Doesn’t this resemble Schwarzenegger’s declaration about free speech1, personal freedom2 (“Screw your freedom!”), and the general refusal to provide care or secure admission for the “unvaccinated”?
The recent and current events on the Gaza is not something I’m going to address3. Instead, I want to point out a glaring contradiction and offer an explanation in the frame of the current global situation.
What are Islam’s major characteristics?
The following source introduces Islam in detail, but I cannot quote it all. I don’t even agree on every point (e.g. I don’t believe the Rothschields’ Churchill was a hero4, but his memoirs on Islam are adaquate5) It’s not against Muslims, but offers an introductory characterization of Islam6 for those who want to learn about it more than whatever the media and higher education allow:
Mohammed developed the perfect system of conquest, but that’s a concern for another day. This time, I’ll focus on the link between Jewishness and Islam.
Islam, above all, requires its followers to emulate Mohammed’s behavior, because “he was the perfect human being.” How does that affect Jews? Mohammed’s treatment of Jews is described in original Muslim scripts. The following between the space dividers is directly from the book:
17 Khaybar, the First Dhimmis
Two months after the treaty of Hudaybiya, Mohammed marched his army 100 miles to Khaybar7, to attack a community of Jews who lived there. Mohammed never had any problems with the Jews of Khaybar. His raid was motivated purely by greed. The Jews of Khaybar were wealthy farmers who lived in a series of forts amongst their crops.
From The Sira8:
I757 When Mohammed raided a people, he waited until the morning. If he heard the call to prayer, which meant the people were Muslims, he would not attack but if there was no Muslim call to prayer he attacked. When he rode up with his army, workers were coming out to work in the fields. When they saw Mohammed and his army, they fled. Mohammed said, “Allah Akbar!
Khaybar is destroyed. When we arrive in a people’s Square, it is a bad morning for those who have been warned.”
Mohammed was now one of the most powerful men in Arabia thanks to Jihad. Unlike in the early days, he could now do pretty much as he pleased. He set about destroying all opposition, showing absolutely no mercy to any who resisted him.
I758 Mohammed seized the forts one at a time. Among the captives was a beautiful Jewess named Safiyah. Mohammed took her for his sexual pleasure. One of his men had first chosen her for his own slave of pleasure, but Mohammed traded him two of her cousins for Safiyah.
Mohammed always got first choice of the spoils of war and the women.
I759 On the occasion of Khaybar, Mohammed put forth new orders about forcing sex with captive women. If the woman was pregnant, she was not to be used for sex until after the birth of the child. Nor were any women to be used for sex who were unclean with regard to Muslim laws about menstruation.
I764 Mohammed knew there was a large treasure hidden somewhere in Khaybar so he brought forth the Jew he thought knew the most about it and questioned him. This Jew was Kinana, the husband of Safiyah, Mohammed’s soon-to-be new bride. Kinana denied any knowledge. But another Jew said he had seen the man around one of the old ruins. The search was made, and a great deal of the treasure was found but not all of it. Mohammed told one of his men, “Torture the Jew until you extract what he has.” So the Jew was staked on the ground and a small fire built on his chest to get him to talk. The man was nearly dead but would not talk, so Mohammed had him released and taken to one of his men whose brother had been killed in the fight, and the Muslim got the pleasure of cutting the tortured Jew’s head off.
Muslims believe that Mohammed was the perfect man and the Koran repeatedly tells Muslims to emulate his behaviour. Most Muslims have never read his biographies and rely on Imams for guidance. In times or places where Islam is weak, we would expect these Imams to counsel people to follow Mohammed’s Meccan example. History shows however, that when Islam becomes powerful, things change.
From The Sira:
I764 The Jews of Khaybar were Mohammed’s first dhimmis. After the best of the goods were taken from the Jews, Mohammed left them to work the land. His men knew nothing about farming and the Jews were skilled at it. So the Jews worked the land and gave Mohammed half their profits.
Author’s Comments:
This was a new tactic which would become an important part of the overall strategy of Islam. Up until this point Kaffirs were given two choices; convert to Islam or be killed. Now, a third option was introduced, dhimmitude. A dhimmi is a non-Muslim living in a land ruled by Islam. They are forced to pay a poll tax (Jizya) to the Muslims, which can be as high as 50% of their income. Most importantly, they must also be made to feel humiliated. They have few rights and are allowed to follow their religion in private. They must not however, repair or replace their churches or synagogues (dhimmitude is only supposed to be available to Jews and Christians).
With Islam being so geared towards conquest, its societies lack productive capacity. By allowing the Christians and Jews to live in semi slavery, Islam now had a source of income even in peacetime. The institution of Dhimmitude was developed further under the later caliphs, and is an important part of the system of Jihad.
The Koran spoke about Dhimmitude:
9:29 Make war on those who have received the scriptures (Jews and Christians) but do not believe in Allah or in the last day. They do not forbid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden. The Christians and Jews do not follow the religion of truth until they submit and pay the poll tax (Jizya), and they are humiliated.
