Hitler's ideas on propaganda. Goebbels shared them. Today's global propagandists share them:

"If the so-called responsible authorities had been clear on this point, they would never have fallen into such uncertainty over the form and application of this weapon: for even propaganda is no more than a weapon, though a frightful one in the hand of an expert.

The second really decisive question was this: To whom should propaganda be addressed? To the scientifically trained intelligentsia or to the less educated masses?

It must be addressed always and exclusively to the masses.

What the intelligentsia-or those who today unfortunately often go by that name-what they need is not propaganda but scientific instruction. The content of propaganda is not science any more than the object represented in a poster is art."


"The function of propaganda does not lie in the scientific training of the individual, but in calling the masses' attention to certain facts, processes, necessities, etc., whose significance is thus for the first time placed within their field of vision.

The whole art consists in doing this so skillfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real, the process necessary, the necessity correct, etc. But since propaganda is not and cannot be the necessity in itself, since its function, like the poster, consists in attracting the attention of the crowd, and not in educating those who are already educated or who are striving after education and knowledge, its effect for the most part must be aimed at the emotions and only to a very limited degree at the so-called intellect.

All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be."


"The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses."


"The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan."


"The function of propaganda is, for example, not to weigh and ponder the rights of different people, but exclusively to emphasize the one right which it has set out to argue for. Its task is not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness; its task is to serve our own right, always and unflinchingly."


"The broad mass of a nation does not consist of diplomats, or even professors of political law, or even individuals capable of forming a rational opinion; it consists of plain mortals, wavering and inclined to doubt and uncertainty."


"The people in their overwhelming majority are so feminine by nature and attitude that sober reasoning determines their thoughts and actions far less than emotion and feeling. And this sentiment is not complicated, but very simple and all of a piece. It does not have multiple shadings; it has a positive and a negative; love or hate, right or wrong, truth or lie never half this way and half that way, never partially, or that kind of thing."


"But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success."


"The purpose of propaganda is not to provide interesting distraction for blase young gentlemen, but to convince, and what I mean is to convince the masses. But the masses are slow-moving, and they always require a certain time before they are ready even to notice a thing, and only after the simplest ideas are repeated thousands of times will the masses finally remember them."


"All advertising, whether in the field of business or politics, achieves success through the continuity and sustained uniformity of its application."

Volume One - A Reckoning

Chapter VI: War Propaganda


Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler


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It's always a good idea to revert to the original sources.

Here are a few things I must add:

1. Good propaganda works in the same way, no matter who uses it.

2. The average person was wearing a muzzle as obediently as a dog, so propaganda works. Most people cannot or don't want to take responsibility for their choices, so they are desperately asking for being "led," that is, manipulated... On that department, the globalists and Nazi Germany, along with all civilizations in history, share common grounds.

3. The US has been stolen by central bankers since 1913. Hitler kicked out central bankers and in three years, Germans experienced never-before-seen living standards. The US and its "allies" are going down the drain (controlled demolition in order to create chaos so that ordo ab chao can be implemented, and the NWO can be introduced).

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Agreement on 1. and 2. Agreement on first sentence in 3. Disagreement on the rest of 3.

Whatever Hitler did with the central bankers, and that's opaque, Germans didn't experience never-before-seen living standards on their own. US and UK bankers, the Rockefeller's the same UK-US alliance of financial interests heavily invested in Germany to bring about the rise in living standards there. The same cabal that stole the US in 1913 were big fans of Mussolini, Fascism, and saw Hitler's rise as an opportunity to bankroll him and profit bigly. The German economy was invested in at bargain-basement prices due to the collapse under the weight of war reparations. Kind of like how they are destroying our economy, allowing cities to be destroyed by crime, owners having fire sales to get rid of ruined properties and communities. Many German bankers, like the Thyssen's (also steel magnates) along with US-UK investors hedged their bets with Hitler, he was an unpredictable, unstable partner. But they saw Germany's potential under the "perfect form of government" that Mussolini touted, Fascism, and Hitler's embrace of the system as a major business opportunity. And even did business with the Third Reich *during* WWII. Prescott Bush infamously trading with the enemy keeping his National Bank (co-owned with Rockefeller) open to Thyssen and other German industrialists profiting from the war effort - as the German war machine produced the bullets and bombs that turned American GI's into pink slime through at least 1943 when his bank was seized (later returned by the US government after Dulles intervened...and was then given the CIA to add to the control of the US). The Bush family legacy and family fortune is soaked in the blood of boys from the American heartland. Traitors of the highest order. But only one such family of many.

