“Know Thy Enemy, Know Thyself.”
(Sung Tzu: The Art of War)
As you know, I have written a lot about fake history and science:
Going against the official narrative doesn’t automatically make anyone well-meaning, knowledgeable, or compassionate.
Controlled opposition is often celebrated as an entity that is “persecuted by the media.” At the same time, the vast majority of “opposition” has been spewing out half-truths in the last 20 months or so, contributing to the worldwide gaslighting. Most non-conformists cannot count up to two and are proud of “not being one of the sheeple,” while they are exactly that... A respected neighbor of mine has the election post for Kamala, and he doesn’t need the money that such an endeavor offers. He is the richest person in the village…
Sometimes it’s difficult to tell if a source is deliberately misleading or only because it author(s) are unable to think further. Are they paid agents or simple morons?
The number of prescriptions and “Like”s usually serve as good indicators. “Thousands and thousands of paid subscribers” usually suggest that the “author” (“who” might be nothing but an AI) is supported by the taxpayer from the black budget.
At the same time, I never trust even my own opinion. Or shall I say, especially that?
Is it possible to oppose the democide halfway?
A major problem with incomplete opposition is that it gives people false hope in a world nearly completely owned and controlled by the monsters. It’s even more embarrassing that many of its representatives are lovable and respectable people, who might even mean well. Confusing, unless you take responsibility for your own research and your own decisions.
Fake opposition nearly always uses the fraudsters’ “medical” and propaganda terms and refers you to the self-appointed or usurping “authorities” that have been either nobodies (e.g. Fuxxi), errand boys (e.g. Gates or Schwab), or representatives of the executive branch, criminally assuming legislative power (e.g. the CDC, the FDA, or the WHO).
We all seem to be puppets, ants in an anthill.
All been modelled, Substack being mined for psychological profiling.
Fits with Yuval Noah Hirari's, Anal Swabs' and Kill Gates' god complexes. And their handlers.
Because we are not party to the plan we are all victims of it.
It has been said, properly, that "one cannot serve two masters".
The trouble, as I see it to be, is that hardly a one seems to recognize the "masters", being variously the mundane toys and tech-no-logic terrors that we may fill our lives with, or the Almighty Dollars that allow us such treacherous toys, or the allowance for a calm, graceful balance to take over where the selfish gluttony once reigned...
Cheers, and thanks for you attention and concern!