It looks like the US manipulators still have a lot to learn from their Master!
Did Leonard Cohen really see the future? He may have:
Yesterday, I published a probe about how sensitive readers are to propaganda. The article focused on a WW2 propaganda poster/pamphlet, picturing German Propaganda Minister, Goebbels, and a list of ideas that were hard to read, so this time, I’ll go over them in my text in order to make sure even phone-app users can read them:
As opposed to the myth about Goebbels, he never said that “If you keep repeating a lie enough times, no matter how absurd it is, people will start to believe it.” That was more like an Anglophile tactic. He, however, agrees with today’s global manipulators on the premise that the masses NEED to be manipulated, despite the fact that Hitler’s rule created unprecedented living standards in Germany within three years after his getting into power, and although only about 10 percent of Germans were party members, common folks loved him (in the late 1970s, when I was In Germany, they still loved him, but they needed about eight mugs of beer to declare that. :) ). Goebbels insisted that all good propaganda must be based on facts that nobody can question. That principle is alive and well today, and is used on the denizens of the US mostly in limited hangouts. All the disinformers and useful idiots claim to represent “the truth.”
Anyway, here is what I think about the statements on the list:
“Democracy is dying” – Democracy has never existed the way people were told about it (even in Athens in ancient Greece, about 70% of the population comprised helots, that is, slaves, which translates pretty well to the economic condition and legal power of the US population).
“Our armed forces are weak” – Sure, “vaccinating” the armed forces with toxic substances, and mixing men with women by lowering the standards (every chain is as strong as its weakest link), and humiliating fighting men by forcing them to accept the gender-confused, take a lot of juice out of the military.
“The ‘New [World] Order’ is inevitable” – It looks like it is. Only the political circus and insubstantial legalities are dangled in front of the tax donkey’s eyes as the most common diversions, the latest one being Trump’s performance as a victim:
“Jews cause everybody’s troubles, everywhere.” – It’s more about economic and financial power, which is not exclusively Jewish, and as its Jewish elements ally themselves with the globalist elitists, it treats the majority of Jews as collateral losses. Jews are also being manipulated, mostly in order to be “united” so that the criminal wolves can hide behind the lambs, which dominates the Palestine narrative.
“We are lost in the Pacific” – Well, California, Oregon, and Washington state are pretty much lost, but that’s only the West Coast. Large cities all over the country, and New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, D.C., Maryland and most other places don’t much resemble traditional America anymore, either, which applies to the next statement as well:
“Our West Coast is in such grace danger there is no point in fighting on.” – When it comes to applicable state politics, policies, and the condition of those states, the statement certainly rings a bell.
“The British are decadent, and ‘sold us a bill of goods’.” – Britain is certainly sinking under the burden of foreign occupation both in politics and in the streets.
“Some sort of ‘peace’ can be made with Nazi Germany.” – As the objective is extermination, no such peace is allowed to exist between governments and their subjects.
“Civilian sacrifices will be more than we can bear.” – That’s partly done and more is coming.
“Our leaders are incompetent; our government is incapable of waging war.” – While the government is obeying its handlers’ commands, it is very much able to wage war on its human assets, most recently, in the form of a “national state of emergency,” which can start over anytime.
“Stalin is getting too strong, and Bolshevism will sweep over Europe.” – The welfare state certainly took its toll in Europe as well; no country can sustain itself, if it supports everyone who cannot or do not want to contribute. Stalin’s reincarnations are doing well all over the world, thank you.
“Aid to our allies must stop.” – The taxpayer certainly cannot afford foreign aid, and just about everybody hates American foreign policy, so there are no allies who are not forced into it. Does leaving $80 billion of military hardware in Afghanistan make Afghans “our allies”? How about the failed state of Ukraine, forced into a proxy war against another Slavic country (well, Russia is also on the path to Agenda 2030) in which collateral damage is carefully selected, mostly out of minorities (Poles and Hungarians in Ukraine)?
“This is a ‘white man’s war” – Actually, the white race is in the process of being eliminated (bioweapons and, Muslim hegemony, and race mixing come to mind).
“We must bring all our troops and weapons back to the United States, and defend only our own shores.” – One can only wish, but the enemy that controls the global money flow is hiding, and its lackeys (enablers and enforcers) are comfortably mingling with commoners.
“The Chinese, the British, and the Russians will make separate peace with Japan and Germany.” – It looks like the US is working just fine with the Chinese, the Russians, and the British on the New World Order.
