The head of the Church of England is very arch...

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I have serious reservations about Jimmy Carr but I did find this funny.


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Hey You still works perfectly

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A wonderful, common sense proposal. The problem, as I see it, is that those persons that use or find acceptable the multitude of personal pronouns will not be inclined to embrace your proposal. It matters not whether they or anybody else are on the precipice of becoming transhumans. Those strange ones are beyond redemption having been transformed by drugs (legal and not), media and "social" media indoctrination (aka, propaganda), 5G waves, COVID shots and nanobots, either singularly or in combination. Your good will is duly noted.

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Obviously, one pronoun for humans would suffice. For cyborgs? Dunno.

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thanks fer the kind "inclusion" of mah "Cheesy" post, Ray, vis a vis the connection 'tween all them underground tunnels that CONNECT--missin' pronouns-missin' CHILDREN! on this fraudulinguistic trail that erases meanin' we've had in place fer THOUSANDS of years! (on an' re yer "reservations"'ll git'cha a table in front! ha ha)

Fan've Swift myself (tho' hardly a "Swifty!")--toss in some Sterne warnin's 'bout the noo social norms created by these regrettable Rabble-Aids (their keyboards are their crutches!) that'd have us all in a velly dark pit!

Meantimes fer some levity AND some crackerjack instruction on pronouns, I herewith share a proud page from my childhood that gits non-gmo brownie pernts fer sheer silliness!



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Your post is outstanding, at least in my opinion. By the way, it looks like there must be an underground facility under our house in rural KY (it's on the path for the tunnels). The place is always about 10F warmer than the outside temp even when the Sun is out. There used to be a town here with a railway and quite a bit of industry, with black workers in dormitories. Those days are long gone, but the traces of the "industry" apparently remain. Also, some weird type of radiation seem to be going on that don't show up on EMF meters.

One pronoun for humans would do the job...

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shucks an' thanks Ray!

SO more I "larn," the more surprises 'bout whut's under our "feets"--an' sometimes they fill in former tunnels ta cover up their "tracks"--they did that with the McMartin school tunnels in CA (ta hide 'em of course cuz pedo traffickin' an' SRA stuff... )

--an' btw what seems rural NOW might'a been not quite so... perhaps a small town once upon a time? allowed ta grow over?--traces removed... Jus' sayin' we cain't rule out a backstory...

I'm in the boonies an' the historical society elders remember trains in our area--yet tracks 'r all gone--so what's been removed is quite the intrigue!

But let's say wuther always rural 'er not yer likely onta sumthin'--also could be an underground railroad site (given yer down south), or like yer sayin'... dormitories... storage fer prohibition likker! Or traffickin' of sumthin' or sumbuddy--who knows, right? "White Slavery" wuz a thing down south!... girls mysteriously disappearin' back in the day... So ya might indeed be livin' over an enigma--

to wit:

Buffalo's way north of us but they recently found a motherlode!



re temp change -- if yer talkin' 30' below ground ya got geothermal stable heat oft warmer than the outside temp--cooler in summer--BUT if it's ABOVE 30' below ground level-- an' 10F warmer u bet somethin' might be "up"... (unless there's something "compostin'" down there which ya hope ain't the case (ha ha I've seen steamin' hot compost!)

Now, there are folks that kin test the "backfill" or the earth in the area suspected ta have once had a tunnel vs the soil around the property--that's one way ta see if there was a diff... I believe there's a kinda infrared heat thing too--temp diffs an' it's marked on a map of sorts. All that testin' is spendy 'cept soil testin'--that some universities do... Now as fer radiation that ain't radon? radon's a bear as ya know---but if sumthin' else I think there are other meters ta test with--geiger counters too...

Bottom line is there are worlds 'neat our feets/feats too! both innocuous spaces / tunnels an' others on a slidin' scale've nefarious...

Last mention--The Biltmore (Vanderbilts) leads ta a whole TOWN of tunnels all 'round Asheville--think 'bout that ASHville---a place fer burnin's? The place they made SURE ta DESTROY with floodin' (new bodies maskin' the old ones--or far worse sins?!) Excuse ta evacuate the curious an' REBUILD without the screw-tiny of wonderin' eyes????? Little Gloria the now dead WITCH of the N. East an' her fam all manner of satanic stuff... so like I said... not just UNDER The Biltmore but under ALL of ASH-ville (an' from the ashes...)

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Ray, genius!

I'd really love your opinion and your readers, about this which I'm about to post:

Are you a deTONAtor?

The first 13th Amendment, called Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA), turns Thirteenthers into deTONAtors of a huge legal bomb:

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

“The purpose of this Amendment was to prevent those holding foreign titles, and thus the allegiance demanded by those titles, from being able to run for an office of government. This was out of fear that the foreign powers bestowing those titles would use them as markers to call in favors to either pass or impede the passing of unfavorable laws.” 17

Was it was buried by Freemasons because it can be used to ban them from US citizenship and Government, since they receive honors and money from a foreign (dark) power?

It is obvious that the masonic blood-oath supersedes and invalidates the oath of office and the obedience required by that oath is above all other oaths to the point that the oath itself grants other masons to murder the oath-breacher. Also, it’s easy to prove that many of the Grand Masters and other masonic honorific titles are granted by a foreign power (for example, the Scottish rite) or that they get money (emoluments), directly or indirectly, from foreign powers such as the illuminati like Soros.