We are often told that Jews and Christians were allowed to live in peace and harmony in Muslim lands. To someone who does not understand the onerous conditions of dhimmitude, this would suggest an inherent tolerance in Islam which does not exist.
From The Sira:
I766 On the way back Mohammed had one of the Muslim women Prepare Safiyah (she was the Jewess he had picked for his pleasure) for her wedding night with Mohammed. That night one of his men marched around his tent for the whole night with his sword. The next morning Mohammed asked what he was doing and the man replied, “I was afraid for you because of the woman. You have killed her father, her husband, and her kin, so I was afraid for you on her account.” Mohammed blessed him.
The phrase “Allahu Akbar” … is the battle cry of the very first Jihadist, the Prophet Mohammed, as he slaughtered innocent Kaffirs.
The author explains the idea of Dhimmitude further:
The institution of Dhimmitude was a unique Islamic development, which created a special class of citizens. These people were allowed to exist in a subservient status. They were conquered people in their own lands under Islamic domination. This situation existed across the Islamic world, until it was conquered by the Western (Christian) nations. Unfortunately Dhimmitude is not just an institution; it is a submissive mindset adopted by victims of bullying and intimidation everywhere. Successful bullies instinctively understand the importance of inflicting this mindset on their victims. By doing so, they can gain total control with a minimum of effort.
Many of us have witnessed the tragedy of women who have been physically and psychologically abused by husbands for years. Often they defend the actions of the abuser whilst blaming themselves for the abuse (“If only I hadn’t served dinner too late he would never have beaten me”).
Tyrants instinctively understand this method of oppression. That is why it is so hard for subjected people to overthrow them. By building this method into his doctrine, Mohammed ensured that once conquered by Islam, no revolt by dhimmis would ever be possible. In fact no society which has been conquered by Islam has ever freed itself without outside help.
Let me repeat that:
The Jewish media
Although the topic of Jewish interests dominating the media tends to be taboo, even Wikipedia provides a list of “notable Jewish American journalists”:
According to IMDB, 548 actors and actresses are Jewish (, as opposed to 48 Christians (
It’s hard to deny what many Jewish sources also proudly declare that Jews have played a decisive role in popular culture and in the media in the last hundred years.
Jews and Muslims
Jews must know that Muslims are not going to be their best friends, assuming today’s Muslims emulate Mohammed’s life (which is the absolute essence of being a Muslim). If Jews control most of the media, how is it possible that the media actually defends Islam in the West against criticism, while anything is allowed against Christianity and national identities?10 Islam has a history of slavery that spans 1,400 years, yet white Europeans are blamed for slavery that lasted about 200 years, while serfdom and white slavery existed at the same time, but they are never mentioned:
It’s also omitted from political narratives and history books on European slave trade that many of the traders in Porto and Amsterdam happened to be Jewish. Yet why are the same sources silent about the history of Muslim treatment of Jews?
The only feasible answer I can come up with is that both Jews and Muslims are played by the currently dominant globalist sources:
Islam can be used as a prototype of the “one-world religion”:
As I said it previously, illegals are likely to be used against Americans:
Isn’t it easy to use Muslims against the Kaffir11? A Muslim’s utmost desire is to die in the fight for the final victory of Islam. Muslims are expected to be delighted to go straight to heaven (although many of them are probably not in any more hurry than non-Muslims), if they happen to become casualties, but getting rid of the Kaffir is what Jihad12 is all about: the infidels must be converted or eliminated so that Sharia can become the only law over the whole world.
According to the latest trend, illegals are also welcome in the US Armed Forces, and many of them are most likely Muslims:
To make a long story short, Muslims can be utilized as butchers, and the current globalist media is supporting that cause.
The Jewish media is simply exploited to that end.
At the same time, there are many types of Jews, and some of them have been proven liberally disposable13, perhaps as collateral damage. Is there a specific group of Jews that is going to be the last one standing or only a few of them will be allowed to survive as the Dhimmies of the technocratic rule?
Today’s tax slaves
In most “civilized” countries, tax rates eerily resemble the 50 percent Dhimmies are forced to pay (as opposed to the 2% that Muslim pay in Islamic countries). Westerners are constantly humiliated at the airport, on the road, at work, at school, which makes them impressionable and malleable, because those without self-esteem have a hard time retaining their human dignity, especially if they have already been born into their current status as state assets. Muslim violence for them is only one of the house monsters in their closets:
In the US, the same logic is present: “If you disagree with me, you are not open enough.” Not being “open” can come with a lot of labels, but I’ll leave those up to your imagination.
On the much-contested myth of antisemitism:
“Screw your freedom!” (
It is still notable that there are Christian Palestinians. According to The Third World Archive, 98% of them live in Israel, and the remainder in Gaza. Still, they have been victims of ethnic cleansing:
Wikipedia lists this source as one for “Holocaust denial,” whereas it only asks legitimate question. Its analysis of Churchill is multi-faceted and reliable: and
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities - but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
(Sir Winston Churchill: The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50; London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899)
For instance, it tells you how Islam can be “peaceful” on occasion, while combatant elsewhere (the instructions are in the Muslim holy books, where being combatant and fighting until full domination overwrites peacefulness; the latter is allowed only until sufficient political power is seized to take over, and while it is a lie, it’s okay to lie to the Kaffir, because the end justifies the means).
