There is not much difference between Scientism and Scientology. They both promise answers to the most important questions in life as well as control over one’s life. I’ve been planning to write about Scientology for a long time, and “Agent” gave me the motivation:
Please, notice that this is not a race between the two of us; our writings often seem to complement each other, and two thinking persons never have to agree on everything. In this case, our views on Scientology differ, but that doesn’t have to prevent readers from profiting from both articles.
Agent’s nicely tells the story of the lasting animosity between the Church of Scientology (COS) and the US government, while informing me about details I’ve never known. It also diverges into what you may have already learnt from his other pieces and a lot of other sources, namely that the government and Big Pharma have never been, and aren’t going to be, your best friend. I’ve found it entertaining and edifying to read about the no-holds-barred fight between the two criminal entities.
Agent provides plenty of details to document criminality, although I’m close to groaning every time he calls the Church of Scientology a “church,” which it is not.
Agent’s article also gives me concern, because it teaches undeserving parties how easy it is to frame someone in ways that the target remains defenseless. That’s like me telling why criminals use .22 revolvers with soft-headed ammo (perhaps surprisingly, the highest number of firearm victims are killed with 22s1).
Reading about successful government infiltration might give people some hope today. I can assure you that by the time you’d get to a position where you could change the course of history, your past and your vision would be darkened so much that you won’t know light and day. Apparently, COS agents had no such concerns. Hubbard’s campaign started in 1973 and lasted for 15 years2. By infiltrating the IRS, COS agents forged IDs that they used for burglaries, which was possible at the time. All that in the span of four years, ending up with a collection of 30 thousand pages of confidential IRS materials, and managed to orchestrate successful inflitrations into the DEA, the US Coast Guard, and the US Department of Labor! It’s a bit entertaining that while the IRS was preying on the people, their force was possible to turn on those who were doing the same, but the same was working against anyone else, which instantly suggests that it inevitably happened, and those perps will never be identified.
Moral relativism is another problem. Just because someone is better than another party, it doesn’t mean this someone is a good person. I wrote about that fallacy in
As you can ascertain from the article, the COS is anything but an innocent lamb who happened to have the monetary sources along with legal and clandestine means to legally challenge the US government and hurt its members.
The COS has always been selling its own snake oil for curing people, so their position is directly against pharmaceuticals, especially against “Psychiatry,” which is pseudo-science, anyway, that excels at turning people into zombies and at destroying lives.
The “church” is not even a church, because it doesn’t even believe in God, only in the promotion of the self until it reaches “perfection,” which is nothing more than a feeling of identity; the same process has been practiced by cognitive therapy since around 2000, and it works… for a while…
Because of its Ponzi-scheme setup, the COS headquarters has been on an ocean-going ship for decades, because they were expelled from most, if not all, countries. Scientology works pretty much like Freemasonry; the lower ranks are tricked into believing that they would be knowledgeable and powerful, but are usually given scraps and more promises after advancing a level. In the COS, they also lose everything they have after paying for their “courses,” which amount to brainwashing/conditioning (humiliating, silencing, and programming) its members and call it “training.” When they run out of their savings, their assets are generously accepted for payments. Next, members are offered loans as long as they can come up with some collateral. There are enough levels to make sure most recruits lose all their possessions in the process, and pile up a debt that turns them into COS assets. After that, members have to start paying back their “debts,” and they can move further up only if they recruit new victims. Until they do, they remain liable for their debts accrued by their “training.” Without securing a respectable amount of new recruits, all the indebted victims can realize is that they owe more for their “training” than whatever they could make from working in their whole lives.
Never mind that “celebrities” like the COS member, Tom Cruise, appeared in public and promoted the convid injections or spoke against Trump (which was part of the political theater that was meant to occupy people’s mind and give them something to hope for, “MAGA”). Many “important” people have been either groomed to become globalist supporters or were convinced that they’d better go along, if they want to survive:
Sometime around 1958, the “church” stockpiled Dianezene (which the FDA seized), which is chock full of toxins, as Agent’s other articles clearly intimate, but I assume, it was good for turning candidates and members more suggestible or given first to weaken people, and withdrawn later to demonstrate that health, stamina, and mindpower flourish without the miracle pills after a “training” course.
