Ray! I trust that handsome hillbilly face far more than I trust Substack's "Top Doctors" !!

Keep at ' er!

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Why would they bother to undermine our confidence when they have already indoctrinated us against meaningful resistance with their media and epic movie-reinforced anti-resistance messiahs: Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King; elevated to divine status as they have been, with martyrdom. Moreover, the directive cannot be resisted because all middle and upper-class people believe they drew the conclusion themselves... "non-violent peaceful; protest". Moreover, the brainwashing process is uplifted proudly as education and enlightenment. There is absolutely no need for further discouragement of rebellion. The entire middle-class will march joyfully, singing of freedom, as they pass through the gates of hell. "We refused to stoop to their level" one noble grandmother will be heard to declare proudly before the hissing of gas makes her mumblings inaudible.

There is no need for subliminal messages. Even if one produces proof of the brainwashing exercise, as many Africans and Indians have already attempted (ie Arundhati Roy), the middle-class victims remain stoically loyal to the message. "Violence never solved any problem" they cry, ignoring the mountainous evidence that self-defence has indeed saved millions of lives.

I can promise you, not one of your readers will not reject my warning.

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Its been a long time since I've had a good kiss, but in my lifetime, I've kissed a lot of ass. LOL

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Tell me about it... :)

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Probably why I have chapped lips.

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Great writing today Ray! Is that you in the MABIT hat? Looking good and the EKG on the hat means....?

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It's a "hunter's" cap. :)

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Excellent Ray!

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Whatever that means! :)

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