There are several psyops utilized against the people, who are constantly under attack with a combination of toxins, parasites, pathogens, biochemical compounds, radiation, and Directed Energy Weapons. Let me also point out the major and most common methods that elevate the victims’ mood or render them inert, because in ‘bama’s words, “help is on the way.”
Blaming the victim
Blaming the victim has been one of the central tools in the tool-chest of modern “Medicine”; besides new illnesses being invented all the time, they tend to be even named in a manner that places the blame of the patient, who must have been careless or simply too weak to fight off the “illness” that is, more often than not, is simply a form of common poisoning:
I am sooo sick of self-appointed “exceptional” authors calling people sheep. That’s a simple strategy that happens to work on their followers, because it makes them feel special. Who wouldn’t like to feel special? Here is an example of such a post:
How to lie in questions? “Why are people sheeplike” implies that people are sheeplike. The author explores a further step down, when resorting to a cheap shot at the globalist-popularized myth of “Nazism.”1 Of course, the manipulative “we” is in the article as well, which is an insidious way to further divide people… (I also have a hard time taking seriously anything that has “society,” “the truth,” “bombshell,” or sometimes even with “very/real(ly)” in it.):
In the meanwhile, the problem is that people give up personal responsibility, which is not exactly obedience, but the easy way out2. Besides, the “crimes committed in the name of obedience” still followed orders, whose sources remain the true sources of evil. The amount of evil these days are surpassing all imagination, which is perhaps the reason why the Ultimate Commander is now a central AI that doesn’t need to be dehumanized as all good soldiers used to have to be, because it’s not human to begin with, and the only feature it is retaining for evaluating human life is a person’s usefulness in the utilitarian technocratic system it is maintaining.
In the meantime, it doesn’t matter if people are “red-pilled” or anything like that, because they cannot do a thing. Many of them seem to feel that way even before being engaged in learning about relevant events; they are not masochists to enjoy their powerlessness, so they choose to ignore what they cannot change, anyway3. However, people are drawn into a game in which the roles of victims, saviors, and enforcers/enablers are rotating, making the process extremely addictive and never boring, as I explained it before, but in this article, I’ll further particularize.
I wrote about the strategies of gaining fame and popularity recently. Basking in the light and warmth of undeserved fame still feels good enough for many to adhere to the fantasy of “belonging somewhere”:
The game is never boring
As for hard players, total perversion is also an option in all available roles4, just like the globalists seem to derive extreme satisfaction from taunting their powerless victims5. The roles that can be dynamically rotated are often the following, although new roles keep cropping up and old ones sometimes go dormant. A basic game can be played by selecting no more than two of the roles and assigning them to willing or reluctant players, but most of the time, the game is personal, complex, with characters activated as needed:
The victim. Victims are told they deserve their fate, because they have been stupid, passive, evil, or all these.
The perp. Enablers and enforcers are offered bonuses for “being smart.” The perp’s job is to hurt people, while being convinced they deserve it, just like he deserves his little blood money for meting out “justice”:
The savior. The savior forms alliances for “justice” and makes people believe they have a chance in direct confrontations, which is pure nonsense. The savior also publishes remedies for specific symptoms, while ignoring the fact that the same symptoms can originate from several other causes, and they are usually caused by more than one source. Saviors utilize limited hangouts a lot, and they can present ultimate loss as victory:
The prosecutor. The prosecutor gives hope to the helpless, which makes sure they will never rise. These are the “Nuremberg 2 is coming” people. The role gives the player a sense of power, respect from co-players, and a feeling of law and order restored, which of course, is an illusion, but it surely ensures a large herd of followers (“herd immunity” actually exists in this single sense: being immune to common sense). Phantom lawsuits abound:
The judge. The judge lavishly passes sentences without a court or any force that would enforce a fair sentence, but the method does create an air of superiority for the participants in the imaginary court. In a milder form, the player resorts to name-calling in order to satisfy his need for feeling superior, but not noticing that calling anyone a “Nazi” or a “psychopath” will not solve a single problem6, only lowers standards to the level of the global criminals. Revenge would never stop:
“You cannot hurt me.” At the time of the Rodney King riots, I was teaching in Prison Ed in MA. A student summarized it for me: “I know what happened,” he said, “King was all pumped up on something and didn’t feel pain. He just kept telling the police, ‘You can’t hurt me.’” The method leads to a sense of detachment that resembles solipsism. A good kick in the butt usually cures it, although it might not happen soon enough.
