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Hey Ray, we basically agree. To be sure, I never said anything about Lidocaine and dont disagree with you. "Chemical Imbalance" is just a model, but clearly people are sick, maybe from Al or Hg stuck in their brain from vaccines, that is still a kind of "chemical" problem if "chemical" means the substance and function of the brain, but the yeasayers cant prove yes and the naysayers can't either prove no, so it's model that doesnt need bunking or debunking.

Debunking the serotonin model did not debunk substance and function problems of the brain, did it? If an antidepressant works and the Dr is careful it wont necessarily "dull" the person. If someone is dull that is a side effect that needs adjusting. I never used the word "mild medication". Some drugs at appropriate and/or low doses can be "safe" which is the word I used. Psychiatry is easy if you are a rational Dr., if meds dont work or have bad effects you can just STOP THEM hopefully quickly. Its simple. I know many psych Drs and patients who have no problems because their med regimens are well tolerated or they are off meds. Each patient is different, its not a zero sum game, but if you want to think it is I am fully in favor of each person having their own opinion.

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Yes, it must be a combination of poisoning with toxins (heavy metals, Ag included; it's way too profuse in the water systems in Europe and in many parts of the US) and with electromagnetic fields.

Sorry, I hate the word "debunk," because it conjures up false analogies from the MSM; I prefer refute. :)

Antidepressants work until they don't. Most start working after about three weeks and work for a couple of months. After that, the patient feels more miserable than before. (Of course, Xanax is always a winner among patients, but it's been forbidden to prescribe in many places in the last few years.) Seasoned psychiatrists usually experiment until they find "the right cocktail," and it's a hit-and-miss if more damage is done. Did I mention the doses must be raised over time, and the whole trip must end before it becomes evidently toxic. Psych drugs are mind-altering substances and must be used only as a last resort, at least, in my opinion... Addiction and dependency on certain chemicals, as it happens to be the case with most "medications," are also problems that hardly anyone addresses, and the news, somehow, never catches on.

Of course, each patient is different, which is why it's a heroically hopeless enterprise to become a healer in most cases. Still, some people seem to have the gift that I couldn't even try to describe. Somehow, what they are doing, works.

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Sorry to make you write so much Ray, you do make me think deeply and I appreciate that! I also in-general agree with what you say. Let me just note some definitions I use:

Loss of efficacy (it's not dependency in the sense of needing a high, its more like glasses, take them off you cant see. Is that dependency? Depends on the definition)

Tolerance (doesnt mean doses need to be raised-could be due to many factors. Again drugs can just be stopped, easy game if you are a good Dr. raising doses and giving patients problems can be a Dr problem, not a med problem or the patient's problem. As I said some Drs are good, some not so good. It not zero sum with them either).

One caveat about all of this is what people write on forums. Satisfied patients rarely write much, only people who have troubles/had real med troubles/or can't cooperate with treatment are on forums.

Ok Ray, lets get back to what we do best which is try to write good posts!

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It's good to have an intelligent conversation even if it's time-consuming. Of course, neither of us has the time for such.

I don't think we disagree on "loss of efficacy" and "tolerance. Dependency can be proved only with withdrawal symptoms, and some of them can be deadly, so there is such a thing a lifetime dependency on certain drugs. If the body cannot tolerate a substance, it is either overloaded or doesn't have the metabolic means to process it.

Since the compartmentalization of Medicine, it's become next-to-impossible to be a good doctor, because a holistic aspect is necessary for healing.

My experience is direct; not from comments or blogs.

I'm glad to have you as a friend! (At least, you are one of the few I consider one; I will always listen to your opinion and learn what I can, and there are usually plenty of such things in our exchanges.)

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That's a really touching reply Ray, very heartfelt and much thanks here too. My personal life has just been filled with eye-rolling nincompoops these last few years, it's great to know you too. I didn't even know how to spell "nincompoop" until recently as I never had to experience this kind of closed thinking before.

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Welcome to the club. I can hardly talk to people anymore, because most of them have become enchanted or, at least, mesmerized. How can you feed someone who is cravingly looking at the pie in the sky? :)

I am standing up for you, hoping that at least one of us will make it. At the same time, a plan is forming up about establishing our own internet hub with the handful of authentic people around here, who have proved that they prefer to be exterminated over submitting to the lies.

Still, you and I both have a readership that is "the three percent of the three percent," so nothing is lost. In fact, there is still something to look for and look forward to.

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