The beauty of it is that everyone can choose whatever they like the best. On my site, nobody has to agree with me or with anyone else, but sharing can lead to learning new things. :)
The beauty of it is that everyone can choose whatever they like the best. On my site, nobody has to agree with me or with anyone else, but sharing can lead to learning new things. :)
Ray this was a beautiful post. The quote with the squirrel pic will make all women cry. Thank you for that. I stole that and added it to my wife’s VDay card.
Love, just like “happiness,” is not a feeling: both are parts of the process of personal interaction and the total of one’s thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions.
After reading a bit of Arthur Bentley and his ‘naming’ issues, I’d agree that the word ‘transaction’ be used where interaction is, because it more completely describes the total process of all the ‘com part ments’
Not exactly. Feelings can be results of events and actions. I can love someone even when I have no feelings for the person, and behave unlovingly even when I "feel" love for them.
Love, just like hate, in my understanding, is the result of a decision that must be occasionally updated. In 2022, I wrote an article about anger in which I explain such decisions:
Concerned more with methodology than with theory, he saw the study of manifest behaviour as the way to more profound understanding of human affairs. Together with the philosopher John Dewey, Bentley developed a “transactional” view of social explanation that went beyond the existing prescientific “self-action” and mechanistic “interaction” approaches and postulated knowledge as a social phenomenon.
In the book “knowing and the Known” he and J. Dewey go into depth about ‘seeing’ the whole of process working as a symphony, in all life and doings. It’s a difficult read, for me anyway 😂. The intro by Ratner gives a great intro and long synopsis.
I liked that Ray! Although I am not a Catholic, I read through an article a little earlier today from a Catholic site that I could seriously relate to. It was called "The Ordo Amoris and Half Truths The Catholic Thing". For my own life I could see the relevance between natural parents and their children, and the abused language of "The Child". It's about a 6 minute read if you are interested.
Also, to my best knowledge, the 2nd commandment has been misinterpreted. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" would rarely result in love. The original goes as "Love your neighbor, because (s)he is like you."
I can only affirm that in the part and/or belief that we are all made in the image of God. I would remand back for your consideration that if my neighbor(s) deny god, and his love, we are distinctly different. Love works no ill towards their neighbor. The second commandment that Jesus gave after the greatest was according to 1st Corinthians 13, in that love rejoices not in iniquity, but in the truth. The truth is that if they cannot obey the greatest commandment in the law, how will they fulfill the other?
How true…Clyde….the greatest commandment is…”Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me!”….Exd. 20:3-5…..and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart…soul…mind….and strength!” Matt. 22:37….and neighbor as thyself! None of us ever do that…as we are all sinners at heart…and if you’ve broken one of Gods commandments you might as well have broken them all….you and I stand guilty before God! James 2:10
But thankfully Jesus Christ…the answer to man’s sin problem…came to earth… to die….and pay the penalty for our sin…granting believers forgiveness and eternal life…for He didn’t stay dead…but rose again…proving Gods offer of forgiving grace was genuine! The greatest love gift… was Gods gift of His Son…Who made it possible…for us to not only love God…but love others… with the love of God!❤️
I can affirm everything you said Lorraine. Although the term NDE (Near Death Experiences) is something I find a trifle misleading. On the same day that Jesus's body died;
" Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, (Mathew 27:50-52).
I myself have fallen "asleep" and been revived by the power of God. Although the death of the body (which I consider a seed in the earth), is inevitable, The soul of man lives forever. That is difficult to communicate to those in this world who cannot even envision just how terrible the wrath of God is. This world can only kill the body, but those who willfully choose to ignore his warnings, will be tormented day and night without rest forever. What can men do to us that is even close to that?
I heard once this definition of love: willing the good of the other and doing something about it. (Bishop Robert E. Barron)
The beauty of it is that everyone can choose whatever they like the best. On my site, nobody has to agree with me or with anyone else, but sharing can lead to learning new things. :)
Once I have read this about love . " Love is the highest level of trust ."
The beauty of it is that everyone can choose whatever they like the best. On my site, nobody has to agree with me or with anyone else, but sharing can lead to learning new things. :)
I always tell youngsters, "Don't use that word [love] - you don't know what it means."
