The analysis of the car verses the human body is not a good one. With any vehicle, it was engineered by man and therefore all parts and how they relate to each other and how they function can be known. The human body is far more complex and even after thousands of years of study, research and investigation, I doubt we know 10-20% of how it really functions.
Enter big medicine. It may understand 10-20% of how the body works but it uses the other 80% that is unknown to create fear and around that fear revolves an industry that is 80% hit or miss. Even when the docs have half a clue about things, it's still pretty much guesswork based on past history with other patients. There is NO one-size-fits-all in medicine as they would have us believe.
We are quickly heading towards an A/I controlled medical environment. Some retarded robot is going to be your doctor as the human guy is out on the golf course or on his yacht charging you or your insurance $500 for each diagnosis by some silly non-thinking machine. You will be lumped in with all other similar cases, given a course of action (more tests, some procedure and always a regimen of drugs for life) and there you go. Get sicker or dead and then try suing the A/I robot.
The entire modern stone age medical mafia is about to go full Al Capone or Godfather where they make you offers for "better" health that you can't refuse. No thanks.
Thank you. I wish such corrections happened more often. :)
Sometimes it takes me several months to locate a typo, and I'm sure there are a few I never noticed (the brain usually reads what make sense to it, nearly irrespective of the actual letters).
The one thing psychiatry overlooks is the importance of listening. Patients often can drops clues of how to 'solve their problems'. But who's got time for that? Much easier and lucrative to whip out the script pad.
That is the typical situation, when talk is literally cheap. Subscriptions come with kickbacks, and maintain the appearance of a professional, despite the fact that the central premise, "chemical imbalance in the brain," has been refuted for years...
“We have never drugged our troops to this extent and the current increase in suicides is not a coincidence. “Why hasn’t psychiatry in the military been relieved of command of Mental Health Services? “In any other command position in the military, there would have been a change in leadership.” – Lt. Col. Bart Billings, Clinical Psychologist U.S. Army Reserve, Ret. Today, with militaries of the world awash in psychiatry and psychiatric drugs, 23 soldiers and veterans are committing suicide every day. Psychiatrists say we need more psychiatry.
Veterans may have been injected with a slow-acting "suicide serum" or such a chemical can be put into any of their "medications." It's logical, because serving after a few months, they understand whom they are serving... However, they are certainly full of nanoparticles, which makes them ideal targets for remote-controlled suicides...
Interesting that they remove the spleen for anemia. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Spleen creates the Blood, and would be strengthened or tonified with herbs and acupuncture.
The spleen is supposed to remove defective red blood cells, but it can get "confused," when ALL RBCs are defective. It might remove enough to cause anemia, but stops before becoming suicidal.
Yes! The miserable Jews took care of later diseases already in childhood, with compulsory vaccinations/poisoning. The child is injected with the priming poisons at birth and then pushed on until it grows up. Then they 'train' doctors who then diagnose the medium and long term effects of these poisons as various diseases and then research and administer 'drugs' for them. Then the side effects of these chemicals become more and more...
Western "Medicine" is definitely serving the pharmaceuticals who, as it turns out, are agents for the eugenicists. However, it's definitely not "the Jews," "the Masons," "the Jesuits," or any other group that can be blamed so easily.
As you know, I can't see "the Jews" as a single group of people. They are also divided, and one group doesn't necessarily care for the other or even condemn other "Jewish" groups. The globalists are not "Jewish." There are Jews among them, too, but that doesn't turn their agenda into a "Jewish" conspiracy. Basically, it's an elitist movement, whose members consider themselves superior, because they have more power than the rest of the world. The Rockefellers, for one, control most central banks (over 160), but they are not Jewish. Also, it was they, who took over "medical" training in the 1920s. Jews are equally harmed by "medical" treatments and by "medications."
Any visible group can be singled out, if only a few matching features are considered, but I don't think the real culprits are even visible.
Értelek Ray! Na most én a bibliát - mint információforrást- kiválóan ismerem, és pontosan tudom és látom, hogy az abban foglalt jehovai "próféciák" teljesülését látjuk megvalósulni. És mivel minden eddigi történés tökéletesen passzol azokhoz, ezért nincs okom kételkedni benne, hogy egy idegen faj felvigyázóként itt hagyott egyik tagja - jelenleg a bolygó ura, aki "Izrael Isteneként" nevezi magát- harcol a többiekkel és az emberiség ellen a lelkekért és a bolygó végleges birtoklásáért és uralmáért az emberi szolgái által. Vagyis tudom, hogy zsidó összeesküvésről van szó! Persze nem minden zsidószármazású és vallású ember van benne, illetve tud róla. Hiszen közülük is a 2/3-ukat kiirtja, és még a maradékot is megrostálja. Ráadásul az emberek közötti hierarchia felépítését is neki köszönhetjük, ezért biztosak lehetünk benne, hogy igen kevés kiválasztottja van ennek a tervnek a véghezviteléhez. Szóval én úgy látom, hogy a betegség még nincs azonosítva a látók többsége között se, csak a főbb tünetei. ( Bocsánat, hogy magyarul írok, de nem tudok angolul, és a fordítóval nagyon nem akar összejönni pontosan amit mondani akarok!)
Please, use English in the comments as a sign of respect to your fellow readers. The comment section is meant to be a forum for general discussion, not a dialogue with me, although I usually do my best trying to respond to comments directly addressed to me. As I can communicate in Hungarian, too, if your English is insufficient, you can always send me your personal comments as a reply to the notification e-mail about any of my new articles.
Also, please, try to keep within the confines of the topic. I have other articles in which I talk about your concerns. You might find the following quite relevant:
Thank you for this thorough indictment of the medical system.
Not only a wakeup call but a dire warning to all placing trust in this sham of science (scientism).
With allopathic practitioners, one does not need enemies.
What a minefield of atrocities one must navigate in order to avoid death, dismemberment, disability, and chronic damage.
I would like to say that the Christ of the Holy Bible leads me in all healing.
I know that this is the case for those dedicating their trust and investments entirely in the Most High.
