This whole week gave me no decent ideas, except for a potential parody of the presidential elections in which I compile my cabinet from puppets, toys, cartoon heroes, and little animals, but that project is not ready.
If you can help me out with problems that are popular and I haven’t addressed AND given my projections for the future regarding them, I’ll do my best to address your ideas.
For the time being, let this poster suffice. Of course, it’s wartime propaganda, so it objectifies and demonizes the enemy, playing up for the commoner’s dream of being smart, which of course, will always beyond his or her reach. However, the list itself seems to be as relevant as ever. After all, all the wars on drugs, t*ism, and you-name-it, a war is raging, and it is making progress towards its objective.
How do those claims apply today and to whom?
Not that I haven’t written about it plentifully before. My last attempt listed quite a few tactics that prevent people from thinking:
I still see people walking around wearing face diapers. Can't even look at them, honestly. They want to suffer behind those masks and choke on their own breath, fine. Most folks in the big city I don't want to talk to. There is nothing behind their eyes - they're already dead. The people in smaller towns are very much aware and receptive of whats going on. A real pleasure to talk to, one can even have intellectual dialogue. Hope that never changes.
As you've pointed to -
"... objectifies and demonizes the enemy, playing up of the commoner’s dream of being smart, which of course, will always beyond his or her reach. "
This is the greatest obstacle we face. Exacerbated today through immediate-info-tech seducing average Joe/ Josephine into their deeper belief of being well informed thus knowing it all.
Of course they don't realise how deeply and extensively they've been manipulated and played. For them to acknowledge this would be destroy their egos. Few go that route. Especially today in an atheistic world with no source of deep support, what they cling to for security is all the BS shovelled to them, on them and in them.
What will change?