Words of Wisdom. Love the John Wayne 5 rules. Nothing could be truer. Especially Number 3.
Ray this was a beautiful post. The quote with the squirrel pic will make all women cry. Thank you for that. I stole that and added it to my wife’s VDay card.
My wife cried this morning when she read her VD card.
Thank you Ray for mentioning my deceased spouse. I like to think that the relationship of love can be expressed by the verb more than noun.
Really like the John Wayne quips!
You’ve summed it up well with :
Love, just like “happiness,” is not a feeling: both are parts of the process of personal interaction and the total of one’s thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions.
After reading a bit of Arthur Bentley and his ‘naming’ issues, I’d agree that the word ‘transaction’ be used where interaction is, because it more completely describes the total process of all the ‘com part ments’
Mixed together to make the symphony of 💕.
If love is not feeling than what is hate ?
All of your decisions , thoughts and actions are ruled by feelings .
Not exactly. Feelings can be results of events and actions. I can love someone even when I have no feelings for the person, and behave unlovingly even when I "feel" love for them.
Love, just like hate, in my understanding, is the result of a decision that must be occasionally updated. In 2022, I wrote an article about anger in which I explain such decisions:
Which of Bentley's publications would you recommend and why?
This is from a write up about Bentley:
Concerned more with methodology than with theory, he saw the study of manifest behaviour as the way to more profound understanding of human affairs. Together with the philosopher John Dewey, Bentley developed a “transactional” view of social explanation that went beyond the existing prescientific “self-action” and mechanistic “interaction” approaches and postulated knowledge as a social phenomenon.
In the book “knowing and the Known” he and J. Dewey go into depth about ‘seeing’ the whole of process working as a symphony, in all life and doings. It’s a difficult read, for me anyway 😂. The intro by Ratner gives a great intro and long synopsis.
I liked that Ray! Although I am not a Catholic, I read through an article a little earlier today from a Catholic site that I could seriously relate to. It was called "The Ordo Amoris and Half Truths The Catholic Thing". For my own life I could see the relevance between natural parents and their children, and the abused language of "The Child". It's about a 6 minute read if you are interested.
Due to your inspiration, I am adding to the text:
Also, to my best knowledge, the 2nd commandment has been misinterpreted. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" would rarely result in love. The original goes as "Love your neighbor, because (s)he is like you."
I can only affirm that in the part and/or belief that we are all made in the image of God. I would remand back for your consideration that if my neighbor(s) deny god, and his love, we are distinctly different. Love works no ill towards their neighbor. The second commandment that Jesus gave after the greatest was according to 1st Corinthians 13, in that love rejoices not in iniquity, but in the truth. The truth is that if they cannot obey the greatest commandment in the law, how will they fulfill the other?
How true…Clyde….the greatest commandment is…”Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me!”….Exd. 20:3-5…..and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart…soul…mind….and strength!” Matt. 22:37….and neighbor as thyself! None of us ever do that…as we are all sinners at heart…and if you’ve broken one of Gods commandments you might as well have broken them all….you and I stand guilty before God! James 2:10
But thankfully Jesus Christ…the answer to man’s sin problem…came to earth… to die….and pay the penalty for our sin…granting believers forgiveness and eternal life…for He didn’t stay dead…but rose again…proving Gods offer of forgiving grace was genuine! The greatest love gift… was Gods gift of His Son…Who made it possible…for us to not only love God…but love others… with the love of God!❤️
I can affirm everything you said Lorraine. Although the term NDE (Near Death Experiences) is something I find a trifle misleading. On the same day that Jesus's body died;
" Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, (Mathew 27:50-52).
I myself have fallen "asleep" and been revived by the power of God. Although the death of the body (which I consider a seed in the earth), is inevitable, The soul of man lives forever. That is difficult to communicate to those in this world who cannot even envision just how terrible the wrath of God is. This world can only kill the body, but those who willfully choose to ignore his warnings, will be tormented day and night without rest forever. What can men do to us that is even close to that?
Great photos!
--> “How do I know you love me?” On the second page, you found, “Because you are still laughing at my jokes.” <--
Thanks for this writing. True and helpful words. A wonderful refresher and especially at this time of year.