For me though, I could be much more thankful for the merciful fact that He makes His sun to arise on the evil and the good, and sends rain upon the unjust and the just.
Due to this unfathomable kindness, I find myself avoiding the allopathic route like the deadly gauntlet that it is.
On YouTube I find many practitioners and laypeople that have discovered healing protocols that seem truly miraculous.
There is one man whose wife, his soul mate, died and left him bereft in despair.
Such a mental state is often a harbinger of a host of health problems.
Only through unimaginable desperation, he discovered that when he submerged up to his neck in ice water, the attendant hyperventilating and extreme cold, alleviated his crippling mental state.
He took this therapy to unheard of levels by completely submerging in the icy cold, and holding his breath for several minutes while under.
In so doing, he proved that he could take control of the autonomic nervous system.
MIT scientists challenged him on his discovery, saying that he was a freak or mutant.
He disproved them by training a cadre of subjects to do the same.
He trained people to become resistant to extreme cold and to do so through a system of deep breathing that borders on hyper ventilating, enabling a seemingly impervious tolerance for cold temperatures.
Age-old science publications were then rewritten, citing the autonomic nervous system as being able to be controlled by your mind through accessing and stimulating glands in the body that secrete hormones into the blood, penetrating the blood/brain barrier.
All this is achieved through the deep breathing and cold therapy.
I have tried this and am presently doing it. Several pernicious skin conditions have healed, with other conditions in the healing process.
These protocols have greatly influenced my physiology and completely bypassed mental instabilities such as depression, anxiety, sadness, stress, loneliness.
The ability or possibility to access our own healing faculties for recovery and health, is a testimony to the brilliant design of the human organism as the Creator intended.
That a physical 'extremist' action could be the antidote to the most intense mental, psychic, spiritual PAIN is ASTOUNDING. A breakthrough. I will remember this when my other half goes, and
the bottom, and top falls out of my life.
Yogis in INDIA knew, did this. We're ignored by the West(no money in it, no REPEAT, EASY business).
This man has helped many and thank you for relaying it. Very contributing!!
I can't thank you enough for including the part about folic acid allergy! My spouse was diagnosed 6 years ago with pernicious anemia (the diagnosis did not come from a doctor but it was spot on).
Along with his twice weekly B12 injections, he's been taking 2mg tablets of folic acid, as per protocol. He also takes plenty of vitamin D, magnesium, B complex etc., yet not a week goes by where he isn't side blinded by every side effect on that list!
I've been going nuts trying to find the cause of his persistent distress. Maybe this is the culprit.
I'm going to give him methyl folate from now on. We'll let you know if it solves the problem!
In my experience, numbers amount to nothing, unless they are supported with symptoms, but the same symptoms can be caused by several causes, and the numbers in a blood test results are only symptoms... Beyond that, it seems to me that everyone is alone. "Ask your doctor" makes little sense, because no doctor would even talk to a patient before the patient signs a form of consent that basically gives the doctor a blank check for diagnosis and treatment, while the patient accepts all the responsibility for something that the doctor knows very little about.
Experimenting with supplements can be dangerous, because they also come with "side effects," and eventually it's impossible to tell them from the original symptoms...
I hope, your husband is doing better so that you can work on your project.
Trump is only one of the insider players, part of the political circus, providing a show for those who don't know what to pay attention to. Biden is a puppet, but Killary is Evil Impersonate. :) Both are operated by the same core of Evil.
As a practicing doctor I concur with your assessment of the current state of "modern medicine". COVID really was the final straw for me and removed any of my doubts. Not really sure how much longer I can continue to practice in this defunct system peddling "medicines" which I have little faith in. But to unlearn and relearn a massive discipline like medicine is a huge undertaking, something I believe I have began at least during COVID and warned my patients about the dangerous jabs and manufactured hysteria. Maybe being unwell myself and being a patient as well as a doctor has given me a unique insight into the uselessness and hopelessly blinkered approach of allopathic medics. We all need to take health into our own hands and avoid mainstream medicine at all costs.
Thats what I felt like I was doing being in the system and why I remain. I've made a point not holding back on my opinions (facts) with my patients, almost all of them of which are grateful for warning them about the side effects and adverse reactions of certain "treatments".
Thank you, I agree, most medical doctors are just well credentialed cloaked pharma reps.
You are fortunate. Say the wrong thing to the wrong patient here in Australia, and you are up for AHPRA review and immediately suspended pending investigation.
All it takes is one complaint here, and you are no longer practicing.
Yes, but at least you have a head start into the basics of medicine, biology and pathology. I am intelligent, auto didactic and never been to college. However, after a life altering iatrogenic nightmare in my 20s I vowed to educate myself and for it to never happen again. I took a medicinal herbology course, studied nutrition, sought out several alternative healers over the years. If I could do it so can you!
Sounds good. Have you also managed to find out what goes with what and what to avoid? In my experience, what NOT to take/consume is often more important than the intake itself.
Much like you, I was forced to get into straightening out my thoughts about the current standing of Medicine after the plandemic started and health/illness became political assets.
The "patients" are also a problem, perhaps the biggest one. They are ready to sue or at least complain, if they don't get their dose of toxins. It has also become an option to lose one's license for disagreeing with the official crookery. The insurance system is a racket in the US and the British system is three quarters dead.
Good and conscientious doctors burn out or are chased away by their colleagues. Most of those who decide to leave on their own and become naturopaths or something similar still keep using the defunct allopathic paradigm. After all, that's all they know, which is why it's difficult to start over. Realizing that all the nonsense at medical school, the hazing during internship, and the compliance tests qualifications are tied to were perhaps in vain. I don't think they were in vain, because the details are there, but the whole is missing, so the best thing one can do is try to compile and maintain a working paradigm.
The only benefit I see of doing medicine is that it gives me credence when I say it's all bollocks, I've witnessed and practiced it first hand for over a decade so I know how damaging it is.
Somehow, it's always the same substance that rises to the top. At least, you are aware of the extent of your knowledge, which reminds me of my doctor, when I was a teenager.
When I went to see him, he usually finished examining me by saying,
"Raymond, we doctors have no idea what we are doing, but let's try this."