Agent is saying that E-meters are “parts of their religious service,” which is not quite accurate, because the only trait Scientology has in common with religions is that it has always wanted to be tax exempt (which in itself is an honorable pursuit, but its respectability can be determined only from the way the preserved money is spent). The meters were part of their secretive practices and are meant to prevent the use or installation of recording and broadcasting devices on their premises. Of course, in the last 20 years or more, no such devices would have been necessary, because advanced equipment can see and hear through walls, which might be another reason why the headquarters is on an ocean-going ship.
Don’t worry; my source is not The Times, but an old acquaintance from Europe, whose life was destroyed after he joined the COS… No government script was needed, unless he was captured by a shadow organization run by the government or by another criminal organization.
Agent tells you the story of the government destroying organizations, which is nothing new (Occupy Wall Street was the last such group I remember), but it shows why organized opposition would not work today, either. It surprises me that the FOIA requests were successful at the time, because these days, you would mostly receive only documents with all important details redacted (although FOIAs exist to document that governments have no proof that the convid “virus” exist).
Ah, the good-old days, when paper evidence worked!
In 1979, with some of their members still incarcerated, the Church publicly stated that they were ready to hold press conferences and reveal damning evidence against the government. These revelations included; seven years prior, the CIA was developing and testing a biological warfare “harassment system” and was in the process of “large-scale production of microorganisms” for covert biological warfare experiments.
Additionally, the Church released documentation proving the CIA's MK-ULTRA program conducted open-air biological warfare tests around New York city.
These days, evidence can be forged in a jiffy, which would include photos, videos, or even full documentaries. The government has been doing it all along; the retroactive doctoring of “vaccine” injuries/deaths in the US Armed Fources back until 2015 comes to mind…
… the church … went on to expose that the CIA killed the animals through the bio attacks then shipped the dead animals away, because nothing makes people more angry than the senseless killing of innocent animals.
That’s so neat that I can’t help remembering the cattle killed in KS, which provides some hints of what happens to the herd before it develops “immunity” to lethal toxins or, after it acquires immunity to common sense:
All the public revelations and a lot more were made in public, which reveals exactly what happens, when people are “red-pilled.” Yes, you have guessed it: nothing.
Nothing happening reminds me of the Maui fires. While the public poisoning goes on and on, let me tell you what most likely happened in Maui, another event, officially covered up. Agent logically and, in my opinion, correctly, suspected that “smart meters” were used to ignite the fires, and suggested that only houses with smart meter were burnt to the ground, which also sounds feasible3. Indeed, trees next to the houses didn’t have smart meters, but they were standing after the fires. So, if I may complete Agent’s story, what must have caused the fire was the electric wiring itself, activated by smart meters. The trees didn’t have electric wiring, either. Nice “government intervention,” wouldn’t you say? On the other hand, there is the problem that blue cars were allegedly saved. I’m not sure how much of anything is true, but wiping out cars might suggest something like laser. Laser, however, wouldn’t have been needed to destroy houses... Also, boats were set aflame on the water, and people incinerated on the road (of which I haven’t heard until now), which definitely indicate the use of DEWs, that is, microwave weapons. Still, it is also possible that different targets had different methods to make things faster and to confuse investigations, and meters, wiring, laser, and land-based DEWs were all deployed.
Throughout the text, Agent entertains you with more details about experiments the government conducted on the population, but the story of the COS becomes interesting again, when it turns out that the “church” invested in Pfizer and received contributions from Ely Lilly, and later successfully blackmailed the latter.
So, if you are still attracted to join Scientology, it’s your call.
In the following two articles, I have gathered details for new gun owners and for those who are considering buying a firearm for self-defense:
The infiltration plan included the USPS, but the Postal Services have always been part of the government, which included data collection. The most recent type, of course, it putting past endeavors into shame:
To me, the laser story in Maui sounds like a diversion. Including the blue color can support the diversion further.
1. It involves the Chinese, who are working together with the US and the Russians on Agenda 2030.
2. Most importantly, it takes attention away from the fact that the electric grid can be weaponized.
On the other hand, as mothman777 points out, there is the problem of blue cars. I'm not sure how much of anything is true, but wiping out cars definitely suggests something like laser. Laser, however, wouldn't have been needed to destroy houses... I had to add this to the original text.
Also, as Ida is saying, boats were also set aflame on the water, and people incinerated on the road (of which I haven't read until now), which definitely indicates the use of DEW(s).
Still, it is possible that different targets had different methods to make things faster and confuse investigations, and meters, wiring, laser, and land-based DEWs were all deployed.
Time for everyone to recognise the real enemy, the parasitic elites. All this virus, no virus, emf or biological weapons stuff is fun but very distracting!