I declined and I am fine. 70 going on 60. I have never been gullible. No such things as a virus. Never live in fear. Always do the opposite of the herd and you will be ok.
Thanks Ray. Astute observation of the ills of the medical conveyor belt of forever ailing people. From the baby & infant injections the victim is on the conveyor belt of failing health for a medicated life.
I refused the vax and TX when I was told it was Covid or the flu. I shamefully wore a mask to the hospital because I needed the money to pay my bills. I never stopped talking about how wrong what happened was to anyone who will listen. I kept a journal and am writing a book as documented first hand evidence as to the lies.
Some things in the world of treatment are a trade off. Its better to have teeth fillings (which will still rot your teeth) rather than cavities, it’s better to have knee replacements than be unable to walk, though those fake knees may give you lots of problems, and better to take insulin for Type I DM unresponsive to lifesstyle changes, detox etc, than have episodes of diabetic keto-acidosis and microvessel disease that will wreck your heart, eyes and kidneys, but insulin can also give you other problems. It might be better still not to have vaccines that might have caused the diabetes, cancer, ADHD, and autism, and maybe other psych problems in the first place, but that’s not the Dr’s immediate problem once you do have these.
Psych drugs require more nuance because some are quite dangerous, and some quite safe, and some psychiatrists are a bit dangerous and some quite careful, and some psych problems are quite serious and some not so much. Its not a zero sum game. The more serious the condition, the more cautious the Dr, and the better the safety profile of a specific medication, the closer we are to “teeth filling” and the further we are from giving “covid” shots. Neither eating well, having a good environment and relationships, doing CBT or Mindfulness nor sitting around singing Kumbayah will help the vast majority of persons with serious psychiatric conditions, but maybe sometimes? The diagnostic labels used in psychiatry are quite messy and too many Drs and patients believe they are "real", but that doesn't mean people aren't mentally ill, that would be a bigger mistake. Any one who thinks otherwise should spend a month in a psych ward to see the degree of illness (regardless of cause) out there. Abuse of psychiatry of course is unacceptable but that is not the topic of this comment.
Cavities so small you have to be radiated by a machine that makes the dentist ALOT OF MONEY just to see these 'cavities' in your tooth!
Now ask what is a safe dose of radiation?
There is ZERO safe dose of radiation!!
That is not a trade off.
The notion of drilling your teeth under the guise you did not not take care of your teeth or are just unfortunate that their is a cavity in one of your teeth so now this tooth that is not bothing you now must be drilled and filled with chemical compounds that are toxic thus they WILL have a side effect.
That is not a trade off....at least not until the tooth actually rots.
I suspect like Rockefeller Medicine Men control their version of medicine (Allopathy) so to do a group control dentistry to the same degree.
One last thing.......
The only creature i see with routinely bad teeth on this earth is Man!
I have had several dogs live a decade and a half and when they ALL passed those teeth were white, bright, with healthy gums, despite their advanced age.
Hey Smedley, well you are right about small cavities, so lets say we never look for those and so I apologize, then by definition what I meant was larger cavities, sometimes pieces of teeth fall off, painful, impaired chewing, even under Terrain Theory can get infected, even to the bone underneath. Personally I don't ever use metal fillings and don't want Elon Musk Starlinking to my fillings, so I'm with you on that one, you decorated soldier you hero! (didn't the Business Putsch nail you just a few years later?). Where are you buried good soldier? Now I don't think humans living way before our favorite family the Rockefellers had good dentition so neither they nor the NWO caused that one. What would you do about those large cavities besides start to bark?
Smedley is buried in Oaklands Cemetary in West Chester Pennsylvania.
His tombstone is littered with the metals of other Marines paying respect, I paid respect by leavinga placard that said 'War is a Racket'
I suspect Smedely may have been a victim....he certainly knew WWII was around the corner....he understood the racket and spoke out about it.
As for the cavities I think much has to do with diet. Mankind eats a lot of poop so to speak these days and this may reflect in the teeth of people. I just cannot get over the bright white completely intact teeth of my two most recent dogs passing away both living 15 1/2 years.
I think of all the crap my dogs chewed and gnawed on.... In my mind i would have thought i would be toothless if i did what those dogs did....maybe i should have gnawed on bones too!
I have also been concerned that if dental Lidocaine contains graphene, so does the filling material...