Exactly! Not enough money can be made in healing ❤️🩹 And like Ray expresses below, “doctoring” is an interesting form of the word “doctor” ! My anger towards allopathic medicine is infinite, I have almost no respect for the people in it, and especially endocrinology and psychiatry are the most laughable. Have an issue with your thyroid that’s autoimmune related? Let’s just cut the whole damn thing out! No biggie after all it’s just “elective surgery” since you said you might travel a lot (so you don’t have time for self care and thyroid level monitoring, so much easier just to cut the problem out! LITERALLY I WAS TOLD THIS!!) and you don’t even need to stay in hospital for a night we’ve maximized our profits so you can get the f out of our clinic in just a few hours, right when the painkillers start to wear off, you’re welcome! 😎🙃😎
Ok so less sarcastic bitterness sorry.. I was shocked when after my thyroidectomy for “Graves’ disease” (sounds so awful right when it’s actually likely a nutritional imbalance which I was starting to treat naturally but the white coats convinced me I was in grave danger at a stupid university “studient” hospital) they never checked my immunoglobulins again?!? Despite developing such bad anemia that no matter how much iron I took I was still anemic so the answer was to throw super high doses of iron at me.
Man how I despise the medical system. And deep down I had a feeling everything was wrong the whole time.
The worst people, both in medicine and out. are those with enough life experience to know better and especially those who like children always say “let’s check with them experts!” Or the WORST are the parents who cry “AUTHORITY AUTHORITY my kid is acting up what’s wrong with it where the pills 💊???? “ especially the wealthier ones who have the time and means to know better!!!
Ah this article just infuriated me apologies for my tone but this anger makes me want to take my health into my own hands so much more. Oh and lastly, at least abroad like in Spain the alternative health treatments and blood tests are CHEAP!!!! Whereas here if you don’t pay up for private health care you get fined 👍🙃😂
I totally understand. Most of my major health issues have been iatrogenically caused leaving me a serious hater of allopathic medicine. Don't even ask. Both my sister and brother had thyroid cancer. She survived he didn't. I was very lucky yrs ago to find an awesome endocrinologist but he retired. I moved 2 yrs ago from where I was living after 30 yrs and finding all new Drs. has been a nightmare. I recently also found out I had an iron deficiency and have to take supplements. At my follow up w Dr. they took blood but "forgot" to order an iron test in the lab. 🤦I give up.
No kidding, Ray. It seems apparent to me that most of these diseases are all “metabolic disorders” caused by stress, most I believe have been intentionally created in order to sell the public magic pharmaceutical treatments—which in reality has only made all of these diseases people have been increasingly plagued with over the past couple centuries much, much worse. IBS, fibromyalgia, lupus, heart disease, cancers…in my opinion are the result of stresses on the body caused first by the crap food like white flower, most grains, perhaps beans & dairy (K2, goat & sheep dairy may be the exception), heavy metal toxicity, then the meds to treat these diseases (and now nanotech, spike protein facilitators, foreign DNA…in the vaxx), just to mention a few of many culprits.
I can attest that eliminating all grains, then adding a few enzymes and switching up probiotics has helped my IBS & leaky gut (micro tears in the gut lining) a great deal, and so therefore the rest of the body, of course. Same with fasting to give the gut time to rest and repair. Now if I can find a competent dentist who knows how to properly remove my mercury teeth fillings, perhaps I could make some real progress. But the fact that dental anesthesia has been contaminated with nanotech, too, what the hell’s the purpose of taking the risk.
Have you any thoughts on vit-b supplementation? I’m trying to remember where I just read someone’s comment that B12 supplements causes cancer, I think in one of the microscopy substack posts. Perhaps he was talking about a specific type, such as injectables. I take an organic plant-based B-complex supplement, plus I have a yeast powder that tastes like cheddar cheese that’s naturally loaded with b vitamins, but it’s also very high in iron, which I’m concerned about due to the fact iron builds up over time. Which leads to my second question.
What’s your thoughts on giving whole blood, not just plasma, you know, to eliminate excessive iron? Dumping a pint of whole blood occasionally has also been reported to promote new, healthy bone marrow growth & detoxification. I haven’t confirmed if either findings are legitimate, but sounds logical, so long as there are no anemia issues, like you’ve talked about, and seems to be an ever increasing problem lately due to what’s being reported as a result of the nanotechnologies in the Vaxx and other meds, which have been discovered robbing & destroying red blood cells.
Lumbrokinase, serrapeptase and nattokinase are proteolytic enzymes useful in aiding in digestion, as well as eating up excessive proteins and scar tissues, so is my understanding. I use all three daily, especially during my one, five & ten day fasts. I’ve got minor kidney damage, so I must try to limit protein dumping through urine.
Thank you for the details. What do you think about my following concerns?
1. enzymes (hormones, and anything else) that the body can produce must be produced by the body, because if it receives them and doesn't have to work for them, it might completely stop producing them (in my understanding, that's the way to make a healthy person into a diabetic or one having high blood pressure);
2. in life-threatening emergencies, it's okay to use nearly anything that might work;
3. it is possible that when someone doesn't eat anything for several days, bowel movements can stop in some cases, and eating again can result in blockage.
Yes to your caution about supplementing and making the body shut off its own production factories. Doesn't just happen with melatonin. Also happens when you apply topical steroids to the body. The body gets the signal to stop making its own and then you end up in "withdrawal" if you stop using. Vicious cycle.
Perhaps. It’s true there are recent reports that sleep aids can disrupt natural melatonin and shouldn’t be used every day. But I haven’t seen any reliable studies indicating a problem with these particular enzyme supplements shutting down the bodies own production of normal bacteria or enzymes, nor any problems taking enzyme while fasting. I don’t strictly fast drinking just water, but I continue to drink both coffee and tea, and I always completely empty my bowels by day four and five. I’ve also seen no evidence enzyme supplementation effects or exacerbates my minor kidney damage. But it’s a good subject to continue researching.
