my apologies for the use of we , are we becoming overly sensitive ? do we have some unexplored forgotten subconscious sensitivities ? lets disregard linguistic sophisms and discern the drift of comments , i like to believe we are all people of good will, and freely express ourselves after making sure our/ my intent is the love of truth and beauty " philokalia"
you/ we cant think of any parodies because there are no ideas of parody remaining to think of ,we are and have been witnessing mulitvarious parodies and all other forms of comic tragedies every day... from every concievable perspective .... good God HELP PLEASE
The link is certainly entertaining, but I doubt that anyone can keep all that in mind.
Let me make it simple, as I have done it before.
People are difficult to manipulate, of
1. They know what they want;
2. They have something greater to live for than mere survival (they cannot be so easily intimidated or blackmailed by harm being done to their beloved ones).
All the details come from a mind that already possesses these two; the rest are byproducts of the mentality. :)
Oh, and I have a hard time listening to what "I should do" (giving advice without being asked is a communication barrier) and those, who use the word "society" (it's an abstraction, mostly used for confusing people and by those who cannot exactly specify what they want to say).
Your last paragraph- unsolicited advice - it’s in the list - yet is difficult to not get confused if the advice comes from one that has been held in some form of respect, gets extra tricky -
Ultimately- trust oneself first.
Useful response I’ve given to this sort of thing, as well as what the person says as ‘fact’
“Oh, is that so? “. Smile and wave ;)
I guess the above can be construed as advice 😂🤪- relaying a tactic I’ve used. Many folks come through the gallery shop and say the darnedest things
This is one of the primary reasons why I don't argue and don't want to convince anyone. Instead, I present new toys and games on the playground, and everyone must make their own decisions. (Also, Caitlin uses "we," which usually ticks me off as a manipulative rhetorical device, no matter who uses it. :) )
Ultimately, the major decisions come first, because they determine the outcomes of the rest:
I’m annoyed by the ‘we’ but often give the writer the benefit of the doubt- it’s not polite to be assumed into a club :) you awoke me to that not so subtle word. It always grated on my nerves - the constant repeating in all media ‘we’re all in this together’
that link above is very relevant Ray. Thanks for posting, I remembered it, seems like yesterday-1.5 yrs now.
Reading all this as I just finished canning the first batch of tomatoes- salsa this time. 12 pints. Had to go for it this morning- fruit fly control 😂.
Yes I also learn from people with whom I disagree. In fact, it's quite unlikely that two thinking persons could agree on everything. It would make a good article, if I could pinpoint the demarcation line after which even peace between two persons is impossible.
At least you have your garden to tend to, which is rare for most folks. Here, we picked up a few more fish for our aquarium, and they must have had a parasite, because six days later, the whole tank is dying... Added some aquarium salt to the water, but at this point, that's unlikely to help...
I can't think of anything relevant that you haven't covered. Except maybe faith. That is the most important thing for me. My reliance on Biblical wisdom helps me sort through the fog of war.
Previously, I have been asked to start a forum for religion (religions? Christianity?), because I don't mix this page with ideologies. I am still not sure if I am the right person to do that, because I am not impartial in that domain.
On this stack, which is the only one I have for the time being, I approached religion only from the personal point of view in a single article:
I suspected this might be your reaction, as you have hinted at such before. It was the only thing i could think of that you haven’t covered in great detail. And, as i mentioned, it is likely THE most valuable tool in my kit. No matter how smart or stupid a person can be, accessing such wisdom always yields positive results IMO. But it is quite a polarizing topic.
There are quite a few comment sections after my relevant articles could go a long way. Of course, it MUST be your most valuable element, but it's personal, just like it is for me. After the primary decision(s), everything falls into place, but humans rely on their personal experiences, which can be quite different or, as you put it, polarizing. I am not sure if people honestly face the human situation, their response would be all that different, save for their conditioning.
We gave Stalin and his Bolshevik jewish handlers nearly $1 trillion USD in present day funds. I believe everything Hitler had to say, and wish we were all speaking German, instead of jewish LGBTQ+ and DEI. \o
"We" surely didn't, but the taxpayer borrowed money at an interest from the private bank, The Federal Reserve, and politicians spent it, as usual.
