My definition of a racist is someone who would turn down sex with a good looking woman or man because of their skin colour. There's not very many of them around. What remains is men competing with each other.

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You can't win: your anti-racist solution is something others call race-mixing. :)

The sad thing is that children born from such conjubial or worse... relationships exhibit higher propensities towards depression or even suicide as a result (according to physhoanalysts) their poor self-image.

Now, having sex with someone without accepting the possibility is an offspring, is this case, is endangering the potential offspring...

Granted, men in the oversexed western world, do tend to behave like animals. You cannot find me contesting that proposition...

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We're all mongrels really Ray. And considering replenishment rates in the 'West' are hovering around half of what they're needed to maintain equilibrium I somehow doubt that the west is oversexed and unaccepting of the possibility of offspring.

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It gets even weirder. I belong to the five percent of humans, who think deductively. For the 95%, I sound like I'm generalizing, when I'm simply describing the initial frame. If you add to this that only 7% can think logically, it looks like I am a minority, who probably shouldn't even exist, if "democracy" is enforced without a Constitution that guarantees universal human rights. Okay, dream on, Ray Horvath. :) Despite an obviously versatile ancestry, as far as I can judge from the experience of a lifetime, I still pass for a white male... Ouch, heterosexual, too. Can it get any worse? :D

People of different colors mix well, if they represent the same (or similar) culture(s). Race mixing, is still a bad idea, when it comes to proliferation or even co-habiting most of the time. That stuff only works in TV commercials. :)

There is probably no such thing as "the West" anymore. Subcultures do exist and as long as the word "sexy" and "you have to learn how to kiss" is mainstream, people in this cultural hemisphere tend to be oversexed. When it comes to accepting personal responsibility, it looks like it gets even worse:


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I come from a country which has quite a lot of 'race mixing' Ray. And despite cultural differences it doesn't seem to present a major problem. In fact considering the current zeitgeist of anti white hetero male I assume that the same are seeking out cross cultural 'alliances'.

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What are "cross cultural alliances"? Can you give me an example that has worked, please?

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The All Blacks, albeit woke seems to be impacting results recently.

But more seriously (or maybe the above is serious) 50% of Maori y dna is European and the next largest group looks to be from the Caucasus believe it or not. Mitochondrial dna of the same is supposed to be Taiwanese in origin. My cousins can claim to be Maori if they so desire (and sometimes do) other cousins are Fijian, Japanese and Filipino. I don't think we notice those differences at all when together (although we might notice other differences..)

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Overporned maybe.

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Prejudice, xenophobia, stereotypes, the human condition, and sometimes when urged on by authorities and agitation propaganda -Hutu and Tutsi, Japanese and Chinese, Germans and Slav, Lithuanians Poles and Jewish people it becomes brutally evident thin indeed is the civilizational layer.

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Jul 3, 2022
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We all do. The spirit world is still uncomprably stronger than humans; that's when the "guardian angel" comes in handy. I would never venture into the spirit world after seeing a glimpse of it at the age of 10-14 once (I forget, when).

Humans comprise of an temporary unification of two substances that have had many names in history. Still, once the spiritual part leaves the body, the body dies, and if the body is permanently hurt, the spiritual part cannot make full contact with this world. Once such a gap occurs in the neurological/brain network, the spiritual part loses contact with this world, resulting in what people tend to call "losing one's mind."

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