Khaybar: A wealthy Jewish town plundered by Mohammed, largely for treasure.
Sira: Sirat Rasul Allah or “The Story of the Prophet of Allah” by Ibn Ishaq is Mohammed’s oldest and most revered biography. The original manuscript was lost but was reconstructed by two of his students from their notes.
Also, there is a notable number of Scientologists whose number is about the same order of magnitude as Christian’s (, but this article is not talking about Scientology, which I address in some details in
The book’s author suggests that the media, public education, and political interests subserviently allow Islam to become dominant as a result of bribes and for the sake of peace, and forget that Islam follows the sliding rule, and the “extremist” end of the stick can always be cut of until only Islam remains standing.
Kaffir: A Non-Muslim, literally “a concealer” who denies Allah’s message despite knowing the truth.
Jihad: Literally “to struggle” although in rare instances this referred to a spiritual struggle to improve oneself, in Islamic Doctrine, it usually meant “fighting in Allah’s Cause”. In Islam, the end justifies the means, so lies and deception are fine until decisive majority is reached, but after that, only one law is allowed:
Sharia: Islamic Law. Based on the teachings and example of Mohammed as articulated in the Koran and in his biographies (Sira and Hadith). The most celebrated manual is “The Reliance of the Traveler”.
Hadith: A collection of stories about Mohammed and his traditions. Of the many collections of such stories, two are considered without equal (Bukhari and Muslim) four more are considered to be reliable and the rest are considered to be very weak.
The one-time revolutionary Jewish idea of suffering defeat because “God puts their people on a trial” or “punishes them for not having enough faith” was also used by Mohammed, but the story of Moses and the copper/bronze snake/serpent precedes Islam by about 1,500 years. Before Moses, pagan tribal gods were followed only as long as they secured victory on the battlefield.
The links to Irving's histories on Winston Churchill and Hitler were quite revealing. Amazing how the entire history of the 20th century changes in this new light. Also, it is quite shocking to see the total dominance in Hollywood and media of Jewish influence, and I mean that literally. Not as some "antisemitic" statement. This for a group that makes up around 2% of the population. You could say the same as the heads of the mainstream media, Big Pharma, especially Pfizer and Moderna, the transnational investment funds like BlackRock and Vanguard, and many of positions of power. Again, the dominance is odd when one really takes an honest and objective look at it, which I personally have avoided doing until this year. I recall the rather darkly humorous line from Dave Chappelle: "If they’re Black, then it’s a gang, if they’re Italians a mob, but if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it." The takeaway for me is that if any other group of people had that much influence in multiple institutions we would be speaking about it. The hopelessly woke have no issues with routinely asserting, with no evidence, that we live in a "white supremacist" society and that we have "institutionalized racism." As for the Muslims/Islam, it seems the the entire Globalist agenda for importing millions of them - the so called "migrants" - into the Western democracies, where they are fracturing and balkanizing traditional Christian European culture, is to be a wrecking ball to help facilitate one world global governance. The same can be said for the incessant stream of "migrants" - many Islamic fundamentalists, but also Chinese nationals - that are pouring across our borders. All of these bizarre and dubious occurrences hide behind the smokescreen of cries of "racism!" If you question any of it, and if you go further, "antisemitism!" Another dubious smokescreen that stops people from asking uncomfortable questions. That charge has been repeatedly lobbed at David Icke, which is ridiculous given his broad humanist perspective.
Bat Ye'or, born in Cairo, became a stateless refugee in 1957. On her marriage in 1959, she acquired British citizenship, and a year later settled in Switzerland. A mother of three children (1960-64), since 1971 she has written four books and numerous articles on non-Muslims dhimmis under Islam. Her first study, Les Juifs en Egypte (French/1971; Hebrew/1974) was followed by Le Dhimmi (Paris/1980), whose translation into English (1985; Hebrew/1986; Russian/1991) brought her international recognition. The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam (1985) remains an essential introduction to her second major work, The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam. From Jihad to Dhimmitude (French/1991; English/1996; German/2002), which put the study of this topic on a new footing that could no longer be ignored. The French edition (1991) confirmed her reputation as a pioneer thinker in a new field of research. This was greatly enhanced by Islam and Dhimmitude. Where Civilizations Collide, which examines the trend toward dhimmitude in the 20th century. Her latest book, EURABIA: The Euro-Arab Axis (31 January 2005), describes the gradual transformation of Europe into "Eurabia," a cultural and political appendage of the Arab/Muslim world. A serious assessment of the traditional "Jihad Ideology" - and of Dhimmitude - became all the more essential in the aftermath of the terrorist Jihad-war against America on September 11, 2001. Bat Ye'or has revealed the open sesame to "Eurabia," the developing continent of dhimmitude.