Definitely, especially diabetes, which I’ve almost completely cured myself via eliminating all fast burning carbs (particularly white flower and all processed junk food) and ending the habit of three meals & snaking all day. I’ve been amazed by the positive results from ending consuming food all day; keeping my food intake within a five hour period in the late afternoon. After about a year I’ve been able to add small portions of fruit like an orange with my afternoon meal and some wild rice. But still, no white rice, grains & processed junk food. I really no longer miss it.
I had my mercury fillings out in '03. If you look you can find a dentist who knows the correct protocol. I don't seem to remember having anesthetic for it but I only had 7. Also, I recently found out that I am iron deficient. Iron pills rough on stomach but I think I've finally adapted. I would get tested before taking too much.
Iron supplements can be quite dangerous. I agree with Jeffrey that diet is better. However, in my opinion, iron deficiency is probably only a symptom and a part of the universal poisoning.
Yeah, I know of a few dentists but not personally, and then there’s the issue with contaminated dental anesthesia. I’d consider skipping the iron supplements and consuming organic, grass-fed beef liver and or nutritional yeast, both of which are high in iron, unless you really trust your primary care physician and you’re getting the right tests. Dr. Joe Mercola had his fillings removed, but his dentist really messed up and almost destroyed his kidneys
Funny, Ray. No, during the removal process a massive amount of mercury dumped into his body causing kidney damage. Same can occur when using chelation methods like EDTA, which uses the kidneys to dump heavy metals. I use citrus pectin daily, which absorbs and dumps through the bowels, and EDTA just one day per week.
Correct, EDTA does remove all metals, so you MUST supplement, which I do. I’ve got several doctor who’ve told me they all suffered mercury toxicity issues during their amalgam removal, especially root canal, even under the most strictly carful removal methods. Mercury enters into the body by venting as a vapor, fine dust and dissolving. The fillings just don’t pop out in one piece, but in fragments and fine dust along with some of the surrounding tooth. Mercury is to dangerously toxic that when I dropped a box of glass thermometers in a lab while on active duty, they had to close everything down, tape off the entire wing with biochemical hazard ☣️ tape, call in a special unit who wore full suits and used sophisticated vacuums & mops…but they put this shit in vaccines and amalgams.
Have you ever read any of Gal Huggins books? I must have gotten lucky for once my removals we're quite simple, no problems. Again I don't recall any anesthesia. I think my iron was so low that any test would have been adequate. And I do eat meat so it was quite low.
The way I currently see it is that poisonings, radiation, and psychological pressure all add up and amount to stress. Beyond a breaking point, illness ensues. Mental/spiritual health is certainly needed for being wholesome, and the lack of it can lead to fearfulness or even panic.
Since it looks like graphene was found in dental anesthetics already two years ago, it's a crapshoot to receive dental treatment, no matter how much mercury fillings and root canals should be cleaned up. Most supplements are synthetic and made by the same pharma giants as the injections, so I don't have much trust in them, but there is a point beyond which I must take my chances. Nonetheless, I minimize their use and reserve them for emergencies, mostly relying on -- analogy :). I am fairly aware of what has worked for me and what hasn't. B12, B complex, and nutritional yeast are in my paraphernalia, too.
Donating blood certainly dilutes the blood and, at least theoretically, increases one's resilience. As for the rest of your comment, you are already saying what I think about your concerns. :)
People must pay for their own demise. The gamekeepers could always get free money from the Fed (and often do to a certain extent), but that would cause inflation and render their money worthless.
The analysis of the car verses the human body is not a good one. With any vehicle, it was engineered by man and therefore all parts and how they relate to each other and how they function can be known. The human body is far more complex and even after thousands of years of study, research and investigation, I doubt we know 10-20% of how it really functions.
Enter big medicine. It may understand 10-20% of how the body works but it uses the other 80% that is unknown to create fear and around that fear revolves an industry that is 80% hit or miss. Even when the docs have half a clue about things, it's still pretty much guesswork based on past history with other patients. There is NO one-size-fits-all in medicine as they would have us believe.
We are quickly heading towards an A/I controlled medical environment. Some retarded robot is going to be your doctor as the human guy is out on the golf course or on his yacht charging you or your insurance $500 for each diagnosis by some silly non-thinking machine. You will be lumped in with all other similar cases, given a course of action (more tests, some procedure and always a regimen of drugs for life) and there you go. Get sicker or dead and then try suing the A/I robot.
The entire modern stone age medical mafia is about to go full Al Capone or Godfather where they make you offers for "better" health that you can't refuse. No thanks.
Typo: efficiency where you meant efficacy.
Thank you. I wish such corrections happened more often. :)
Sometimes it takes me several months to locate a typo, and I'm sure there are a few I never noticed (the brain usually reads what make sense to it, nearly irrespective of the actual letters).
The one thing psychiatry overlooks is the importance of listening. Patients often can drops clues of how to 'solve their problems'. But who's got time for that? Much easier and lucrative to whip out the script pad.
That is the typical situation, when talk is literally cheap. Subscriptions come with kickbacks, and maintain the appearance of a professional, despite the fact that the central premise, "chemical imbalance in the brain," has been refuted for years...
“We have never drugged our troops to this extent and the current increase in suicides is not a coincidence. “Why hasn’t psychiatry in the military been relieved of command of Mental Health Services? “In any other command position in the military, there would have been a change in leadership.” – Lt. Col. Bart Billings, Clinical Psychologist U.S. Army Reserve, Ret. Today, with militaries of the world awash in psychiatry and psychiatric drugs, 23 soldiers and veterans are committing suicide every day. Psychiatrists say we need more psychiatry.
Veterans may have been injected with a slow-acting "suicide serum" or such a chemical can be put into any of their "medications." It's logical, because serving after a few months, they understand whom they are serving... However, they are certainly full of nanoparticles, which makes them ideal targets for remote-controlled suicides...
Interesting that they remove the spleen for anemia. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Spleen creates the Blood, and would be strengthened or tonified with herbs and acupuncture.
The spleen is supposed to remove defective red blood cells, but it can get "confused," when ALL RBCs are defective. It might remove enough to cause anemia, but stops before becoming suicidal.