At this point, my wife and I are learning some nature-based dentistry. Is it still possible to obtain filling materials that are not toxic and do not contain graphene, or a dentist's pliers are all one can resort to, when the cavities/chipped teeth become unbearable?
1. Find a lido maker that doesnt have graphene (how to prove that?),
2. Make your own lido (how to do that?), and get a dentist to agree or inject yourself before going to the dentist.
3. Have dental work with topical anesthetic (assuming that doesn't have graphene)
4. Let your teeth rot (not a great idea and it might be better to take a risk with lido and live well for 10 years rather than poorly for 15 years then just die anyway). I assume the graphene in lido isn't as much as a vaccine, but who knows?). It's not a zero-sum game (* ´艸`)
I'm not familiar with "lido." Topical anesthetics are possible to make from alkaloids. Wouldn't trust a dentist, even an honest one, because they probably don't know that even their dental swabs can contain graphene... I wouldn't let my tooth rot; I would tear it out. :)
While never had any psychiatric problems myself, I've had extended personal experience from working in a hospital for eight months (when I was young), advising doctors of all kinds for a decade, volunteering in a VA at a psych ward, and helping out patients for years.
When it comes to the choice between a Lidocaine injection or tearing my tooth out, I'll do the latter.
Going to a doctor these days IS a zero-sum game most of the time. Most doctors agree that they wouldn't go to be seen by anyone below 45, because med school graduates have become amazingly ignorant and stupid, while maintaining their air of superiority. The time has come to choose between "medical" treatment and dying of natural reasons.
Indeed, there are severe psychiatric problems that do need attention. The reasons of such conditions remain a secret, so symptomatic "treatment" prevails (basically, patients must not harm or kill themselves or anyone else). Still, psychiatrists don't have a working paradigm, because the "chemical imbalance in the brain" baloney was refuted about four years ago. Basically, they work on a trial-and-error basis, with conflicts of interests involved between their pharmaceutical manufacturers and their patients' best interest. All they can do is dull you to the point that sometimes you forget to go to the bathroom and pee yourself... "Mild medications"? Never heard of one; they all drastically interfere with neural and brain functions, so what gives?
Hey Ray, we basically agree. To be sure, I never said anything about Lidocaine and dont disagree with you. "Chemical Imbalance" is just a model, but clearly people are sick, maybe from Al or Hg stuck in their brain from vaccines, that is still a kind of "chemical" problem if "chemical" means the substance and function of the brain, but the yeasayers cant prove yes and the naysayers can't either prove no, so it's model that doesnt need bunking or debunking.
Debunking the serotonin model did not debunk substance and function problems of the brain, did it? If an antidepressant works and the Dr is careful it wont necessarily "dull" the person. If someone is dull that is a side effect that needs adjusting. I never used the word "mild medication". Some drugs at appropriate and/or low doses can be "safe" which is the word I used. Psychiatry is easy if you are a rational Dr., if meds dont work or have bad effects you can just STOP THEM hopefully quickly. Its simple. I know many psych Drs and patients who have no problems because their med regimens are well tolerated or they are off meds. Each patient is different, its not a zero sum game, but if you want to think it is I am fully in favor of each person having their own opinion.
Yes, it must be a combination of poisoning with toxins (heavy metals, Ag included; it's way too profuse in the water systems in Europe and in many parts of the US) and with electromagnetic fields.
Sorry, I hate the word "debunk," because it conjures up false analogies from the MSM; I prefer refute. :)
Antidepressants work until they don't. Most start working after about three weeks and work for a couple of months. After that, the patient feels more miserable than before. (Of course, Xanax is always a winner among patients, but it's been forbidden to prescribe in many places in the last few years.) Seasoned psychiatrists usually experiment until they find "the right cocktail," and it's a hit-and-miss if more damage is done. Did I mention the doses must be raised over time, and the whole trip must end before it becomes evidently toxic. Psych drugs are mind-altering substances and must be used only as a last resort, at least, in my opinion... Addiction and dependency on certain chemicals, as it happens to be the case with most "medications," are also problems that hardly anyone addresses, and the news, somehow, never catches on.
Of course, each patient is different, which is why it's a heroically hopeless enterprise to become a healer in most cases. Still, some people seem to have the gift that I couldn't even try to describe. Somehow, what they are doing, works.
