Why does that Rockefeller guy always look so creepy?

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Just keep up the great work!

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OMG, I enjoyed this truly inspirational stack!

Ray you were my first substack to read and I keep coming back for more. Thanks and God Bless you and fam.

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Thank you for your kind words. I hope to deserve your attention.

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"The objective of the psyop is to exhaust and engage the audience, leaving no room for paying attention to what actually matters the most. It’s a psychological war of attrition"

spot on!

they know we have to rely on a multitude of sources to have a chance to follow up. and this is where they come in. they bloat us with info on many alt media.

beautifull stack ray!

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Thanks. I am upset, because most people are lost in details that are not going to save them, and don't have time and energy to devote to what matters most.

I bet I'm going to lose a few subscribers to the microscopy people, but I explained my concerns about their method a number of times, and I'm happy if only those readers stay with me who realize that I was not attacking anyone, but only asked questions and expressed my concerns. As a matter of fact, not a single author or reader countered me with anything reasonable, but I did receive diatribes and name-calling instead. To each, their own.

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Don't take it to hard, even though "loosing" anyone to THE DARKNESS is painful, but equally it is the kind of test one has to pass to come to the truth. Those to afraid, getting lost in "the details" - the gossip of the "highpriests" - , to look at the woods and rather focusing on the trees have only proven to prefer THE LIE instead of knocking on the door of THE TRUTH!

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It's still embarrassing that mostly obviously well-meaning people see only part of the picture, but are communicating under the illusion that they can see it all. At the same time, they are missing the most essential details...

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i ask .... good God of goodness and truth please enlighten my darkness in no time ill see the picture ,get the answer , comprehend , discover etc in many different ways ... Jesus Christ " ask and it will be given " knock and it shall be opened " also it seems to me that the "deal" between satan and the good God is ,,,... satan must advertise/ reveal publically his plans and get our consent before he can act on us "personally ' also so our good God [ our Father which art in heaven ] must get our consent to act on us ... so i choose goodness truth and love

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I listen to a lot of alternative news on YT. Most days it sounds like a freaking broken record. Same old BS, day in, day out. Its great these people have a platform to keep the rest of us mules informed, but in reality, what are they doing about any of this? Sure, give them money to support their channel. I get that, but if I were to support ALL these fine folks, I'd be flat out broke! Honestly, to get some humor in my life, and this probably sounds sick to some of you, but I watch those car crash compilations. Some are as funny as hell. Because I know these crashes are probably Russian or somewhere across that great pond where this kind of humor existed back in the days of the 3 Stooges and Laurel and Hardy (some crashes I gasp at - they are horrible and I honestly feel for the people involved). I also found it horribly funny when someone dressed as an Arab and threw empty knapsacks at people, then ran. I laughed so hard I cried. Is this what society is doing to me? Please, I don't get into axe murderers and the real gore that goes on. Life just gets too serious and I have to disengage. I can see how a constant barrage of negativity could drive someone to commit a murder, or two or three. The light bulb isn't on in many folks these days, and it doesn't take much to trigger some psychos out there. I want to make sure my brain knows the difference. Thank you as always, Ray! You do your best keeping the rest of us on the straight and narrow. Thorny as that may be.

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As Lenin allegedly said, "The best way to control the opposition is to control it yourself." These days, it's impossible to tell the difference between agents and useful idiots.

I remember flying shortly after 9/11. When I politely asked if all those "security measures" could do about C4 hidden in a piece of luggage or a shoe, the agent nearly got a heart attack and told me I was raising a red flag with my question, and I would be withheld, if I carried on. :)

It looks like just about anyone, including me, could be conditioned and injected with stuff that would ensure full compliance, including commands to commit murder. Already Sirhan was one of those subjects:


And here is my more comprehensive summary with a number of good sources:


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How true. Maybe I'm being compliant by my views alone. Guess by contributing to the system via taxes and working to make a living.....voting doesn't seem to make any difference. I always did feel bad for Sirhan. Another patsy.

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The records are full of patsies... The Boston Marathon bombers come to mind, but when it's not patsies, it's probably mostly mind control or the "side effects" of psychiatric drugs...

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This article took an unexpected but EQUALLY BIBLICAL turn - ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!

Thank you!

