is history repeating itself ??? dear good God please help us all return to goodness and truth,

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some of Islam's religious exclusivity and strict, "unfair" social divisions for kaffir are quite similar to Jewish hasbara 'logic' ("disinformation" and pinky-swear), which is not very honest, or fair for any goyim (non-Jewish person). long read by Laurent Guyenot (2020) on the art and consequences of lying - https://www.unz.com/article/how-yahweh-conquered-rome/

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Christians tell me I must not judge them by the behaviour of those narrated in the Old Testiment but it appears you consider this to be a reasonable view for Christians but not for Islam. I note you seem unaware of the 11,000 Jews who live in Shia Iran, and yet they have no intention of leaving (they tell me).

And then there is the matter of Israeli genocide of civilians and children in Gaza. Or the 100,000 that preceded them since 1917. Ah, but perhaps you have a point. The perpetrators are invariably Ashkenazim, none of whom possess Jewish DNA. The actual Jews, the Sephardi, Mizrahim, and the dozen other tribes tell me they are treated badly by the Ashkenazim.

Here's a prediction for you, Ray. From what I hear, and this comes from north of Lebanon and Syria, there will be no Israeli Ashkenazim left alive 12 months from now. And that silence you hear is the rest of the world wailing at the loss. I also hear that actual ethnic Semites are to be spared, enabled to live in peace with the Palestinians,, as they have been for a great many decades, just as they are in Iran.

Meanwhile, I will continue to live pretty much the same way that Jesus suggested, yet I am an atheist. And if the fates enable me to rid the world of those who supported the real world genocides, I imagine Jesus would have nodded in acquiesence, repeating his advice about little children and money changers in temples.

I am not a Christian, yet I suspect Jesus would laugh at that.

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Much interestin' stuff here Ray, much appreciated!--lots I didn't know 'bout like The Khaybar & the Dhimmihood--but ta many now the world over, ya cain't say whut ya DO know aloud as attacks come at'cha faster than flies ta the sugar bowl. Mohammad's first wife was a little tyke named Aisha-- per a couple history books (an' yup, not all are "accurate") she wuz jus' SIX years old when the "couple" got engaged--Mohammad then wuz in his 50s so that seems purdy pedo ta me--and only nine when the marriage got "consume-mated" (makin' that poor girl consomme!) Right now (imho) the cabal wants ta destroy both Israel an' Gaza an' the "Palestinians"--the whole kaboodle--ta make smart city Greater Israel an' they could care less 'bout destroyin' ALL the chews (jews/joos) there. All civilians AND fighters too (wuther Hamas or IDF) are just cannon fodder... proper-gander triggered both sides but NetAn'Yoohoo is just a war-monger dangerous puppet. Right now it's "kool" ta blame all Chews fer everythin' from a scrapped knee ta the entire NWO so I'll save me 'n u a lotta diggy-tale ink here by agreein' that it's both sides an' neither side. Yer right about Islam but nobuddy's gonna listen ta that--

If ya wanna here some good insights on this whole mess (I keep meanin' ta foller up on my own postins' bout it) I'd STRONGLY suggest listenenin' ta this WiseMan (Rabbi Chananyana Weissman) who gits how BBGun set up Israel an' killed folks with the jabs bad an' YET how the entire country is hung out ta dry:


One more fella who ain't even "chewish" but golly he's got the goods:


Franciso Gil White -- he'z the bomb! Most'a his stuff is in Spanish but what he does in English is dynomite!

Also this'un--it's excellent:


RE the H

I know how ya feel 'bout the big H an' we agree ta disagree politely-- I know there's a lotta obfuscation an' (jumpin' ahead ta the Jews-in-Me-Dia thing), Jews DO exaggerate! Natch'ural born story tellers (this apart from those of iffy repute--both chews an' non-chews--who wanted to manipulate numbers for less than genuinely good reasons--but many who knew likely felt in earnest they were good reasons--a problem fer a'nuther time) --an' many've us know that sometimes it ain't RIGHT to EMBELLISH (which is certain)--it'll come an' bite'cha back in the pants! It's like boy-who-cried-wolf (aka the ADL)--sometimes a REAL WOLF duz come! (It's here now) See I grew up with folks wearin' numbers on their arms so (long story) an' we lost folks ta the camps too--so let's say I know what I know from real life an' speakin' ta folks an' others know whut they know an' I'll say that most who deny were never on site at the time--good sleuths they might'a been--some respected researchers but I know a lotta respected researchers that 'r full've it--an' now-a-daze most "survivors" who were first-hand witnesses are dead or on their way ta bein' dead so soon (given how the big H is bein' co-opted by "both sides"--sigh) --nobuddy'll believe it ever happened--day's comin' soon! Folks now are sayin' that Vera Sharav no less is a liar an' "made up her entire lifestory" (oy!) An' some of the Soros-media would like ya ta believe it! (talk about shames ta the "race") But as PressyDent Ike said referrin' to what he himself witnessed on site durin' WWII--it'll be erased...the whole shebang (it's enroute ta happenin' now)-- (https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/eisenhower-holocaust-remembrance.html --sorry cain't find that actual quote...) He wanted more documentation... sadly, folks now say it's all deep fakery--I just "cain't" go there but anywhoo... I say embellishment yes, a full out mirage? No. Hitler wuz notta hero (he's touted ta be one now! Yessirree!) but I now know it wuz the Grand Mufti (great title, no?)--a true Islamic leader--that convinced Uncle Adolphe ta kill all the chews vs just puttin' 'em ta work in camps-- b/c Hitler wuz gonna just ship'em all to...Palestine! when he wuz done with 'em-- An' the Mufti said no sirree, don't send'em here--jus' kill 'em, we want that land! (there's more ta that too)--so Hitler obliged (it's a lot more elaborate than that...but I'm cuttin' ta the chase...) Re Arab nations takin' the land from "Israel" / chews--long story again but the chews paid for all the land an' the locals were ripped off sellin' it--willin'ly not by force (another tale fer another time). This APART from the British Mandate but the Brits screwed by Chews & Arabs... the entire foundin' of Israel was a mess an' included corrupt leaders (many who hated chews!) and... folks fergit--a lotta ordinary folks who just "came"--not questionin' what seemed like a "gift" not seein' the gift horse wuz a horse of a'nuther color!

