Nov 13, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Are you saying if any media entertains the existence of viruses, even going into deep dives if it's true or not, they are thereby supporting the bad speak, and probably cannot be trusted for any of their discussions? For example I have listened to Grand Theft World podcast, they use a lot of historical books as reference, which is enlightening; however they have definitely reviewed the differences between the virus vs no virus in the end letting the listeners come to their own truth, which really muddies the waters for a kid like me seeking reliable sources. I'm exhausted with all this secret read between the lines and sift through mounds of pages efforts.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

#10 - "... knew that COVID-19 was created... suspected that a mutation in the virus was "intentionally inserted." We will even pretend to prosecute Fauci as long as you keep believing in viruses.

#9 - just CO from a faux movement promoting another CO.

#8 - just another article pushing the spike protein, SV40, mRNA and DNA narratives.

#7 - more promotion of Co.

#6 - limited hangout - covid jabs are bad but no need to question existence of viruses or the use of any other vaccinations.

#5 - pushing supplements instead of encouraging healthy diet.

#4 - limited hangout - only addressing additives and does not discuss growing methods (pesticides, gmo etc)

#3 - same as no. 6

#2 - pushing treatment for a non-existent illness caused by a non-existent virus

#1- letting us think our votes count or that they actually count our votes

Bonus 1 - shilling ivermectin & supplements for injury caused by non-existent spike protein. Also, only addressing vaccine injury from covid jabs.

Bonus 2 - shilling supplements, implying that good supplements exist and are necessary

Bonus 3 - pushing mRNA narrative. Also our meat should be receiving zero jabs not just mRNA ones.

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This means we will leave no child undoctrinated!

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I believe you normally have to try things first before it becomes clear what they are about. I like to think it's called having an open mind. This was one such publication that I "unsubscribed" from before too much damage was done.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

#8 - DNA fragments or was it DNA fragment imprinting onto water molecules is what they detected? Water may have memory of what it had contact with https://risingtidefoundation.net/2022/02/10/dr-luc-montagnier-and-the-coming-revolutions-in-optical-biophysics/

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I'm not sure what to write... LOL! I wrote the Fox off long ago. And the points seem (so far) to go to Epoch Times which will not let Me read unless I sign up. Heh.

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I know you didn't, it was not directed at you. Gail made a comment. I imagine there others still thinking viruses are a thing so I just wanted to clarify on that

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Just for clarity. There is no virus. Not Zika, Chikungunya, Covid, Influenza, etc, etc. Ergo, there are no 'vaccines'.

Cause of illness is toxins.

Pharmaceuticals are toxins. 'doctors' work for pharm and 'diagnose symptoms' for which their pharma donated computer lays out which particular toxic product to prescribe (sell) to the unsuspecting sick victim.

So-called side effects are toxic reactions, so the 'doctor' then prescribes different pharma toxin to sell to sick victim.

Good business model.

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ANOTHER SCARE TACTIC FOR A MISQUITO BITE. What are the chances of being Mosquito bitten by say Lupus or Zika as the models vs Chikungunya virus? Younger children are outside the same number of hours. Or did they want to avoid the Backlash of a new vaccine being used on children as happened with Covid?

Before the FDA’s approval, the vaccine’s safety was tested in clinical trials that included 3,500 adults. Five million cases reported over the past 15 years. Hmmm, sound familiar? Participants most commonly reported headache, muscle pain, fatigue, joint pain, nausea, fever, and tenderness at the injection site as side effects.

Most people who contract the virus get better within a week. In rare cases, the virus can cause severe and long-lasting joint pain.

Gee so does a Shoulder tear, Fibromyalgia, or OA. I have all three. Why would I risk your new vaccine with mRNA in it that are basically unproven, and basically located in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Indian and Pacific Oceans?

If I described the symptoms to my Primary, he'd ask which of the 3 existing conditions was acting up. And prescribe ice/heat or a round of PT. Thus a totally unnecessary vaccine in the USA.

First vaccine for chikungunya virus, an 'emerging global health threat,' gets FDA approval


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