For that matter, in the second half of the 19th century, the highest number of immigrants came from Germany (est. 1870), and in some states, German was close to becoming the official language of the state, when they finally voted on that. Hitler was probably the last politician who also followed up on what he was saying. :)
Early America was predominately German, and had integrity up until the Civil War. Once the Pale of Settlement poured its teaming hordes 'o shit, we got 50M pathological, pedophilic, White hating jews from 1875-1945. Been all downhill since, except for one decade of serenity they gave us, to make 2024 that much more grotesque by comparison.
As for our ethereal debts, who pays has NOTHING to do with how much jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR received, does it Ray?
I still see people walking around wearing face diapers. Can't even look at them, honestly. They want to suffer behind those masks and choke on their own breath, fine. Most folks in the big city I don't want to talk to. There is nothing behind their eyes - they're already dead. The people in smaller towns are very much aware and receptive of whats going on. A real pleasure to talk to, one can even have intellectual dialogue. Hope that never changes.
Some of them do live in smaller towns, at least around here, but enforcement was usually handled by the police, and smaller places only have sheriffs, who usually didn't enforce the muzzles. It turns out I wrote about that in September, 2022 (and later, too, but I forgot about this one):
Great article, Ray, so thanks for that link. People better wake up and go back and watch 1984. This is the kind of "equality" that Kackles is referring to. I'd prefer to call her Kakula. No one better expect that the upper echelon will give up their best interests for the good of the rest of mankind NOR take any of those toxic jabs. If it were true, why haven't any of them fallen over from heart attacks? Not a one, Nada!
Would there be one here willing to illustrate what "being in the know" that thing we are unable to grasp actually is? Some are in the know—let's hear it then.
What New Faith arising from mass depopulation by corrupt globalists can overcome the growing power of Technocracy given the mainstream acceptance of this Technocratic secular achievement from cell phones to HAARP? Obvious no secular system existing right now outside of Technophilia proves it's potency. Technocrat and friend of Netanyahu, Elon Musk is admired!! Are worshippers of Santa Muertre able to have a Prophet speak in tongues and launch the ReConquista snatching the South West, triumphing in Mexico, and spreading by way of Jihad the cult! More or less around 2030.
"... objectifies and demonizes the enemy, playing up of the commoner’s dream of being smart, which of course, will always beyond his or her reach. "
This is the greatest obstacle we face. Exacerbated today through immediate-info-tech seducing average Joe/ Josephine into their deeper belief of being well informed thus knowing it all.
Of course they don't realise how deeply and extensively they've been manipulated and played. For them to acknowledge this would be destroy their egos. Few go that route. Especially today in an atheistic world with no source of deep support, what they cling to for security is all the BS shovelled to them, on them and in them.
You are correct. Their smugness, ego,.and sense of virtue and superiority prevent them from grasping that they are being manipulated. Living in an urban "progressive" area myself, I know so many living in delusional reality constructs who parrot the corporate media and truly believe that they have it all figured out.
Where did I suggest that all people "here" delude themselves about being in the know? My point was aimed at the alt-truth online prophets with untrained minds who garner their "intel" from secondary sources and reconstitute it without seeing all the egg on their faces. It is simply to say that when someone considers themself as being "in the know" you can usually bet your bottom dollar that they are not. In fact, this tendency towards the comforts of delusion allows the world to function precisely as it does. This pertains equally to the malevolent structures of transnational bodies, alphabet agencies, and members of hierarchical secret societies. The world of appearances we perceive is basically an inter-stacked set of goldfish bowls. Socrates said something about not being in the know, and we know what happened to him in "democratic" Athens. As for anyone re-writing the American Constitution, I would personally not be in favor of that. I would strongly favor a return to its actual observation as opposed to the malevolent and cynical lawfare we have going on around us.
my apologies for the use of we , are we becoming overly sensitive ? do we have some unexplored forgotten subconscious sensitivities ? lets disregard linguistic sophisms and discern the drift of comments , i like to believe we are all people of good will, and freely express ourselves after making sure our/ my intent is the love of truth and beauty " philokalia"
you/ we cant think of any parodies because there are no ideas of parody remaining to think of ,we are and have been witnessing mulitvarious parodies and all other forms of comic tragedies every day... from every concievable perspective .... good God HELP PLEASE
Hanging my sense of certainty on the laundry line,
Realizing that I’m just fine,
Helps to clear the clutter,
My grip relaxes - I’m free to flutter!
Love you guys, this rather long list with links to drink (not skip) I’m finding helpful 😎
The link is certainly entertaining, but I doubt that anyone can keep all that in mind.