Yes! The miserable Jews took care of later diseases already in childhood, with compulsory vaccinations/poisoning. The child is injected with the priming poisons at birth and then pushed on until it grows up. Then they 'train' doctors who then diagnose the medium and long term effects of these poisons as various diseases and then research and administer 'drugs' for them. Then the side effects of these chemicals become more and more...
Western "Medicine" is definitely serving the pharmaceuticals who, as it turns out, are agents for the eugenicists. However, it's definitely not "the Jews," "the Masons," "the Jesuits," or any other group that can be blamed so easily.
As you know, I can't see "the Jews" as a single group of people. They are also divided, and one group doesn't necessarily care for the other or even condemn other "Jewish" groups. The globalists are not "Jewish." There are Jews among them, too, but that doesn't turn their agenda into a "Jewish" conspiracy. Basically, it's an elitist movement, whose members consider themselves superior, because they have more power than the rest of the world. The Rockefellers, for one, control most central banks (over 160), but they are not Jewish. Also, it was they, who took over "medical" training in the 1920s. Jews are equally harmed by "medical" treatments and by "medications."
Any visible group can be singled out, if only a few matching features are considered, but I don't think the real culprits are even visible.
Értelek Ray! Na most én a bibliát - mint információforrást- kiválóan ismerem, és pontosan tudom és látom, hogy az abban foglalt jehovai "próféciák" teljesülését látjuk megvalósulni. És mivel minden eddigi történés tökéletesen passzol azokhoz, ezért nincs okom kételkedni benne, hogy egy idegen faj felvigyázóként itt hagyott egyik tagja - jelenleg a bolygó ura, aki "Izrael Isteneként" nevezi magát- harcol a többiekkel és az emberiség ellen a lelkekért és a bolygó végleges birtoklásáért és uralmáért az emberi szolgái által. Vagyis tudom, hogy zsidó összeesküvésről van szó! Persze nem minden zsidószármazású és vallású ember van benne, illetve tud róla. Hiszen közülük is a 2/3-ukat kiirtja, és még a maradékot is megrostálja. Ráadásul az emberek közötti hierarchia felépítését is neki köszönhetjük, ezért biztosak lehetünk benne, hogy igen kevés kiválasztottja van ennek a tervnek a véghezviteléhez. Szóval én úgy látom, hogy a betegség még nincs azonosítva a látók többsége között se, csak a főbb tünetei. ( Bocsánat, hogy magyarul írok, de nem tudok angolul, és a fordítóval nagyon nem akar összejönni pontosan amit mondani akarok!)
Please, use English in the comments as a sign of respect to your fellow readers. The comment section is meant to be a forum for general discussion, not a dialogue with me, although I usually do my best trying to respond to comments directly addressed to me. As I can communicate in Hungarian, too, if your English is insufficient, you can always send me your personal comments as a reply to the notification e-mail about any of my new articles.
Also, please, try to keep within the confines of the topic. I have other articles in which I talk about your concerns. You might find the following quite relevant:
Thank you for this thorough indictment of the medical system.
Not only a wakeup call but a dire warning to all placing trust in this sham of science (scientism).
With allopathic practitioners, one does not need enemies.
What a minefield of atrocities one must navigate in order to avoid death, dismemberment, disability, and chronic damage.
I would like to say that the Christ of the Holy Bible leads me in all healing.
I know that this is the case for those dedicating their trust and investments entirely in the Most High.
For me though, I could be much more thankful for the merciful fact that He makes His sun to arise on the evil and the good, and sends rain upon the unjust and the just.
Due to this unfathomable kindness, I find myself avoiding the allopathic route like the deadly gauntlet that it is.
On YouTube I find many practitioners and laypeople that have discovered healing protocols that seem truly miraculous.
There is one man whose wife, his soul mate, died and left him bereft in despair.
Such a mental state is often a harbinger of a host of health problems.
Only through unimaginable desperation, he discovered that when he submerged up to his neck in ice water, the attendant hyperventilating and extreme cold, alleviated his crippling mental state.
He took this therapy to unheard of levels by completely submerging in the icy cold, and holding his breath for several minutes while under.
In so doing, he proved that he could take control of the autonomic nervous system.
MIT scientists challenged him on his discovery, saying that he was a freak or mutant.
He disproved them by training a cadre of subjects to do the same.
He trained people to become resistant to extreme cold and to do so through a system of deep breathing that borders on hyper ventilating, enabling a seemingly impervious tolerance for cold temperatures.
Age-old science publications were then rewritten, citing the autonomic nervous system as being able to be controlled by your mind through accessing and stimulating glands in the body that secrete hormones into the blood, penetrating the blood/brain barrier.
All this is achieved through the deep breathing and cold therapy.
I have tried this and am presently doing it. Several pernicious skin conditions have healed, with other conditions in the healing process.
These protocols have greatly influenced my physiology and completely bypassed mental instabilities such as depression, anxiety, sadness, stress, loneliness.
The ability or possibility to access our own healing faculties for recovery and health, is a testimony to the brilliant design of the human organism as the Creator intended.
That a physical 'extremist' action could be the antidote to the most intense mental, psychic, spiritual PAIN is ASTOUNDING. A breakthrough. I will remember this when my other half goes, and
the bottom, and top falls out of my life.
Yogis in INDIA knew, did this. We're ignored by the West(no money in it, no REPEAT, EASY business).
This man has helped many and thank you for relaying it. Very contributing!!
Do you usually build up gradually?
Good point re the Yogis. They've been doing this long before this 'extremist'
Yet he has gifted humanity in the millions with his championing of these methods, shattering over two dozen world records in the process.
He recommends beginning with warm showers and gradually reducing heat until cool.
Then increasingly cooler. The cold bath immersions are to be very gradually worked up to and possibly avoided in favour of cold showers.
The deep breathing is for durations of 30 - 45 breaths minimum, followed by brief exhale and then stopped breathing. Never force the breath retention.
Subsequent rounds of more repetitions of breathing will result in longer breath holds.
This is to be done lying down comfortably first thing before arising and definitely before any coffee intake.
I can't thank you enough for including the part about folic acid allergy! My spouse was diagnosed 6 years ago with pernicious anemia (the diagnosis did not come from a doctor but it was spot on).
