We all seem to be puppets, ants in an anthill.

All been modelled, Substack being mined for psychological profiling.

Fits with Yuval Noah Hirari's, Anal Swabs' and Kill Gates' god complexes. And their handlers.

Because we are not party to the plan we are all victims of it.

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Actually, many are thinking that they are participants of the game and, as such, they will be saved. Wrong; they are only useful idiots and their time will come, when they will be conveniently shipped to a "holiday resort." Not a trace of them will be left on the face of the Earth...

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AI cannot handle most culturally-specific implications! :)

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It has been said, properly, that "one cannot serve two masters".

The trouble, as I see it to be, is that hardly a one seems to recognize the "masters", being variously the mundane toys and tech-no-logic terrors that we may fill our lives with, or the Almighty Dollars that allow us such treacherous toys, or the allowance for a calm, graceful balance to take over where the selfish gluttony once reigned...

Cheers, and thanks for you attention and concern!

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