As fer ME-DIA--it's true a lotta chews are in the "me-dia" (like "god-of-me, no?") fer a lotta reasons! Above, I mentioned the story-tellin' aspect (including dramatizin'--embellishin'--writin' in a less-than-dry way)--it's all encouraged, ingrained, even in the religious texts (that's why folks git jewish written stuff WRONG--the original bible is--stories! the talmud--STORIES not not not law--folks git that'un wrong too). Combined with a natchural ability ta tell stories abetted by whut happens at home (homes encourage storytellin'--"so tell me what happened? Speak up! Tell us all!"--in Jewish homes (includin' my own!) I've NEVER heard 'bout kids bein' seen an' not heard--they are heard, an' then everyone argues their points! everyone tells their stories often talkin' over each other in enthusiasm (!) so no WONDER the best chewish rabbis, leaders, teachers! professors! actors too--are themselves born storytellers--it's been taught'em since they were knee high ta a goose!) So these born storytellers gravitate towards the forms of media they INVENTED! A chew Emile Berliner invented the gramophone (from hence we git Grammy's). Chews invented Hollywood--which used ta be GREAT not all tranny-woke-garbage an' were TeeVee pioneers too! Now AmeriKans are hatin' on all chews fer takin' over all that media but they didn't usurp it--they developed it. By contrast, the trope that chews don't do sports? True! But performers, many as well as news writers, speech writers (from MLK to JFK to Clinton an' Regan...kid'ja not). So them takin' ta me-dia (fictional stuff included) is indeed duck-to-warter. Folks all clutchin' their pearls don't look BACK. Also, historically (as you likely know...some don't) chews were banned from doin' most "typical" professions--holdin' office, votin', bein' part of "the trades," an' ownin' land included with few exceptions--b/c Christians said it was sinful ta handle money (it ain't fer chews) SO the chews were permitted ta do this (so ya git good at it when it's all yer allowed ta do--hence bankers)--An' goldsmiths!--they got good at that too as gold was then--money! They got permission ta craft gold inta stuff (esoteric alchemy aside--that wasn't the average joe or moishe tho') So chews made not only holy relics fer their own temples--but fer the churches--MUCH of the lovely goldsmithery at the VattyCan is made by chews... In other church collections as well (funny, no?)

So it makes sense why chews populate certain professions--now I ain't fer a minute excusin' the corrupt or greedy ones--the crooks (who frankly exist in all faiths an' non-faiths including the choo-ish one) but media comes naturally... I know this from experience an' bein' in the profession myself! (more in a seccy on that)

Reminds me of Grace Paley's story, "The Loudest Voice" 'bout a little Jewish girl who starred in the school nativity /xmas play because the other kids were so QUIET... this is the story of the MeDia--the squeaky wheel gits the grease! Irving Berlin was sincere where he wrote White Christmas an' God Bless America--it was NOT (as many say) ta "ruin the white race" or destroy "Christian Values"--heck he was married ta a Catholic lady even tho he wuz happy bein' a "chew"--so there's that... one more thing:

Most "chews" in the media (sorry ta spoil all the devil-haters) are just ordinary folks. NOT evil greedy child-eatin' blood drinkin' synagogue-of-satan "murderers." With some exceptions, most 'a these folks are hard-workin' regular humans. They work 9-5 jobs, raise their kids an' try ta do it right, they drink more diet soda (it's a thing) not baby blood, they tend not ta drink and tend not ta be lazy (exceptions exist) so they do their jobs like other Americans--responsibly. Period. Bein' in the bizness I know these people--I've met some a'holes along the way (of all faiths) but most chews in media are just regular folks doin' their jobs and printin' photos of 'em with big jewish stars over their faces is no surprise--it's not so nice--but it's like a rigged game 'a bingo! -- the "quietest voices" tend not ta want some'a these high pressure jobs where folks argue. Know what a tv or ad agency is filled with? Folks that LOVE to ARGUE! Loud folks. Said it myself ;-) --

No 'scuses fer Soros (I call 'im Tsuris--means "trouble" in yiddish) an' all the criminal stuff he's doin'--but if ya wanna point a finger as to which people (as a whole) are bringin' down AmeriKa it's not the funny men in fur hats an' tallises or their bewigged wives--but folks'll blame 'em anywayz.