Hitler's moves you describe as kicking out the central bankers didn't actually do that. He just moved them from one pocket to another more opaque one.

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Good conversation.

It makes sense that the same corporations that ran the German economic miracle in the 1930s are still around. Have they changed owners since then? To me, it looks like the few globalist investment firms own/control everything that matters.

Germany was destroyed on purpose. WW1 should have done it, but it was rebuilt only to be destroyed again, perhaps to break the people's will. As Patton noted (and most likely was killed for noting it), it was an exceptional culture, and the 33rd-degree Mason US President(s) preferred to "save" Stalin, and used him to destroy Germany.

The Rockies financed Churchill, too; for bankers, it has been customary to finance both sides for centuries, so their support means absolutely nothing. Hitler obviously had to do something about financing, but the strong economy supported the DM enough to make sure he had trading partners, and no, he didn't pick up loans the way loans have been used in the 20th c. for hijacking whole countries, so the other pocket you are talking about was certainly there, but it looks like it was a VERY different pocket. In fact, it looks like Hitler got the Gaddafi treatment for trying to be independent.

American soldiers have been sacrificed on the altar of the globalist investors since the start of the (un)Civil War...

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German Petrochemical corporations still exist, follow the succession of mergers, divestitures, mergers, all still exist. Including IGFarben, And their offshoot, Big Pharma, like Bayer, sames. And Steel/Industry - Thyssen's operations under new names are major suppliers for industry, manufacturing in US/Canada, global. They all are the same, war, schmore, they profit both/all sides, survive to profit again.

And US did the same with Stalin in USSR as with Hitler in Germany. Both sides funded, invested in by same US/UK magnates. And same with Mao in China. It's all global money and bloodlines. Who see the rest of us as chattel property. Different uses, servants, managers, worker bees, and useless eaters. Think of the Indian caste system. Sames. Useless eaters = Untouchables, Dalits. Royals = Brahmin. Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras. British rule accentuated, enhanced, formalized it. Many similarities with monarchical, Lords, Serfs, etc. That's their preferred form of governance.

Any system that performs that function suits them, the academic philosophical distinctions like Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Oligarchy, Bureaucracy, Technocracy, etc is of no concern, whatever its called as long as it's in service to hierarchical strata with them on top.

The advent of eugenics movement over a century ago has been their goal. The codification of it under Buck v. Bell that inspired Hitler's Master Race eugenics programs of mass murder, Stalin's "break a few eggs to make an omelet," etc has been and remains their ultimate goal. Too many "generations of imbeciles" that have overpopulated the world with useless eaters who drain their resources, take up space on their beaches and in their parks and in their cities, breathing their air, eating their food, must be eliminated.

All vaccines maim, kill and sterilize Even before mRNA variety. That's just really good at it. Leading mass murder final solution campaign in Germany was Dr. Victor Brack (Mengele just an underling). Who said "the needle belongs in the hands of the doctor" when he witnessed first gas chamber executions of disabled, disobedient. They learned from history that the concentration camp was too efficient at murder, not efficient at body disposal. Slow kill decentralized murder shifts body disposal to surviving families and shifts blame, no direct fingerprints. They learned so they wouldn't be doomed to repeat their biggest mistakes under Hitler/Brack. Bonus: they drain all savings in medical treatment for injuries sustained, and in funeral expenses now that 95% of all funeral homes are mega-corporate owned. And if you don't have enough money for hospice just sign over all your savings and property to the state! Quite the racket they've got going on!! You pay them to kill you and they take all your stuff. Much easier than piles of shoes and clothes and gold tooth filing extractions to monetize!

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In the future, please, restrict your comment to one or two problems, because I do not have the capacity to address more, and chances are nobody else will read long comments like yours. Also, it would be most welcome, if you straightened out what you mean to say in your last paragraph.

As I previously noted, chances are those "German" corporations were owned by different people than now. However, those who are still the same stick out like a sore thumb, and ARE MOST LIKELY IDENTIFIABLE as parts of the globalist plan. After all, it's been going on for over a hundred years, and Rockefellerian "Madicine" is "only" about that old. :)

The US has been owned since 1913, so it hasn't done anything except for whatever its handlers told its politicians to do. Americans didn't care for WW1 (and needed the Lusitania incident, a passenger ship transporting war materials). The "peace treaties" of 1920 directly led to WW2, intentionally, of course.