“American democracy will be lost during the war” – How strange the “leaders” call the Republic democracy, when they need the masses! All of a sudden, everybody belongs to “we”!
“The two-party system is dead.” – Now, that’s amazing! Wasn’t that clear even at that time that parties are only for the political circus?
“Congressional elections will never again be held” – At this point, I am doubting that there have ever been fair elections; not that it matters, because if one representative is supposed to represent 230.000 people, the representation becomes impossible. It’s a minor byproduct of the system that nobody ever represents the electorate. Anyway, even if honest people made it on the ballot and made it through early voting, mail-in voting, delivery people, and the Dominion vote-counting machines, the system itself is rotten to the core: it would kill everyone who doesn’t participate. Changing the system from the inside is a major psyop disseminating false hope:
I now assume that everything I have ever been taught or learned through provided information is a lie. Unless I can corroborate, or verify through my experiences or sensory input (and I’m unsure of that sometimes). At best I can put new info in the awaiting verification bin. The better your foundational truths the smaller that bin is. Everything else is just clutter to be discarded. I’m perfectly okay with uncertainty but most people cannot function in a world where everything you thought you knew is a lie.
The best message I can think of is: You have been deceived. What are you going to do about it. Your choice. Act accordingly. Or not. At least it’s informed choice. Our substack cul de sac helps but can’t do that at scale.
What’s needed is a top-down Book of All Knowledge with companion This Is How That Knowledge Has Been Used to Deceive. But people don’t read. It’s voluminous. Probably will only ever exist in fragments or chapters. Even to the initiates.
Therefore knowledge must be disseminated through other means such as intuition. Notice that intuition and independent thinking is suppressed from childhood. Subtle physical/biological assaults keep us from developing innate intuitive capability. Experts in uniforms and authority suits are always there to point us in the wrong direction. Water has been chemically altered for most. Industrial food nutrient value is non-existent or outright harmful to health. Fear is always maintained. All detrimental to intuition. This is what must be restored so that we can use the supercomputer of the human body to regain our footing and stand against those that would enslave and deny our inheritance of earth’s bounty.
Time is short. I know what I know and that’s all I know. Doesn’t stop me from trying to know more.
Hi Ray. Great piece. I've had the chance over the last year to go very deep into hidden World War 2 history, and I've been amazed at what I have found. Have you discovered Ron Unz's American Pravda series? He is such a meticulous researcher and his archives of the period are unparalleled. I have found it disturbing to discover how much our mental constructs of the period are informed by Hollywood rather than reality. It's really ttue that the winners write history. We are told that Hitler was a "madman" and that he wanted to, for no reason, "exterminate Jews," but ones finds, without much hard work, that these are self serving propaganda myths that crumble upon even cursory examination. The National Socialist economic miracle of the 1930s is something that should have been deeply studied; instead no one knows about it. People don't understand that Hitler's National Socialism was a legitimate reaction to the abomination of Weimar Republic Germany and it's hyperinflation, mass unemployment, and cultural degeneration, oddly mirrorring today's America. On this note of history inversion, prominently missing from our history books, cinema, and classrooms are the mass Bolshevik atrocities,.the killing of perhaps as many as 60+ million Russian Christians; the Ritual murder of the Russian. Czar and his family, the Holodomor, the gulag system, and the millions of German citizens murdered, raped and tortured after the war by the Bolsheviks. The Allies Rountinely violated the Geneva conventions,.and Eisenhower was responsible for starving to death massive numbers of German POW. General George Patton was one of the few people in the know who actually saw what was happening and what a disaster it was. He accurately predicted the Cold.War and the spread of International Commiinism. Hitler,.today,.is still used as the personification of Evil: Hussein was Hitler. Putin is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. But hardly anyone knows that Hitler had no ambitions to conquer Europe let alone the world. Throughout the 1930s, with the Ha'avara Transfer Agreement with the Zionists, he was responsible for resettling over 60, 000 German Jews to Palestine (I wont go into the Balfour Declaration here). But by imprisoning and Kicking our Lionel Rothschild, issuing their own debt free currency,.and showing the world how healthy a country could be without international bankers pulling strings behind the scenes, he awoke powerful enemies, which he ultimately underestimated. Suffice to say, given our current evenrs in Ukraine and the Middle East,.it's imperative that we understand World War 2 if we prevent World War 3