Along with his twice weekly B12 injections, he's been taking 2mg tablets of folic acid, as per protocol. He also takes plenty of vitamin D, magnesium, B complex etc., yet not a week goes by where he isn't side blinded by every side effect on that list!
I've been going nuts trying to find the cause of his persistent distress. Maybe this is the culprit.
I'm going to give him methyl folate from now on. We'll let you know if it solves the problem!
In my experience, numbers amount to nothing, unless they are supported with symptoms, but the same symptoms can be caused by several causes, and the numbers in a blood test results are only symptoms... Beyond that, it seems to me that everyone is alone. "Ask your doctor" makes little sense, because no doctor would even talk to a patient before the patient signs a form of consent that basically gives the doctor a blank check for diagnosis and treatment, while the patient accepts all the responsibility for something that the doctor knows very little about.
Experimenting with supplements can be dangerous, because they also come with "side effects," and eventually it's impossible to tell them from the original symptoms...
I hear... Can you suggest a reliable website for that information ?
What in particular? Also, I don't think anything, including me, is fully reliable.
Following the bible, maybe focusing on the NT, then what the Lord said about 'No man can serve 2 masters.
Serve God or Mammon, and here I would define God as 'holistic' and 'mammon' as 'control, money, power'.
Serving God means I'm not in the money system, am not interested or concerned about money.
But God knows reality and turns out God provides that money I need, so I don't have to be concerned
and can serve God. Serving just myself is like that short circuit since I don't have a clue. Maybe others do.
I find that focusing on what God would want in my life gives drive and purpose.
As a result of serving God, not Mammon, we had to opt out of medical years ago and just do as much
research ourselves as possible. And it always involves 'being LED'. We're LED to see things, to
view things that normally we wouldn't see.
I always loved real science, real medicine, but sure didn't find any of that 'in medicine'.
Necessary to get out, and I did, and then all support, all funds in every way were cut,
and whether I lived or died mattered not to the people who raised me.
I'd been shown YEARS before to 'work like crazy' from 11 years old, every extra hour,
putting away nickels and dimes, and all summer holidays working, working, saving, saving.
So, when the ax fell, I was more than OK.
What a leading because on some level, I KNEW.
And I didn't hold it against them. Just mercenary.
Problem I see with medical is the CONVOLUTED nature of it all. A little good here mixed with toxic this and that.
Just when I'm thinking OATS and QUINOA are good, sure eough, a 'world renowned doctor shoots those down'.
Maybe quit eating. Lentils, for example, have saponins which aren't good for you, kind of like 'soap'.
But soaking removes this. Still, you sure have to study.
I thank God for google, for the internet, for youtube. Not that it's all good or 'all right', but we can see,
look up things which we now constantly do.
My husband almost died several times in the last years, and is recovering, so we haven't been able to do
much at all, no repairs, which sure piled up, and very little gardening. I kind of got exhausted, and
wasn't exercising etc., so health issues arose.
Speaking of health, our health, it's movement we want to pursue. I do far too much sitting, and
not nearly enough standing, walking and so on. These are my own goals.
Thank you, Ray, for letting us reply here. You're up on a great deal.
On a side note, could someone please tell me why Trump hasn't been put away?
Yes, I realize this site isn't political and I'm just stymied?
(Of course, I think Biden is worse, and Hillary, but they're...maybe 'more careful')? I guess
it's making both sides 'money'? Btw, I have no vindictiveness towards Trump except
what he did (and others, of course).
Again, thanks.
I hope, your husband is doing better so that you can work on your project.
Trump is only one of the insider players, part of the political circus, providing a show for those who don't know what to pay attention to. Biden is a puppet, but Killary is Evil Impersonate. :) Both are operated by the same core of Evil.
As a practicing doctor I concur with your assessment of the current state of "modern medicine". COVID really was the final straw for me and removed any of my doubts. Not really sure how much longer I can continue to practice in this defunct system peddling "medicines" which I have little faith in. But to unlearn and relearn a massive discipline like medicine is a huge undertaking, something I believe I have began at least during COVID and warned my patients about the dangerous jabs and manufactured hysteria. Maybe being unwell myself and being a patient as well as a doctor has given me a unique insight into the uselessness and hopelessly blinkered approach of allopathic medics. We all need to take health into our own hands and avoid mainstream medicine at all costs.
sounds to me like you're the perfect candidate and qualified for a weekly or biweekly post here on the Stack..
Hi there, I STRONGLY believe you can do far more from within than getting out. Yes, the pressure will be large.
Yes, you'll have to be VERY careful, and I'd say 'couch' your words to your patients, really watching for
your own discernment of THEM, that they wouldn't report you. Spies everywhere. But done carefully,
maybe side stepping the mainstream altogether, thinking about Sam Bailey in New Zealand, for
I'd really suggest 'staying low to the ground', unobserved.
Medicine was my VERY favorite topic, the research, the fabulous equipment which never was, I thought
properly used or carefully analyzed. But I'd say that equipment IS available and COULD possibly be
used, scans, MRI(?, do I have that right?}. I couldn't continue medicine because it was
DRUGS, and I totally rejected drugs generally, and then it was 'CUTTING' or I'd say butchering.
And at that time, no options that the people paying would ever consider.
That MD meant 'drug dispenser'. And if you went to other venues, and didn't do that, then no 'MD'.
Wasn't it the Rothchild's (?) that equated medicine to drugs, who got medical schools to cut out
all 'natural healing' so this was money. Natural just didn't bring in money, was often 'free'.
I hope you will find ways to 'be a mole' for good practices for just as long as you can.
Thats what I felt like I was doing being in the system and why I remain. I've made a point not holding back on my opinions (facts) with my patients, almost all of them of which are grateful for warning them about the side effects and adverse reactions of certain "treatments".
Thank you, I agree, most medical doctors are just well credentialed cloaked pharma reps.
You are fortunate. Say the wrong thing to the wrong patient here in Australia, and you are up for AHPRA review and immediately suspended pending investigation.
All it takes is one complaint here, and you are no longer practicing.