Some people keep repeating they have power and the globalists don’t, which sometimes goes well beyond the verge of insanity:
The power of conditioning
In over 100 years, people have been conditioned to accept that they are mere assets of the state:
Being a chicken is now the definition of a law-abiding citizen. Chickens can be cruel and still disobedient. They are, however, well-regulated:
Not everybody starts out as a chicken, but the idea can be hammered in quickly most of the time and, in a way, it explains the “evolution” of the latest breed of humans:
The alternative is to sit in prison for years without a charge.
The power of fear
Fear only exacerbates the problem, but at least the human lineage is clear in evolution:
For fear, the warmth of the pigsty can offer some consolation, but it’s the isolation that matters, not the fake unity by conformity that in pseudo-academic terms can be called “mass formation”:
Isolating people was among the objectives of the muzzle and the antisocial distancing:
Fighting isolation, however, is relatively easy, and it’s perhaps the greatest enemy of all tyrants:
Raising false hope
False hope sells, because it’s cheap:
You can recognize sources of false hope, because they want you to hope before trusting anything or anyone. On the other hand, once you have placed your trust/faith, you are committed, and when the time comes for judgment, only a few can realize if they have been wrong and change their course.
Peeing on a house fire
By now, you must know that everyone is a doctor:
Miracles cures have always existed, because “medical science” has thrived on myths:
Bottom-feeders are preying on the desperate:
Healing itself might be a myth the way it is understood these days:
Are you committed?
Can anybody in their right mind assume that a complex global attack on humanity can be tackled by using… whatever? The only cure exists in theory, but it’s unlikely to become available anytime soon:
There is an ever-changing combination of toxins, parasites, pathogens, biochemical compounds, radiation, and Directed Energy Weapons; they can activate each other or enhance each other’s impact. I have collected 13 major sources:
The most important question must be answered before it comes up:
Take out the hook
Normally, taking out the threat is the way to handle a threatening situation, but this time, the threat is versatile, is in constant flux, and it keeps changing, which makes it nearly impossible to identify accurately. In response, people tend to resort to games that are time-consuming, debilitating, and highly motivating, but totally abortive. Without accomplishing more than some occasional temporary relief, they never touch any of the real causes out of which the chemtrails or the cell towers are the most prominent, although the CBDC and “vaccination” by inhalation and other creative methods already exist:
Many are still waiting for the next elections instead of realizing that politicians sold them out no later than the Federal Reserve Act of 19137.
Quite a few decades ago, residents in a nursing home started to commit suicide by hanging themselves from a hook in the basement. The nursing home hired a psychologist, who after 15 minutes, arrived at his conclusion:
“Take out the hook.”
The suicides stopped once and for all.
What is the hook these days?
Once a liar, always a liar; it’s called the official narrative. Here are a few examples:
The writer even wants you to pay for commenting, which probably prevents negative comments, although I restacked the text with a comment that gave me the idea of writing all this today.
The complexity of the system raises another obstacle: the system is simply too complex for humans to understand it, and ignoring the “unintelligible” threat is a common human reaction under such circumstances.
I am using the word “game” in the sense of Eric Berne’s transactional theory that he published in Games People play (1964).
For example, “monkey pox” for the monkeys (aka. subhumans) and “omicron” for the moronic, but it’s also humiliating to witness mass murder by injections or by DEWs in Maui, or listen to the next plans (WHO power and the CBDC), and being unable to do anything else but talk (although even talk is becoming more and more restricted).
Such people can easily become like those whom they are claiming to resist:
Thanks for addressing the "sheeple" annoyance. Sometimes I comment with a "blaming the victim? " question, which is easily dismissed.
Also the isolation agenda. I tell people they are heroes of the resistance when they shun the self-check out line 🤪
Some might say I am a sheep for fearing the needle. But that refusal of all vaccines for more than 50 years has keep me well. Avoiding all big pharma drugs is a badge I wear proudly. Bah, bah, bah.