Sorry to make you write so much Ray, you do make me think deeply and I appreciate that! I also in-general agree with what you say. Let me just note some definitions I use:
Loss of efficacy (it's not dependency in the sense of needing a high, its more like glasses, take them off you cant see. Is that dependency? Depends on the definition)
Tolerance (doesnt mean doses need to be raised-could be due to many factors. Again drugs can just be stopped, easy game if you are a good Dr. raising doses and giving patients problems can be a Dr problem, not a med problem or the patient's problem. As I said some Drs are good, some not so good. It not zero sum with them either).
One caveat about all of this is what people write on forums. Satisfied patients rarely write much, only people who have troubles/had real med troubles/or can't cooperate with treatment are on forums.
Ok Ray, lets get back to what we do best which is try to write good posts!
It's good to have an intelligent conversation even if it's time-consuming. Of course, neither of us has the time for such.
I don't think we disagree on "loss of efficacy" and "tolerance. Dependency can be proved only with withdrawal symptoms, and some of them can be deadly, so there is such a thing a lifetime dependency on certain drugs. If the body cannot tolerate a substance, it is either overloaded or doesn't have the metabolic means to process it.
Since the compartmentalization of Medicine, it's become next-to-impossible to be a good doctor, because a holistic aspect is necessary for healing.
My experience is direct; not from comments or blogs.
I'm glad to have you as a friend! (At least, you are one of the few I consider one; I will always listen to your opinion and learn what I can, and there are usually plenty of such things in our exchanges.)
That's a really touching reply Ray, very heartfelt and much thanks here too. My personal life has just been filled with eye-rolling nincompoops these last few years, it's great to know you too. I didn't even know how to spell "nincompoop" until recently as I never had to experience this kind of closed thinking before.
I can't imagine a single newborn in this world who is already not "too old."
Self-incrimination is worse than accepting divine redemption, but there are too many ways to understand that, and I am not here to preach, only to instigate personal decisions.
Also, as a fellow author, you might want to place links in your comments to your articles, which would make your messages easier to read and guarantee more feedback. Of course, that's only my take on it.
You are covering too many subjects all at once. It's a good idea to address only problems from the article and tell your reader how your comment is related to that.
I refused the PCR tests. I refused the Lethal Injection. To my lasting shame I did not refuse that useless, dehumanizing, imbecilic and lunatic bloody mask. OTOH I have a wife and vaccine-damaged stepdaughter to take care of.
It was HARD to refuse to be muzzled, but my wife and I ignored those who told us we were "required" to wear one. We cheerfully passed those people and said, "We know." And walked on. Enforcers in rural Kentucky are not so brave, but large cities like Louisville were proper sh*tholes (well, they still are).
OTOH up here in the fastness of British Columbia -- This is the place Gavin Newsome looks to for instruction -- I could have been looking at violence, arrest / indefinite imprisonment if I stood up for my position.
Not only did I avoid the jabs, as did my family, I also refused the PCR tests when I was sick in January! They wanted to do a PCR to rule out "covid." I asked her if she had anything else - that I had about a 50% chance (same as flipping a coin) of being positive or negative, that the test was NOT accurate and I refused to go along with the narrative. She told me that if it was negative, since I had symptoms, she could STILL go with a covid diagnosis!!! I allowed them to test for the flu - and positive Type A. I asked her how many people she tested for flu, seeing as how the first thing she wanted was to test for covid only? She just looked at me - said she pretty much never tested for anything else. Grr...
Btw, she told me that she wouldn't prescribe me anything if I didn't let her test. BIG DISGUST on my part - I told her that since it WAS the flu, I didn't need anything anyway - and walked out.
Oh, dear... You might be stating the obvious for some, but it must be hammered in for the rest. Keep up the participation in the project of those who cannot be defeated!
At the moment, I am working on my best article on the subject, possibly a break-through that will make many people rich, while ignoring me. Still, I am happy if that prevents the globalists' final attack and killing spree.
Oh yes and my mother when I was taking care of her when she was sick got a UTI which I understand she had frequently I had never had one, she went to the doctor and got her meds I got cranberry concentrate and got over mine in three days it took her a week on the meds, and lately I am eating garlic cloves for any infections instead of getting antibiotics I find they work faster than the antibiotics I’ve used in the past.