Yes, but at least you have a head start into the basics of medicine, biology and pathology. I am intelligent, auto didactic and never been to college. However, after a life altering iatrogenic nightmare in my 20s I vowed to educate myself and for it to never happen again. I took a medicinal herbology course, studied nutrition, sought out several alternative healers over the years. If I could do it so can you!
Sounds good. Have you also managed to find out what goes with what and what to avoid? In my experience, what NOT to take/consume is often more important than the intake itself.
Much like you, I was forced to get into straightening out my thoughts about the current standing of Medicine after the plandemic started and health/illness became political assets.
The "patients" are also a problem, perhaps the biggest one. They are ready to sue or at least complain, if they don't get their dose of toxins. It has also become an option to lose one's license for disagreeing with the official crookery. The insurance system is a racket in the US and the British system is three quarters dead.
Good and conscientious doctors burn out or are chased away by their colleagues. Most of those who decide to leave on their own and become naturopaths or something similar still keep using the defunct allopathic paradigm. After all, that's all they know, which is why it's difficult to start over. Realizing that all the nonsense at medical school, the hazing during internship, and the compliance tests qualifications are tied to were perhaps in vain. I don't think they were in vain, because the details are there, but the whole is missing, so the best thing one can do is try to compile and maintain a working paradigm.
It's tough to be a doctor, no matter what.
The only benefit I see of doing medicine is that it gives me credence when I say it's all bollocks, I've witnessed and practiced it first hand for over a decade so I know how damaging it is.
Hope you're well, Ray.
Somehow, it's always the same substance that rises to the top. At least, you are aware of the extent of your knowledge, which reminds me of my doctor, when I was a teenager.
When I went to see him, he usually finished examining me by saying,
"Raymond, we doctors have no idea what we are doing, but let's try this."
It usually worked.
I prefer the word Healer to doctor.
Truly, we can only Heal Ourselves.
A True Healer can open channels and help us Heal ourselves.
But we are the Healers.
Exactly! Not enough money can be made in healing ❤️🩹 And like Ray expresses below, “doctoring” is an interesting form of the word “doctor” ! My anger towards allopathic medicine is infinite, I have almost no respect for the people in it, and especially endocrinology and psychiatry are the most laughable. Have an issue with your thyroid that’s autoimmune related? Let’s just cut the whole damn thing out! No biggie after all it’s just “elective surgery” since you said you might travel a lot (so you don’t have time for self care and thyroid level monitoring, so much easier just to cut the problem out! LITERALLY I WAS TOLD THIS!!) and you don’t even need to stay in hospital for a night we’ve maximized our profits so you can get the f out of our clinic in just a few hours, right when the painkillers start to wear off, you’re welcome! 😎🙃😎
Ok so less sarcastic bitterness sorry.. I was shocked when after my thyroidectomy for “Graves’ disease” (sounds so awful right when it’s actually likely a nutritional imbalance which I was starting to treat naturally but the white coats convinced me I was in grave danger at a stupid university “studient” hospital) they never checked my immunoglobulins again?!? Despite developing such bad anemia that no matter how much iron I took I was still anemic so the answer was to throw super high doses of iron at me.
Man how I despise the medical system. And deep down I had a feeling everything was wrong the whole time.
The worst people, both in medicine and out. are those with enough life experience to know better and especially those who like children always say “let’s check with them experts!” Or the WORST are the parents who cry “AUTHORITY AUTHORITY my kid is acting up what’s wrong with it where the pills 💊???? “ especially the wealthier ones who have the time and means to know better!!!
Ah this article just infuriated me apologies for my tone but this anger makes me want to take my health into my own hands so much more. Oh and lastly, at least abroad like in Spain the alternative health treatments and blood tests are CHEAP!!!! Whereas here if you don’t pay up for private health care you get fined 👍🙃😂
I totally understand. Most of my major health issues have been iatrogenically caused leaving me a serious hater of allopathic medicine. Don't even ask. Both my sister and brother had thyroid cancer. She survived he didn't. I was very lucky yrs ago to find an awesome endocrinologist but he retired. I moved 2 yrs ago from where I was living after 30 yrs and finding all new Drs. has been a nightmare. I recently also found out I had an iron deficiency and have to take supplements. At my follow up w Dr. they took blood but "forgot" to order an iron test in the lab. 🤦I give up.
According to Hippocrates, the body heals most illnesses, if it's given a chance.
"Doctoring," apparently, has a meaning on its own. :)
No kidding, Ray. It seems apparent to me that most of these diseases are all “metabolic disorders” caused by stress, most I believe have been intentionally created in order to sell the public magic pharmaceutical treatments—which in reality has only made all of these diseases people have been increasingly plagued with over the past couple centuries much, much worse. IBS, fibromyalgia, lupus, heart disease, cancers…in my opinion are the result of stresses on the body caused first by the crap food like white flower, most grains, perhaps beans & dairy (K2, goat & sheep dairy may be the exception), heavy metal toxicity, then the meds to treat these diseases (and now nanotech, spike protein facilitators, foreign DNA…in the vaxx), just to mention a few of many culprits.
I can attest that eliminating all grains, then adding a few enzymes and switching up probiotics has helped my IBS & leaky gut (micro tears in the gut lining) a great deal, and so therefore the rest of the body, of course. Same with fasting to give the gut time to rest and repair. Now if I can find a competent dentist who knows how to properly remove my mercury teeth fillings, perhaps I could make some real progress. But the fact that dental anesthesia has been contaminated with nanotech, too, what the hell’s the purpose of taking the risk.
Have you any thoughts on vit-b supplementation? I’m trying to remember where I just read someone’s comment that B12 supplements causes cancer, I think in one of the microscopy substack posts. Perhaps he was talking about a specific type, such as injectables. I take an organic plant-based B-complex supplement, plus I have a yeast powder that tastes like cheddar cheese that’s naturally loaded with b vitamins, but it’s also very high in iron, which I’m concerned about due to the fact iron builds up over time. Which leads to my second question.