Let me make it simple, as I have done it before.
People are difficult to manipulate, of
1. They know what they want;
2. They have something greater to live for than mere survival (they cannot be so easily intimidated or blackmailed by harm being done to their beloved ones).
All the details come from a mind that already possesses these two; the rest are byproducts of the mentality. :)
Oh, and I have a hard time listening to what "I should do" (giving advice without being asked is a communication barrier) and those, who use the word "society" (it's an abstraction, mostly used for confusing people and by those who cannot exactly specify what they want to say).
Wise cut to the chase;)-
Your last paragraph- unsolicited advice - it’s in the list - yet is difficult to not get confused if the advice comes from one that has been held in some form of respect, gets extra tricky -
Ultimately- trust oneself first.
Useful response I’ve given to this sort of thing, as well as what the person says as ‘fact’
“Oh, is that so? “. Smile and wave ;)
I guess the above can be construed as advice 😂🤪- relaying a tactic I’ve used. Many folks come through the gallery shop and say the darnedest things
This is one of the primary reasons why I don't argue and don't want to convince anyone. Instead, I present new toys and games on the playground, and everyone must make their own decisions. (Also, Caitlin uses "we," which usually ticks me off as a manipulative rhetorical device, no matter who uses it. :) )
Ultimately, the major decisions come first, because they determine the outcomes of the rest:
I’m annoyed by the ‘we’ but often give the writer the benefit of the doubt- it’s not polite to be assumed into a club :) you awoke me to that not so subtle word. It always grated on my nerves - the constant repeating in all media ‘we’re all in this together’
that link above is very relevant Ray. Thanks for posting, I remembered it, seems like yesterday-1.5 yrs now.
Reading all this as I just finished canning the first batch of tomatoes- salsa this time. 12 pints. Had to go for it this morning- fruit fly control 😂.
Yes I also learn from people with whom I disagree. In fact, it's quite unlikely that two thinking persons could agree on everything. It would make a good article, if I could pinpoint the demarcation line after which even peace between two persons is impossible.
At least you have your garden to tend to, which is rare for most folks. Here, we picked up a few more fish for our aquarium, and they must have had a parasite, because six days later, the whole tank is dying... Added some aquarium salt to the water, but at this point, that's unlikely to help...
‘What’s the most important thing one ca do?’ I will be like the postman in your post ;). 💕
I can't think of anything relevant that you haven't covered. Except maybe faith. That is the most important thing for me. My reliance on Biblical wisdom helps me sort through the fog of war.
Thank you for your feedback.
Previously, I have been asked to start a forum for religion (religions? Christianity?), because I don't mix this page with ideologies. I am still not sure if I am the right person to do that, because I am not impartial in that domain.
On this stack, which is the only one I have for the time being, I approached religion only from the personal point of view in a single article:
Otherwise, I have only made several observations on the ways religions can be used against the faithful, which culminates in the "One-World-Religion":
Of course, searches under my "Archive" for "religion" produces more results.
I suspected this might be your reaction, as you have hinted at such before. It was the only thing i could think of that you haven’t covered in great detail. And, as i mentioned, it is likely THE most valuable tool in my kit. No matter how smart or stupid a person can be, accessing such wisdom always yields positive results IMO. But it is quite a polarizing topic.
There are quite a few comment sections after my relevant articles could go a long way. Of course, it MUST be your most valuable element, but it's personal, just like it is for me. After the primary decision(s), everything falls into place, but humans rely on their personal experiences, which can be quite different or, as you put it, polarizing. I am not sure if people honestly face the human situation, their response would be all that different, save for their conditioning.
We gave Stalin and his Bolshevik jewish handlers nearly $1 trillion USD in present day funds. I believe everything Hitler had to say, and wish we were all speaking German, instead of jewish LGBTQ+ and DEI. \o
"We" surely didn't, but the taxpayer borrowed money at an interest from the private bank, The Federal Reserve, and politicians spent it, as usual.
For that matter, in the second half of the 19th century, the highest number of immigrants came from Germany (est. 1870), and in some states, German was close to becoming the official language of the state, when they finally voted on that. Hitler was probably the last politician who also followed up on what he was saying. :)
Early America was predominately German, and had integrity up until the Civil War. Once the Pale of Settlement poured its teaming hordes 'o shit, we got 50M pathological, pedophilic, White hating jews from 1875-1945. Been all downhill since, except for one decade of serenity they gave us, to make 2024 that much more grotesque by comparison.
