I believe there was a mass Febrezation of the population to disguise the putrid stink of covid lies and manipulations. More psychological than chemical, although they probably used both and more.

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I find incense does the trick, cheaper, safer and a large variety of scents.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

💯💪🏻 Thank you for this Ray! It’s been a pet peeve of mine for 20 years.

Whenever I take my dog out for a walk and meet other pet parents, I ask them if they have air fresheners at their house… Of course the dogs are suffering from allergies and skin problems (much of it no doubt also to the toxic pet vaccines) I direct them to EWG.org and now I’ll send them your article too!!

Thanks & stay awesome 😎

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Febreeze is one of the worst! I tried to use it years ago when it first came to market. Horrible smell and my cats got dandruff, so that junk went in the trash immediately! Its very difficult for me to even walk down those aisles in the grocery stores where all the cleaning chemicals are shelved. I don't know how anyone can manage to purchase this crap and use it in their homes! Those chemicals must damage your olfactory system after years of abuse.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

All these artificial smells desensitize folks to the point they can’t even recognize natural smells anymore. I can’t walk down the aisle of some stores, like Hobby Lobby, without my stomach turning and knotting up. Cigarette smoke would be more welcomed! Scent is so important for recognizing health and recognizing subtle queues, below our conscious radar. Like with the birth control pills, they screw with one’s sense of smell during ovulation masking what should be the body’s clue as to who is a proper mate. Our body’s wisdom is so intricate, such a perfect guide, and folks are screwing with it every time they use any of those awful fake products or eat chemical foods. Thanks for this post--Febreeze fanatics everywhere--get a clue! :)

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Hmmmm ... Maybe the Biden Ownership Group & their running dogs in the EPA/FDA should actually tackle something positive like sniffing out the problems caused by Febreeze & air fresheners instead of trying to micromanaging our gas stoves-washers & dryers.

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It's why I call all that stuff "stink nice".

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

In the course of my work, (drafting) I have to go into peoples houses to measure the walls. I was in a house the other day, where the womans cat sneezed constantly, she complained about the cat snot everwhere and it happened while I was there. Her house is a febrize palace, its 2 days later and I am feeling the allergic reaction I had to being in her house, on top of the fact they she and her husband are probably quad vaxxed. The question is when I draw the line about exposures to the vaxxed. Germophobes got us into this mess and they will only dig their heels in, they are crazy people.

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Plugs up my sinuses. As does heavy perfumed body washes, or drenched in perfume people you can smell from 5 ft away. Laundry Aisle is the 2nd most dreaded area in a store. And LOUD MUSIC IN STORES DROWNS OUT MY 'FLIGHT DECK LEVEL DAMAGE' HEARING AIDS. 2 Menieres attacks caused.

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