German eugenics targeted racial purity, which would be beneficial for all races.

The only two functional gas chambers were built by the Soviets in 1946.

You might as well discover history the way it happened, instead of the way it is presented by the globalist lackeys:


Obviously, you are new here, and understandably, it would be too much of a challenge to check for it, but I have always said that all "vaccines" are only toxic and do no good. mRNA, however, is most likely not implemented:


Alternatively, the same symptoms can be produced by at least the following 13 sources:


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Aug 10Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My last paragraph: slow murder is more profitable and less accountable than fast.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My struggle is keeping to one point. So much is interwoven. Hard to dissect as separate. But will try.

A lot happened in 1913. Not just banking. Eugenics is at heart and core of all of it. This NYT article from 1913 is about a VIP screening of a play about eugenics. You'll recognize many names from history. And if you research the ones you don't recognize you'll find out their significance, as I did. It's all interconnected. Banking, eugenics, medicine, law, etc. And pulls forward to our times.

Choosing Audience for Brieux Play J. D. Rockefeller

Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation

Social Workers Approve

The New York Times, page 13, February 23, 1913


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Jul 27Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Today's world look like the Star Trek saga about the shape-shifters of the Dominion Empire and their drug dependent Jem'Hadar soldiers .

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How about Twilight Zone? :)

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Trump and Biden are not real leaders;

they are pseudo leaders.

Musk and Zuckerberg are not real entreprenours;

they are pseudo entreprenours.

Ms. Swift is not a real singer nor an entertainer;

She's a pseudo singer and a pseudo entertainer.

USA is not a real democracy nor a republic;

It's a pseudo democracy and a pseudo republic.

You, fellow American, are not your real self;

You are the shadow of yourself.

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Hi Ray. Great piece. I've had the chance over the last year to go very deep into hidden World War 2 history, and I've been amazed at what I have found. Have you discovered Ron Unz's American Pravda series? He is such a meticulous researcher and his archives of the period are unparalleled. I have found it disturbing to discover how much our mental constructs of the period are informed by Hollywood rather than reality. It's really ttue that the winners write history. We are told that Hitler was a "madman" and that he wanted to, for no reason, "exterminate Jews," but ones finds, without much hard work, that these are self serving propaganda myths that crumble upon even cursory examination. The National Socialist economic miracle of the 1930s is something that should have been deeply studied; instead no one knows about it. People don't understand that Hitler's National Socialism was a legitimate reaction to the abomination of Weimar Republic Germany and it's hyperinflation, mass unemployment, and cultural degeneration, oddly mirrorring today's America. On this note of history inversion, prominently missing from our history books, cinema, and classrooms are the mass Bolshevik atrocities,.the killing of perhaps as many as 60+ million Russian Christians; the Ritual murder of the Russian. Czar and his family, the Holodomor, the gulag system, and the millions of German citizens murdered, raped and tortured after the war by the Bolsheviks. The Allies Rountinely violated the Geneva conventions,.and Eisenhower was responsible for starving to death massive numbers of German POW. General George Patton was one of the few people in the know who actually saw what was happening and what a disaster it was. He accurately predicted the Cold.War and the spread of International Commiinism. Hitler,.today,.is still used as the personification of Evil: Hussein was Hitler. Putin is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. But hardly anyone knows that Hitler had no ambitions to conquer Europe let alone the world. Throughout the 1930s, with the Ha'avara Transfer Agreement with the Zionists, he was responsible for resettling over 60, 000 German Jews to Palestine (I wont go into the Balfour Declaration here). But by imprisoning and Kicking our Lionel Rothschild, issuing their own debt free currency,.and showing the world how healthy a country could be without international bankers pulling strings behind the scenes, he awoke powerful enemies, which he ultimately underestimated. Suffice to say, given our current evenrs in Ukraine and the Middle East,.it's imperative that we understand World War 2 if we hope.to prevent World War 3

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This is so very interesting ! wow. Thank you !

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Yes, Unz was my first source for solar flares weakening the Earth's magnetic shield, making people more vulnerable for disease. I've also quoted Patton and referred to his murder as well as the French/American death camps that were for real...

Many Jews were sacrificed by their leaders during WW2 as "collateral damage" and, perhaps, for "not being good-enough Jews." Hitler kicked out the central bankers and Gaddafi's "crime" was that he wanted to issue a gold-based African currency.