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Is there a way use tech to short circuit the hydrogel and graphene filaments, the quantum dot tech, the synthetic biology, the self replicating process, and/or the artificial bacteria without harming the host? I cannot believe that the nefarious have thought of everything

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As far as I can see, the weakest link is the altered DNA, and it's also the oldest bioweapon out of all those:


Nobody seems to be doing anything about identifying the process and its modules...

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I don't trust Karl for the afore-mentioned reasons:

He banned me for asking legitimate questions, called me an agent, and refused to engage in a civilized conversation about my concerns:


Something is apparently fishy about all the microscopy people showing up at the same time, focusing on a single symptom, and offering symptomatic treatments, just like the allopaths (well, Mihalcea IS an allopath). Moreover, even the virus people are using microscopy to illustrate their points, so why should I believe one side more only because the other one is certainly fraudulent?

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I understand that the human dna has been altered many times in the past.

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Yes, but there isn't much anybody knows about the details, not even if the change was sudden or gradual.

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The quest continues.

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I’m not sure they completely understand what’s in the v a x. Have you researched the efforts by Dr David Nixon, Karl C, FM8, Dr Ana Mihalcea, etc?

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Karl even banned me for asking legitimate questions, called me an agent, and refused to engage in a civilized conversation about my concerns:


Something is apparently fishy about all the microscopy people showing up at the same time, focusing on a single symptom, and offering symptomatic treatments, just like the allopaths (well, Mihalcea IS an allopath). Moreover, even the virus people are using microscopy to illustrate their points, so why should I believe one side more only because the other one is certainly fraudulent?

At the same time, Matt and Nixon were civilized, but ignored my concern.

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Thank you. Any interaction with FM8?

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None. The gentleman there wanted to talk to me privately, which I refused. I replied that I would prefer to keep our discussion public. To that, I received no answer. At least, the exchange was civilized, as opposed to the one with the reseller of C1, who burst into diatribes against me, instead of conducting a civilized conversation ("Shawn Melville"; his description of his own story doesn't align well with his published texts, because the texts were written somebody or something a lot more erudite).

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I wish EVERYONE would go here and listen to Denis Rancourt and JJ Couey....this is how it ends. ladies and gentlemen......but only if you want and can handle the truth..... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2050569254

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Sorry, I don't have two hours to watch this. Started it, but stopped during the discussion of 17 million deaths (which I find a low conservative estimate, especially because the deaths are still happening) and the "spread of the virus" (there is no "virus").

Can you provide a few details, please, about the reason why you are recommending this video?

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Feb 7, 2024
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The problem is that the device is using bioelectricity from the human body, and the self-assembling property seems to be based on magnetic properties. I've been also thinking about exposing myself to a strong electromagnetic field or using a demagnetizer for the blood stream, but I haven't had a chance to try it out. At the same time, it seems that demagnetizing might work BEFORE it anchors itself to the body, but even at that point, I'm not sure how the demagnetizing/neutralizing would work for graphene magnetism.

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Feb 7, 2024
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It looks like the nanochips are somehow protected after they are anchored to the human body. Hydrogels or altered protein, I suppose.

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Feb 7, 2024
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What kind of tool(s) and environment are you thinking about?

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Feb 7, 2024
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There are some magnetic devices that people tend to praise, but I don't know if it's the placebo effect. For example, my wife liked Alex Chiu's "immortality ring" so much that she bought one for her mother and for her daughter. In my experience, it used to help me sleep better, too but since the nanotech insanity started, sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad overnight. My wife, for one, cannot wear it during thunderstorms, and I hardly ever try it after years of use.

In this case, it's the nano device that would have to be disabled, and it might have an incredibly strong magnetic field for its size, but it cannot be measured b/o its size...

I always warn people that the mass murderers must have prepared for various treatments, and I'm sure they are also selling some... I only experiment, when I feel that I have nothing to lose, anyway, which seems to be more and more the case, but I am not jumping into gobbling up ivermectin or exposing myself to radiation that is strong enough to depress the 5G/6G/7G signals.

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The Showmen had a hit single in the early 1960's called "It Will Stand"...seems appropriate for today's relentless onslaught of medical terrorism. Of course it is never going to end as the entire medi-sphere would have to be eradicated along with the power hungry boobs running it.

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Feb 7, 2024
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His eyes do look soulless. As for Zuckie, I've never cared for his legs, but allegedly he was a "fib" plant, just like Google. The "fib" certainly follows its masters' directives.

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Feb 10, 2024
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That's glaringly there, yet so few seem to be taking it seriously or even for real.

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