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Yes, I was told by my dentist not to "go too far down that rabbit hole", lol. I wanted to say to her, hey lady, it's MY body, MY health, MY life...I'll go down as deep as I need to go!

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Same here. They just don't know, and are convinced that they do know everything. Tough combo to beat.

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No, you’re not alone at all R. It’s an issue you raised here.

🤔 Thanks for any tips that point to a safe place you can get you’re teeth into..

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