In the last several decades, the question, “Can you kiss?”1 or something similar kept showing up.
In the last 60 or 70 decades, ALL movies distributed in the US are attached to contain at least one of three sentences2, usually pronounced unnecessarily:
“Are you alright?”
Are you?
I posted about this only 10 days after I started my stack:
The question is obviously conditioning people for being helpless. Among other things, it is also probably a seal of approval by the powers regulating mass manipulation. Sometimes it’s in a single movie 8-10 times.
Still, there are two more sentences. I wonder if the number of times these three occur, including their location in the movie, also carries a code.
OMG! pronounced by people who don’t believe in anything, is also destroying people’s connection to the Divine.
The the last of the three sentences, “Everything is going to be alright” seems to be meant to make people passive and complaisant, which is using the strategy of placing hope before trust/faith:
The “Can you kiss?” psyop is even more disgusting. Kissing is one of the most intimate ways for two people to make contact. If you cannot handle it on your own, there must be something wrong with you, unless you have already been told “you are dumb” and you believed it, instead of relying on your God-given abilities. To make is simple, it’s about sharing and paying attention to each other.3
Giving birth is another natural process, but it has been procured by the state and, sadly, after so many women have been so terribly harmed by who-knows-what, some of them are obviously unable to give birth naturally.4
The technocrats are depriving people of fertility and even of sexual drive. For those, who still have any, abortion is offered (not to mention euthanasia5), and those who have received the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections (more are coming up!), about four out of five pregnancies seem to have ended in miscarriage, still-birth, or some severe birth defect (and the subsequent “vaccines” make sure that “no child will be left behind” in terms of being harmed).
In the 1960s, women were told they would have to become equal to men, and they surely did. In NYC, over two decades ago, women were already making 117% of what men were in the same jobs, at least, statistically. Some of the females may have been dismayed when they found out that after divorce, alimony applies to them over their exes. A gentle miscalculation, that is…
In popular culture, young people have also been conditioned to start sex early in a relationship, because contraceptives were made available for females, which destroyed, and still does, their hormonal balance (often resulting in their growing fat, might also lead to other metabolic conditions, but there have been plentiful other causes to do the same for both sexes).
In family court, women nearly always win, unless something weird can be proved about them. As a matter of fact, in most places in the US, a women who has an eye on the man’s property, can bang her head into the wall, call the police on her husband. The hubby will be taken into custody, a restraining order will be issued, and he’ll never have access to firearms anymore. He can certainly lose access to his own property. If he is lucky, if he doesn’t end up in jail.
When I encouraged my student to get a prenupt in order to get the temptation out of the equation, I was most told, “So I shouldn’t trust my love?” No, I never said anything like that, but considering that the average marriage in the US lasts for 7 years, it looks like after the initial euphoria dissipates, at least one of the two parties want it to return; oh, well, with someone else…
So, can you kiss?
The following is disgusting6 and creates the perfect isolated and manipulative person:
Remember, even old-testament Jews were forbidden by the Tora to pierce or tattoo anyone, even a slave, without a slave’s permission. So, these days, if you see anyone with any of the two, they have been conditioned by popular culture or are slaves by their own decisions.
The same applies to those who “cannot kiss.”
In your comment, please, skip the obvious joke about kissing up.
At this point, I believe, it’s a “seal of approval” at first, and clandestine coding after the sentences are repeated, possibly even linked to the time when they appear in the movie.
With my wife, it took a whole year for the first kiss, and it’s working.
Its been a long time since I've had a good kiss, but in my lifetime, I've kissed a lot of ass. LOL
Great writing today Ray! Is that you in the MABIT hat? Looking good and the EKG on the hat means....?