Many years ago I subscribed to National Geographic monthly magazine.

One cover featured giant dog cages stacked 3 high where the elderly/indigent

elderly could sleep. I read those issues to my boys in the evening for a form of

home schooling. Then they outgrew that...and I brought the magazines to the

library. I wish I had saved that one. I searched (B4 internet) high and low but could

not obtain another copy. The story was the "feature" article and it went all in on

the lack of space for housing in Japan. Tight spaces, expensive housing/tiny housing,

dorm living, are a norm in crowded Asian cities. Now Hong Kong has the cages.

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It's all gradual. "Tiny houses" are already advertised in the US, too.

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There are you tube videos by the hundreds, or more, showing and praising people and their tiny homes. We ARE being prepared.

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Right. Those are the coffin-like boxes, where "people" will have to live as long as they remain "useful."

How can one prepare for that?

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Way back in the early 2000's, I worked at a design firm. VRML was in its infancy. A coworker (a senior designer I respected) had a sign over his desk that read; IF YOU THINK VIRTUAL REALITY IS INTERESTING, YOU SHOULD TRY ACTUAL REALITY.

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There is a back story of China and Opium wars.

The drollery of colonialism. Overall one tyrant replaced another. One tyrant was British. Then deciding China was rising and England busy collapsing that tyrant was asked to give control to China. China now kills the goose that laid the Golden Egg.

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Yesterday, Frances Leader has gone ape sh* on me! :)

Did she bother you in the past, too?

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Yes and cancelled my sub posting on her site. Then a month later signed up as subscriber. Then we recently had different opinion in the myth stream of Noah. :). If one possesses absolute truth and believes it is so much harder to tolerate mortals making a different story.

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She sounds like she is a nutcase! :) I went for cultural history about religions and she became personal. When I asked her to communicate in a civil manner without ad-hominem attacks, she said she had no intention to be nice. :) She even posted about her anti-religious BS on her site today. She placed St. Ignatius 300 years earlier and claimed that the Jesuits burnt witches! :) She completely ignored my brief references to history and said she is a proud witch... Well, unpleasant company, for sure.

The problem is that she is completely discrediting herself, while some of her previous posts contain some useful info (although she has the tendency of finding a single cause for single problems).

Either way, I'm done with her.

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Difficult for her because she "knows" she has the truth. In my little life online is my cafe. Though people sit at my table and converse they may not be conversing with me. I ignore them. I do register a notation that x or y is off beam and presume others do as well. Years in Bohemia prepared me. Once I sat in my favorite cafe observing with seven or eight others a GO game that suddenly became a brawl. I knew both parties and they knew each other. Neither was high or drunk.

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There was an analogy like 40 years ago for someone who adhered to the only thing he/she was able to locate; the person was "like a screaming typist; screaming with joy, because she has found the right key!"

At this point, I cannot always keep track of all the comments, but still try to answer the ones directed to me. My site belongs to my readers and my job is to feed the page and make sure people enjoy learning from each other (well, most importantly, from themselves!). The site still has a long way to go, but apart from a few disruptions, it seems to mature in the right direction.

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You know... I reckon deep down, Klaus and his self-proclaimed elitist buddies grudgingly respect our will and tenacity. Not to mention our ability to exercise critical thought processes. Perhaps in the end we'll be granted the small gift of a choice of tasty sauces to pour on our bugs.

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I can also imagine that those who make it without complying might be transferred to a relatively-large island in order to keep the human gene pool alive.

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If I recall correctly, they had islands in "Brave New World" which were sort of a refuge for the free-thinkers who couldn't adjust with the main society.

When I read back then, that seemed to be the best place in the world to be.

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That's what gave me the idea. In the book, it's a place of banishment, but considering the eugenicists' plans, humans will need to retain their gene pools, just in case. I'm not sure if they understand that, though.

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