As for our ethereal debts, who pays has NOTHING to do with how much jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR received, does it Ray?
I still see people walking around wearing face diapers. Can't even look at them, honestly. They want to suffer behind those masks and choke on their own breath, fine. Most folks in the big city I don't want to talk to. There is nothing behind their eyes - they're already dead. The people in smaller towns are very much aware and receptive of whats going on. A real pleasure to talk to, one can even have intellectual dialogue. Hope that never changes.
Yup, people who live in fear, are already dead.
Some of them do live in smaller towns, at least around here, but enforcement was usually handled by the police, and smaller places only have sheriffs, who usually didn't enforce the muzzles. It turns out I wrote about that in September, 2022 (and later, too, but I forgot about this one):
Great article, Ray, so thanks for that link. People better wake up and go back and watch 1984. This is the kind of "equality" that Kackles is referring to. I'd prefer to call her Kakula. No one better expect that the upper echelon will give up their best interests for the good of the rest of mankind NOR take any of those toxic jabs. If it were true, why haven't any of them fallen over from heart attacks? Not a one, Nada!
Interesting that ole Adolf is depicted as a Jew in that poster….
He was. Read up! 🙃
The cartoon resembles Goebbels more! :)
Would there be one here willing to illustrate what "being in the know" that thing we are unable to grasp actually is? Some are in the know—let's hear it then.
In my understanding, Gnosticism is an illusion:
What New Faith arising from mass depopulation by corrupt globalists can overcome the growing power of Technocracy given the mainstream acceptance of this Technocratic secular achievement from cell phones to HAARP? Obvious no secular system existing right now outside of Technophilia proves it's potency. Technocrat and friend of Netanyahu, Elon Musk is admired!! Are worshippers of Santa Muertre able to have a Prophet speak in tongues and launch the ReConquista snatching the South West, triumphing in Mexico, and spreading by way of Jihad the cult! More or less around 2030.
As you've pointed to -
"... objectifies and demonizes the enemy, playing up of the commoner’s dream of being smart, which of course, will always beyond his or her reach. "
This is the greatest obstacle we face. Exacerbated today through immediate-info-tech seducing average Joe/ Josephine into their deeper belief of being well informed thus knowing it all.
Of course they don't realise how deeply and extensively they've been manipulated and played. For them to acknowledge this would be destroy their egos. Few go that route. Especially today in an atheistic world with no source of deep support, what they cling to for security is all the BS shovelled to them, on them and in them.
What will change?
You are correct. Their smugness, ego,.and sense of virtue and superiority prevent them from grasping that they are being manipulated. Living in an urban "progressive" area myself, I know so many living in delusional reality constructs who parrot the corporate media and truly believe that they have it all figured out.
I don't share that sentiment. Still too many that I know walking around in the dark.
Of course, they are, even those who think they are "in the know."
Especially those who think that.
I'm pretty sure that "WE the people" means the creatures in D.C..
Also the "Right to bear arms" ... means the right to stand behind their FAMILY shield or crest. .. again, Not "We" the people.
Okey Dokey. I'm of the thought that THEY have done this before ....
D.C., Vatican/Rome, London .... so no documents hold any water w/ me. All fraudulent CONtracts.
Sure... we can brandish artillery ... while THEY bear 5gee & frequency warfare
& shield sigils.
Where did I suggest that all people "here" delude themselves about being in the know? My point was aimed at the alt-truth online prophets with untrained minds who garner their "intel" from secondary sources and reconstitute it without seeing all the egg on their faces. It is simply to say that when someone considers themself as being "in the know" you can usually bet your bottom dollar that they are not. In fact, this tendency towards the comforts of delusion allows the world to function precisely as it does. This pertains equally to the malevolent structures of transnational bodies, alphabet agencies, and members of hierarchical secret societies. The world of appearances we perceive is basically an inter-stacked set of goldfish bowls. Socrates said something about not being in the know, and we know what happened to him in "democratic" Athens. As for anyone re-writing the American Constitution, I would personally not be in favor of that. I would strongly favor a return to its actual observation as opposed to the malevolent and cynical lawfare we have going on around us.
Okay, I'll look up the word joke in Wikipedia and see what its says. I thought it referred to the soon to be erstwhile POTUS.
In my next post, I'll type out every entry, and comment on them.