Feb 19, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Heart transplant recipient forced to partake in “dangerously insane cult ritual” before being allowed surgery. Welcome to sunny Australia! Welcome to the f*cking nightmare.


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As I get older, I realize everything is simply a perspective. That everything is a part of this "Dichotomy Universe." we all exist in. Like this: Everything is a miracle. Nothing is a miracle. Both can be true from a certain perspective. So now I just create my daily perspectives and change them as I see fit. It's my universe and so I do what I want in this world I create. IOW, I am at total peace with myself and just enjoy being "Alive".

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I lurch about in ignorance, learning long ago that the more I thought I knew, the more I realized I did not know. It's slightly depressing but does tend to keep one humble and trying.

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I wish I knew what my take was. I have no clue.

All I know is that the longer I live, the more I know that I don't know shit.

And the more I realize what I don't know is huge...and what I do know is increasingly vanishing.

Does it frighten me? No, only people frighten me.

Oh and snakes. I see a snake, my day is ruined.

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imo, We need a better tech than sickiology & sickiatry, and the Drugging of our country. This Tone Scale could be a start


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Our quest for creating certainty in our lives comes down to survival historically....why band together with others?, why plant crops?, why build houses?, why wear clothes and shoes? A hedging of bets, a desire to control outcomes. Survival is a certainty game indeed.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ironic, the quest for certainty to relieve the fear of uncertainty is what one’s heels dig in ever deeper to hang on to beliefs - does this mean one is stuck in the mud of their own making ?

I know nothing :)

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Trust in oneself is blind faith in a foreseeable vision that we have created. The vision is what drives the ability to be blind in the mission.

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We all come to this world with our own presuppositions...no-one acts as if they were a blank slate. I presuppose an external uncreated being who spoke this world into existence...and interact with my worldly experiences through this lens. Others through the lens of billions of years of evolution, etc etc. Our foundational beliefs determine our biases inevitably...including the belief that we cannot ‘know’ anything. BTW I agree it sure feels like that these days!!!!!

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I think that people are afraid of the concept of nothing which is definitely the unknown I have not experienced it in my 75 years and my theory is that it is just an ideology to keep people enslaved and fearful of personal responsibility

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Should say “not quite sure”

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