Jesus Returning by a specific date was always a gamble. Hasn't paid off yet. Haley's Comet didn't give a lift to Heaven's Gaters. Just Do it, Didn't. Y2K fizzled. Years before 2012, the Mayan Hunab Ku, clucked but didn't quack.

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We are supposed to be in another pandemic starting on September 13?? Wow, I must’ve missed it… oh well, I still refuse to participate…

I guess I need to perfect my eye rolling again… 👻

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Aye. There is also some beauty in the world, if only our communing here to chronicle its end. Doesn't take much inductive/deductive reasoning, or simple pattern recognition to determine which groups want most of the world gone. Nor would it be hard to research who is most oft expelled in human history, created communism, feminism and almost every false flag, dysgenic component of the past 125 years.

Still, here WE are. A small group of bedraggled, hangers-on. Sitting on a rapidly flooding promontory, on the edge of sanity...

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Indeed, the psychopaths in control are diffusing an aggregate with substanceless fear porn in all directions. Thanks for this breakdown

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Ban DiHygrogen Monoxide as well (H2O), it kills thousands every year. Maybe the reason the lock-downs didn't go further was that in the form we experienced it provided for a massive wealth transfer from small to large business.

I had some thoughts on changes to school curriculum that might help, but don't hold your breath.


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