WW3 is completely unnecessary, albeit it could happen on TV after a few well-placed false flags. The globalists are holding all the cards and guarding all the exits.

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Sorry for the typos. Doing this on my phone! 😆

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I usually use my desktop, and still leave a lot of typos in the first publication; it usually takes me another 24 hours to get rid of most of them, but as a speed reader, I tend to leave some behind even at that point. :)

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

They KNOW cuz they have done this before.

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Just added a subtitle to the picture regarding their problem! :)

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Hey Ray, Have You ever pondered WHY it is soo important to add depravity, porn & Vitamin V/Viagra to the mix of Sodam & Gomorra?

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Of course.

1. Those who don't respect others, have either no or inflated self-respect. Both can be easily manipulated.

2. With no primary values, everything becomes relative, and those who accept it are easy victims to the machine.

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I now assume that everything I have ever been taught or learned through provided information is a lie. Unless I can corroborate, or verify through my experiences or sensory input (and I’m unsure of that sometimes). At best I can put new info in the awaiting verification bin. The better your foundational truths the smaller that bin is. Everything else is just clutter to be discarded. I’m perfectly okay with uncertainty but most people cannot function in a world where everything you thought you knew is a lie.

The best message I can think of is: You have been deceived. What are you going to do about it. Your choice. Act accordingly. Or not. At least it’s informed choice. Our substack cul de sac helps but can’t do that at scale.

What’s needed is a top-down Book of All Knowledge with companion This Is How That Knowledge Has Been Used to Deceive. But people don’t read. It’s voluminous. Probably will only ever exist in fragments or chapters. Even to the initiates.

Therefore knowledge must be disseminated through other means such as intuition. Notice that intuition and independent thinking is suppressed from childhood. Subtle physical/biological assaults keep us from developing innate intuitive capability. Experts in uniforms and authority suits are always there to point us in the wrong direction. Water has been chemically altered for most. Industrial food nutrient value is non-existent or outright harmful to health. Fear is always maintained. All detrimental to intuition. This is what must be restored so that we can use the supercomputer of the human body to regain our footing and stand against those that would enslave and deny our inheritance of earth’s bounty.

Time is short. I know what I know and that’s all I know. Doesn’t stop me from trying to know more.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Intuition is gnosis (spiritual knowledge , insight ).

The intuitive mind is a higher form of intelligence than a logical mind .

The intuitive mind is our connection to the universe .

Intellectual apprehension ; intuitive thoughts = human

Analytical reasoning ; discursive thoughts = AI

OK. I took Einstein out . I am sorry if I offended anyone . .

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While I don't care for "Einstein" (I was only five, when I said to people who told me I was too young to understand that, "Sir, if you are so smart, why don't you tell me in a way that even I understand?", and there are too many fake quotes attributed to him), I have published the levels of truth judgment (which is also coming up as a reference in my next publication), still from my research in 1991:


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Thank you for your marvelous contribution. It looks like my answer is becoming my next post.

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Uh oh

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As they say in in South Africa, nothing "dunguroos"! :)

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

They can take your life, but they can never take your spirit or soul. Salem witch trials and burnings are about to be reincarnated, literally.

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Riots would start with the CBDC, but around here, even if one cannot buy groceries without a "vaccine certificate."

The FEMA buses are ready, too:


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The truth is in the Holy Bible!! John 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.”

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

One of the most interesting books I have read to date is David Irving*s, Goebbels - Mastermind of the Third Reich.

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Irving makes a good reading, but it's a lot to read; I recommend ihr.org first, because it contains seminal elements of Irving's work. He also "authenticated" himself by going to prison for "H* denial," which was a trumped-up charge against him.

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I discovered Irving's work 6 months ago through Ron Unz's American Pravda series. What a revelation.

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To me, it was more like two or three years ago, but I didn't write on the subject until I thought I knew what I was walking about. Did you know that "reparations" are still being paid out to H* "survivors'" children? All you had to do to get it to begin with was sign up. The wiesely Ellie Wiesel even received a Nobel Prize in literature for his lies in an extremely poorly-written short novel, "The Night." He never even produced his tattoos, because he worked from an actual survivor's account... He had never been in a labor camp...

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yeah Ray. At the moment I am referring to this "event" as the largest extortion racket in history. 😄

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Pretty hard to argue with that!

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Survival is instinctive.

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