At the end of the day after pointing fingers and searching out the scapegoat , I imagine it will be the ultimate plot twist like that movie The Others ( i think that's the movie? With Nicole Kidman and they think their house is haunted but in the end find out they are the ghosts ) each and everyone of us throughout history has brought humanity to where we are today.

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I personally think that all those who affected us "haunt" us, but I don't believe in ghosts, unless they are unperceptivable and it passes as Purgatory. Still, I also believe that there is a place where no time exists and one can still pray for all those who have passed...

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I guess I was more commenting on the notion that people have been making choices in their dad to day, throughout history, and those actions have brought us to our current state of affairs. We keep choosing the murderer over the innocent, greed over charity, corruption over justice. But I like your comment to the previous statement... I have lived in a couple haunted houses , one had a ghost cat that we would see very clearly from time to time .

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Its been quite the journey over the last 5 years! I've always been one to look for and see the big picture... but I definitely missing what was really happening until the rude awakening of 2020. I'm thankful for your writings! I didn't even know that there was such a thing as alternative media or places like substack until a few years ago. There seams to be always something new to be learned...

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Thank you. I have developed the impression that I've been missing something that's been under my nose all the time. I hope to publish it in a day or two as Part IV of this series.

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The globalists are completely retarded. They invent the silliest nonsense and are always lying...always. The human population continues to increase. They have indeed murdered millions, but not enough to move the needle.

They will someday die like the rest of us. In that they are no better than any other human and no amount of money, power or force will change their fates. And if they keep pushing, they just might find a few pitchforks up the wazoo.

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In traditional cultures, evil, stupid, and ridiculous are often denoted by the same word. This time, "evil" seems to dominate (in my favorite definition, according to Tibetan Bhuddism, the definition of evil is "selfish").

The end of times might wake up a few people up for taking life seriously.

The real culprits are most likely unidentifiable, and how far can people made responsible for their participation in the process of mass destruction?


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“What then is time? Provided that no one asks me, I know. If I want to explain it to an inquirer, I do not know”. Augustine suggests that this is because it’s only within our own minds that we perceive the presence of time. Rather than being an external, observable phenomenon, time exists within our own consciousness: “So it is in you, my mind, that I measure periods of time” Our consciousness is a powerful tool because it is able to differentiate between what has happened, is happening and will happen. Augustine writes: “If nothing passes away, there is no past time, and if nothing arrives, there is no future time, and if nothing existed there would be no present time” Time moves constantly from past to future, and we know this because of the physical changes we constantly observe. We see new things appearing all the time that weren’t there before, like seeds sprouting or people walking past our window. Meanwhile other things become ‘past’ when they disappear from existence, like when a leaf falls from a tree and eventually crumbles into dust.

Well, this is the Western tradition.

In India-Maya, often translated as “illusion” or “magic,” is a complex concept in Vedic and Upanishadic texts. It refers to the deceptive nature of the world and the perception of duality that veils the true nature of reality.

The relationship between Maya and perception is crucial; it suggests that our senses often mislead us, creating a false understanding of the world. This illusion is not merely a trick of the mind but a fundamental aspect of human experience. The interaction between Maya and Brahman is central to Vedic philosophy. Maya obscures the understanding of Brahman, creating a veil that prevents individuals from recognizing their true nature. This obscurity has profound philosophical implications, as it raises questions about the nature of reality and self-awareness.

The journey from illusion to enlightenment involves realizing the transient nature of the material world and recognizing the underlying unity of all existence. This awakening leads to liberation (Moksha), where one transcends the bonds of Maya and merges with Brahman.

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Exactly as you are saying:

As you and I are growing older, there is less and less "new," which slows down our sense of time passing.

Plato was absolutely correct, as opposed to Aristotle: perception deceives, because it follows one's conditioning and, more often than not, expectations.

Other than that, in my understanding, no matter where honest sources come from, they "only" reflect the human experience... Only the terminology differs.

Which part of "philosophy"? As you know, I don't have much respect for philosophy...

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They are trying hard to exterminate us.... World Leaders Sign WEF Treaty Introducing 'Age of Death' Laws in West



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And they are doing a darn good job. As I said it several times before, I don't think I would know what hit me, when I die. :)

When death is facing you, all you can do is smile back (as long as you are prepared).

The WEF is a front and as such, it it to be ignored, along with all governments that "represent" their people by allying with such fronts (hint: all of them).

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