Cured myself of the early stages of cervical cancer, several skin cancers, and had all three iterations of the flu got over them easily because I eat ridiculously healthy and Used herbs and supplements to cure the flu and I am 71 with SLE and RA and take no meds for either condition. Nature has a remedy
A friend’s mother in her 70’s diagnosed with cancer, can’t remember what type, years ago. Was supposed to die with no treatment. Friend convinced mother to forgo chemo, etc, and she takes some supplement- she’s still alive, doing the same. Doctors are ‘baffled’
Me, my boys, my most liberal DIL, and her daughter didn't do jabs but they wore muzzles, she is a Postal Worker, Grand was in college, Near Death, Gardasil jab was their deciding factor, and you had to if you went to the local Navy Base to pick up meds or to the doctors, dentist, or optometrist. My eldest had his Heart Bypass postponed a week, They let him know about 2 pm yesterday, Surgery was scheduled for Today, he had already had a TIA in October. Four 85% blocked arteries. This puts us at pre-Easter Weekend.
The disposable muzzles contained two carcinogens and graphene oxide...
Gardasil was the deadliest criminal injection before the "covid" ones.
Dental Lidocaine contained graphene oxide already in November, 2021, and the dentist, despite my offering to pay with cash, wants to know where I live. Obviously, I don't care to be tracked, because I'm not in the system in any way.
Most coronary procedures are unnecessary: there are about 200 of them, and if one is clogged, another takes over. However, they are clogged, because there is an infection/inflammation in the body, causing the walls of blood vessels to crack, which is what cholesterol is supposed to plug in. Surgeons love surgeries (even when no body part is removed and sold), because they can train their med students and their interns can collect "experience." The patient's DNA is certainly sold, probably even after a simple blood test.
Exercise can cause severe symptoms, if someone has graphene in their body:
No politician and no court will protect the people in the long run, and when they act as if they achieved something, it's only the latest, somewhat sophisticated method of mind control:
ha,ha, prof Ray, TPTB in canuckistan have hatched a fool[sic]proof plan of ensnaring the useless eaters via...blogto.com /city/2023/03/new-dental-care-plan-canada/
Canada is getting a new dental care plan that will cover millions without insurance
The federal government has announced its 2023-2024 fiscal year budget, including a brand-new dental care plan for Canada.
"We will begin rolling out a dental care plan that will eventually cover up to 9 million uninsured Canadians," Chrystia Freeland said in a press conference on Tuesday.
"This will mean that no Canadian ever again will need to choose between taking care of their teeth and paying the bills at the end of the month. It will mean you can’t tell the size of someone’s paycheck by their smile."
The move comes after the success of another dental plan introduced in December last year. However, that one only covered children.
So far, it has helped keep more than 240,000 kids healthy without impacting their guardians' and parents' finances.
The new Canadian Dental Care Plan will roll out by the end of this year and will span over five years.The 2023 budget will deliver a "transformative investment" to provide dental care to Canadians with $13 billion over five years and $4.4 billion ongoing.
"These are significant and necessary investments because a strong and effective public health care system is essential for a strong and healthy Canadian workforce," added Freeland. "We need a strong and healthy [sic] Canadian workforce now more than ever because as we wrestle inflation to the ground, Canada must also navigate fundamental shifts in the global economy."
No kidding. With graphene oxide in dental Lidocaine. For that matter, a mouth swab can also install the same as the injections used to. Of course, there are plenty of other delivery system, so don't worry, you will get yours, over and over:
By hook or by crook is their modus operandi, eh, Prof Ray? this ol mechanic's refrain is, '
In other words, Humanity has been hijacked, & we're FUBAR...'Fcked/Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition." & when warned of this calaminty, the vast majority of useless eaters don't give a rat's arse ...'
Regarding gardasil- pediatrician asked if I was interested in it for my teen daughter, when I said “never” emphatically she said “good, good” to herself as she typed. Huh? Was that something that slipped out? If it’s good I don’t want it, how can you sleep at night offering it to me? I said nothing because I’m a coward. Or maybe just shocked
I also heard the first honest oncologist after 30 years being in touch with "doctors," who told the patient that chemo is a hit-and-miss, and the profession "hopes" that cancerous cells die fast enough so that there would still be enough healthy cells left to stay alive. According to my observations, one in 50 survive chemo, but I have no data if they were really ill to begin with.
When it comes to my own health, I just avoid "doctors" like the plague.
Sure, there are plenty of us who wouldn't take the experimental COVID shots. Most of us are just fine. We have real, broad-spectrum immunity. The COVID mortality rate is tiny. Most of the purported deaths had nothing to do with COVID.
