Who is trying to be attractive here?
I’ve never been a woman, but I know one thing. If a woman makes a pass at a man and the man refuses, “There is no fury in hell like a woman scorned.” He is likely to have an enemy for the rest of his life.
On the other hand, if he is afraid of the option and accepts, he gives up what he is and enters into an irresponsible relationship.
In traditional cultures, the woman is usually not allowed to initiate, but in the name of infatuation misnamed as “love,” that rule started to be abandoned in the West since the 17th century and the Romantic era completed the process. Since then, “marrying out of love” has been fashionable, bringing the average length of a relationship to seven years (with or without a legal contract), when at least one of the parties involved is ready for the next ride. I am not advocating for arranged marriages in which both parties are treated as assets by their families (not all arranged marriages are like that), only for caution and personal awareness of the variables involved.
Obviously, only partnerships from which both parties equally profit can survive in the long run. Perhaps more importantly, cultural compatibility is also a must. Age difference is another bottleneck:
My original question still stands: What can a man do, when approached by a woman from an incompatible culture, age group, or a lot higher or lower social-economic background, if he doesn’t want to hurt her and doesn’t want to create a lifetime enemy?
My “rule”: Let men be men. I think some women forget that. I refuse to ever ask a man out.
>>I know one thing. If a woman makes a pass at a man and the man refuses, “There is no fury in hell >>like a woman scorned.” He is likely to have an enemy for the rest of his life.
LOL - Not true. I've been turned down a few times and it's not that big of a deal - just a fact of life that not everyone you find attractive will feel the same way. Better to take your chances & just ask than to always wonder "what if". If the answer is a polite no thanks, then no harm & no foul - them's the breaks :)