Another impact of this Amendment is that all masons in power were usurpers and all their acts of government (executive, legislative or judicial) were void, which means that there’s no legitimacy for example, for the Income Tax, the Federal Reserve or the Federal Debt.

The same applies to dual-citizens receiving payments from foreign nations, for example China, Europe, Israel, Russia, UK … and possibly, even the globalist system which grants foreign passport and salaries (UN, World Bank, IMF, BIS, etc.)!

Congress did not set a time limit the Amendment ratification, so it could be ratified later, even now.

According to article V of the Constitution18, ratification required only three quarters of the States. Some argue that 75% of 17 States19 including Ohio, meant 13 States (12.75). Yet, believe it or not, it took until 1953 to legally and formally recognize Ohio as a State (and retroactive laws are void, especially when affecting rights).20

Therefore, ¾ of the officially 16 States21 meant that only 12 states were needed to make it part of the Constitution. In sum, the article V requirement was timely met and that amendment should be the real 13th amendment of the US Constitution, while the known 13th Amendment should be the “13th Amendment #3”:

1. Maryland – December 25, 1810

2. Kentucky – January 31, 1811

3. Ohio – January 31, 1811

4. Delaware – February 2, 1811

5. Pennsylvania – February 6, 1811

6. New Jersey – February 13, 1811

7. Vermont – October 24, 1811

8. Tennessee – November 21, 1811

9. South Carolina - the state Senate was known to have approved the amendment on November 29, 1811, but the action of the state House of Representatives was unknown.22

10. North Carolina – December 23, 1811

11. Georgia – December 31, 1811

12. Massachusetts – February 27, 1812

13. New Hampshire – December 9, 1812

14. Virginia – February 2, 1811. House of Delegates. 23

15. Maine - March 15, 1820 (automatically, when it was separated from Massachusetts)

16. West Virginia – 1860 (automatically, when it was separated from Virginia)

17. Colorado. - 1861.24 The State of Colorado published it as an official part of the Constitution. Law considers that an official publication implies a legally binding norm.

In Coleman v. Miller (1939), the majority opinion described the TONA as adopted (only 2 opposed this).

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My "IQ" ranges from -360 to +360, and I'm not sure if that's a sign of a genius. On my end, I don't believe in geniuses, anyway.

Your contribution, however, deserves more than one day in court. Can you, please, write an article about it and include the link in your current and future (relevant) comments?

Please, notice that the numbered footnotes in your text are not leading anywhere.

While your attention to legal details is admirable, what can that accomplish? The whole country is under foreign rule and led by usurpers.

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This is disturbing.

We SHOULD be disturbed. ... Glad you included Crackpots underground cheese/Soylent Green article.

This is UNnatural & demonic ... Parasitical.

Trannyhumanism is the last step to complete & total A.I. Takeover of the human HOST. I don't care much about the rented human mortal meat vehicle that tethers us to 3D.... But they cross the line involving our immortal DNA & biofield!

They can attach whatever MK pronoun "they" want to a avatar with mental illness. I don't participate in "their" sorcery.... as much as humanly possible .... Proving that this is a trannyhumanism agenda!

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"Crackpot" is fantastically intelligent, but only a few are able/willing to read her version of grammar, which is, by the way, often creative enough to be ingenious or, at least, entertaining, if one takes the time...

I have my reservations on her post, but it nicely coincides with mine, and as always, I never want to convince anyone, but invite my readers to think on their own and to make their own decisions, so her stuff fits the bill.

For that matter, as far as I can see, humanity is well beyond being salvageable, so it's only a question of time. As one of my two maxims (the other one is "there is no free lunch") goes, "if it can be done, someone will do it." It's well beyond the point of no return.

The MK conditioning process is so horrible that it went way beyond my own imagination. Thankfully, it's nearly 600 pages long, and I spared my good-hearted wife from reading it...

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Crackpot is fun, HIGHLY intelligent & happy to entertain her way into our psyche. :)

I don't think that humanity is salvageable either. ... The human condition is coming to an end. My ONLY concern is getting my spirit/soul thing out of here unscathed.

The MK process is NEVER-ending. .. MK Triggers surround us. Don't look at billboards!

MEMES are the new billboards :) So much symbolism in MEMES!

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Exactly, don't look at billboards or government highway signs/billboards either. They want you thinking in terms of time instead of distance. And if you don't already know, avoid looking at the television. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, we must be careful what we put into our soul.

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100% on point Tony!

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..."Dunno about you, but I’d prefer to die before I’d ever learn this crap."... Maybe that's their end game, cause everyone to go crazy and jump off the planet. I never pay any attention to pronouns or anything DEI, woke or politically correct.

I went to Catholic grade school and the nuns were sticklers about learning proper English. That tends to stick like Marxist indoctrination. I just use whatever word I want and nutz to the wacko government of insanity.

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One of my first articles, What Happens, When People Do Nothing? was already on this subject. It has received some corrections recently:


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Great Ray, impactful and compact, just 4 finger scrolls top to bottom!

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Not sure if I was clear that I would prefer to reduce even she/he to a single personal pronoun...

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I get upset because a lot of regular people are starting to use “them” because they are doing it so much in the media. They will talk about an obvious woman and keep calling her them” don’t they see how incredibly dangerous this is?!? look where we got to in 10 years!! The average person in this country is not a liberal lunatic.

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