What’s your thoughts on giving whole blood, not just plasma, you know, to eliminate excessive iron? Dumping a pint of whole blood occasionally has also been reported to promote new, healthy bone marrow growth & detoxification. I haven’t confirmed if either findings are legitimate, but sounds logical, so long as there are no anemia issues, like you’ve talked about, and seems to be an ever increasing problem lately due to what’s being reported as a result of the nanotechnologies in the Vaxx and other meds, which have been discovered robbing & destroying red blood cells.
Which enzymes did you find useful for what?
Lumbrokinase, serrapeptase and nattokinase are proteolytic enzymes useful in aiding in digestion, as well as eating up excessive proteins and scar tissues, so is my understanding. I use all three daily, especially during my one, five & ten day fasts. I’ve got minor kidney damage, so I must try to limit protein dumping through urine.
Thank you for the details. What do you think about my following concerns?
1. enzymes (hormones, and anything else) that the body can produce must be produced by the body, because if it receives them and doesn't have to work for them, it might completely stop producing them (in my understanding, that's the way to make a healthy person into a diabetic or one having high blood pressure);
2. in life-threatening emergencies, it's okay to use nearly anything that might work;
3. it is possible that when someone doesn't eat anything for several days, bowel movements can stop in some cases, and eating again can result in blockage.
Also, what is a "minor kidney damage"?
Yes to your caution about supplementing and making the body shut off its own production factories. Doesn't just happen with melatonin. Also happens when you apply topical steroids to the body. The body gets the signal to stop making its own and then you end up in "withdrawal" if you stop using. Vicious cycle.
Perhaps. It’s true there are recent reports that sleep aids can disrupt natural melatonin and shouldn’t be used every day. But I haven’t seen any reliable studies indicating a problem with these particular enzyme supplements shutting down the bodies own production of normal bacteria or enzymes, nor any problems taking enzyme while fasting. I don’t strictly fast drinking just water, but I continue to drink both coffee and tea, and I always completely empty my bowels by day four and five. I’ve also seen no evidence enzyme supplementation effects or exacerbates my minor kidney damage. But it’s a good subject to continue researching.
Sounds reasonable. Kidney damage is still a mysterious phenomenon, because it can be caused by so many things...
Definitely, especially diabetes, which I’ve almost completely cured myself via eliminating all fast burning carbs (particularly white flower and all processed junk food) and ending the habit of three meals & snaking all day. I’ve been amazed by the positive results from ending consuming food all day; keeping my food intake within a five hour period in the late afternoon. After about a year I’ve been able to add small portions of fruit like an orange with my afternoon meal and some wild rice. But still, no white rice, grains & processed junk food. I really no longer miss it.
I had my mercury fillings out in '03. If you look you can find a dentist who knows the correct protocol. I don't seem to remember having anesthetic for it but I only had 7. Also, I recently found out that I am iron deficient. Iron pills rough on stomach but I think I've finally adapted. I would get tested before taking too much.
Iron supplements can be quite dangerous. I agree with Jeffrey that diet is better. However, in my opinion, iron deficiency is probably only a symptom and a part of the universal poisoning.
Post jab, it seems like 4 out of 5 women I know are low in iron.
Even the ones who didn't take it (like myself).
And most of these women are post-menopausal (most of my previous iron anemia was related to my cycles).
Yeah, I know of a few dentists but not personally, and then there’s the issue with contaminated dental anesthesia. I’d consider skipping the iron supplements and consuming organic, grass-fed beef liver and or nutritional yeast, both of which are high in iron, unless you really trust your primary care physician and you’re getting the right tests. Dr. Joe Mercola had his fillings removed, but his dentist really messed up and almost destroyed his kidneys
Did Mercola's dentist use the drill in the kidneys? :)
Funny, Ray. No, during the removal process a massive amount of mercury dumped into his body causing kidney damage. Same can occur when using chelation methods like EDTA, which uses the kidneys to dump heavy metals. I use citrus pectin daily, which absorbs and dumps through the bowels, and EDTA just one day per week.
Sounds hard to imagine. Amalgam fillings are as hard as rock and I don't think the body would try to digest one.
EDTA seems to remove all metals, which is a BAAAD idea. I didn't know about the kidneys... It might not be possible to avoid:
Correct, EDTA does remove all metals, so you MUST supplement, which I do. I’ve got several doctor who’ve told me they all suffered mercury toxicity issues during their amalgam removal, especially root canal, even under the most strictly carful removal methods. Mercury enters into the body by venting as a vapor, fine dust and dissolving. The fillings just don’t pop out in one piece, but in fragments and fine dust along with some of the surrounding tooth. Mercury is to dangerously toxic that when I dropped a box of glass thermometers in a lab while on active duty, they had to close everything down, tape off the entire wing with biochemical hazard ☣️ tape, call in a special unit who wore full suits and used sophisticated vacuums & mops…but they put this shit in vaccines and amalgams.
Have you ever read any of Gal Huggins books? I must have gotten lucky for once my removals we're quite simple, no problems. Again I don't recall any anesthesia. I think my iron was so low that any test would have been adequate. And I do eat meat so it was quite low.
The way I currently see it is that poisonings, radiation, and psychological pressure all add up and amount to stress. Beyond a breaking point, illness ensues. Mental/spiritual health is certainly needed for being wholesome, and the lack of it can lead to fearfulness or even panic.
Since it looks like graphene was found in dental anesthetics already two years ago, it's a crapshoot to receive dental treatment, no matter how much mercury fillings and root canals should be cleaned up. Most supplements are synthetic and made by the same pharma giants as the injections, so I don't have much trust in them, but there is a point beyond which I must take my chances. Nonetheless, I minimize their use and reserve them for emergencies, mostly relying on -- analogy :). I am fairly aware of what has worked for me and what hasn't. B12, B complex, and nutritional yeast are in my paraphernalia, too.
Donating blood certainly dilutes the blood and, at least theoretically, increases one's resilience. As for the rest of your comment, you are already saying what I think about your concerns. :)
The whole of "medicine" has been perverted for money. Money motivates the most delightful things! Like keeping People sick to profit off Them.
People must pay for their own demise. The gamekeepers could always get free money from the Fed (and often do to a certain extent), but that would cause inflation and render their money worthless.