Thanks Ray fer seein' clearly that the "Noble Faith" (ironically natch, per Gad Saad) is not so noble an' that pointin' fingers needs ta be omni directional (not just at "one" people even if rats like BBGun exist an' deserve it!) An' if anyone has a splinter or a boil on their hind end, no, it ain't my durn fault!

Gad Saad (one'a my favorite professors ta listen to on the "Noble Faith")


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Mar 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The links to Irving's histories on Winston Churchill and Hitler were quite revealing. Amazing how the entire history of the 20th century changes in this new light. Also, it is quite shocking to see the total dominance in Hollywood and media of Jewish influence, and I mean that literally. Not as some "antisemitic" statement. This for a group that makes up around 2% of the population. You could say the same as the heads of the mainstream media, Big Pharma, especially Pfizer and Moderna, the transnational investment funds like BlackRock and Vanguard, and many of positions of power. Again, the dominance is odd when one really takes an honest and objective look at it, which I personally have avoided doing until this year. I recall the rather darkly humorous line from Dave Chappelle: "If they’re Black, then it’s a gang, if they’re Italians a mob, but if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it." The takeaway for me is that if any other group of people had that much influence in multiple institutions we would be speaking about it. The hopelessly woke have no issues with routinely asserting, with no evidence, that we live in a "white supremacist" society and that we have "institutionalized racism." As for the Muslims/Islam, it seems the the entire Globalist agenda for importing millions of them - the so called "migrants" - into the Western democracies, where they are fracturing and balkanizing traditional Christian European culture, is to be a wrecking ball to help facilitate one world global governance. The same can be said for the incessant stream of "migrants" - many Islamic fundamentalists, but also Chinese nationals - that are pouring across our borders. All of these bizarre and dubious occurrences hide behind the smokescreen of cries of "racism!" If you question any of it, and if you go further, "antisemitism!" Another dubious smokescreen that stops people from asking uncomfortable questions. That charge has been repeatedly lobbed at David Icke, which is ridiculous given his broad humanist perspective.

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Mar 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Have you ever read/seen Dr. Bill Warner's video "Why We Are Afraid A 1400 Year Old Secret"?

His website is www.politicalislam.com

His talks are very informative and I believe he is or was a professor at an historically black college. Just the above video is very informative and he knows the Koran, Hadiths, and other texts inside and out. I'm not sure how controversial his work is but he does not misrepresent the texts so I imagine there isn't much anyone can say against him.

It seems to me that the subject of white slavery versus black, jewish, or otherwise always comes down to the fact that most of the grievance groups don't care if whites are enslaved by any other race or ethnic group, and they also don't care if blacks are enslaved by any group but whites, including being enslaved by other blacks. They don't care about whites at all, in fact they claim outwardly that whites are a scourge on the world.

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Mar 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)


Bat Ye'or, born in Cairo, became a stateless refugee in 1957. On her marriage in 1959, she acquired British citizenship, and a year later settled in Switzerland. A mother of three children (1960-64), since 1971 she has written four books and numerous articles on non-Muslims dhimmis under Islam. Her first study, Les Juifs en Egypte (French/1971; Hebrew/1974) was followed by Le Dhimmi (Paris/1980), whose translation into English (1985; Hebrew/1986; Russian/1991) brought her international recognition. The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam (1985) remains an essential introduction to her second major work, The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam. From Jihad to Dhimmitude (French/1991; English/1996; German/2002), which put the study of this topic on a new footing that could no longer be ignored. The French edition (1991) confirmed her reputation as a pioneer thinker in a new field of research. This was greatly enhanced by Islam and Dhimmitude. Where Civilizations Collide, which examines the trend toward dhimmitude in the 20th century. Her latest book, EURABIA: The Euro-Arab Axis (31 January 2005), describes the gradual transformation of Europe into "Eurabia," a cultural and political appendage of the Arab/Muslim world. A serious assessment of the traditional "Jihad Ideology" - and of Dhimmitude - became all the more essential in the aftermath of the terrorist Jihad-war against America on September 11, 2001. Bat Ye'or has revealed the open sesame to "Eurabia," the developing continent of dhimmitude.

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"It’s hard to deny what many Jewish sources also proudly declare that Jews have played a decisive role in popular culture and in the media in the last hundred years."

Yeah.. But you're a mordant antisemite and a holocaust denier if you don't. 🤔

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Lt's see how combatant will be Islam in a total nuclear annihilation . They can go straight to haven . No need to fight .

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Please pass the visene, My eyes are wide open…and I can’t get them shut again!

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Great information and research. Thank you.

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I think the US bridge to Gaza is to bring the whoever is still alive OUT & here to America

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deletedMar 23
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