The PCR test results are fake. The government statistics are fake. The "vaccines" are fake. The Big Pharma profits and the death and disabilities caused by these abominations are real.
Western allopathic medicine is officially the number three cause of death in the United States, but I maintain that it is ACTUALLY NUMBER ONE! Because causes one and two, heart diseases and cancers, are heavily contributed to by our medical system, by suppressing real cures, and by promoting dangerous high carb and industrial seed oil consumption diets, and by administering toxic drugs that only suppress symptoms, instead of promiting healthful practices such as getting sufficient sleep and maintaining a better circadian rhythm, mild exercise, stress reduction, following a more natural/appropriate diet, and taking nutritional supplements to provide optimum nutrients so that the body can heal itself.
The medical system can be hazardous to your health! In the U.S we have the highest health care expenses and the worst health on the planet. It is all about making money and keeping people sick to keep raking in the profits.
The symptoms used for diagnosing "covid" are mostly due to 5G exposure and graphene. The PCR test is a fraud, and it is also used for depleting the food supply by culling millions of poultry for another invented illness, the "bird flu."
Don't take me wrong, there are plenty of things that can cause illnesses and deaths, but they have been pre-planned and intentional:
All modern diseases are metabolic in nature and stem from the foods we consume, lack of sunlight and lack of exercise. The metabolic theory of cancer was discovered by Otto Warburg who won a Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery that cancer cells ferment and need glucose to survive. This was swept under the rug when the discovered that mustard gas, left over from WW2, could be repurposed to kill cancer cells (and the patient eventually as well). Gene theory then hit the scene which then sucked up trillions in funding going down dead ends. As with all diseases, the medical money making cartels would go out of business if natural cures were promoted and thus began the long love affair between researchers, pharma, the media and our benevolent government. Its all about the Benjamins! I would recommend anyone facing the dreadful challenge of fighting cancer to look into the work of leading doctor trying to bring the metabolic approach back into the light - Dr Thomas Seyfried. There is also a good book that goes into depth on how the research took a turn away from the metabolic theory called "Tripping over the Truth" by Travis Christofferson that is worth a read for those seeking alternatives to the murderous money making scam that is oncology today.
Other than eyes drops have had no meds for the past 30 years. When I get ill I stop eating go to bed and drink water and teas. Did not take the jab nor my wife. We had covid really bad 6 days in bed six crawling. We got better both in are 60s.
I’m with you. No masks, jabs or tests. My dr diagnosed me on symptoms. Knew it wasn’t flu because I didn’t have my flu chest. It was different.Husband +. Had it for 5 days, like a bad cold. I was knocked out for 21/2 weeks! But, I’m 78 and have Dysautonomia. Lived on grapefruits, water, chicken soup and garlic ginger tea with lemon and turmeric! Alternative dr. used energy treatments for systems, infectious agents. Check out NAET for future if you need help.
I don't know what's in the injection, but only five minutes after a newly-injected breathed on me a year and a half ago, I felt I was about to die for about five minutes. Debilitating symptoms still prevailed for 8-10 months, but I'll be dead before I see a "doctor." As I usually say, here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes.
Clear-liquid diet speeds up healing, especially if you feel what your body craves. :)
NAET is supposed to eliminate allergies. Allergies are also invented conditions for the body's becoming overloaded with some toxins...
Beware of eye drops, too. Graphene oxide has been found in artificial tears...
"Covid" cannot be diagnosed, because it's one of the hundreds of invented illnesses. The symptoms are likely caused mostly by 5G and/or graphene. (Symptoms multiplied after massive 5G installations and the fraudulent PCR "test" also installed graphene into the person without an injection.)
Last year one of my friends who is around 60 was given a "zero cancer" bill of health after being diagnosed for Breast Cancer 18 mos prior. She refused the treatments they wanted her to do and instead changed her diet, did some naturopath and spiritual work, made sure she got more rest, and VOILA! She's doing great.
Stress suppresses the immune system. Nutrient deficiencies suppress the immune system. Our immune system is perfectly capable of eliminating cancer cells if it is working correctly.
Beliefs have an enormous impact on our health, actually "flipping" numerous epigenetic "switches". That is partly why the "placebo effect" is so powerful. Align your beliefs with healthy eating and a good supplement program and stay away from doctors!
Intercellular communication is essential for preventing cancer, and people are loaded with microplastics (good insulators) and pesticides (they kill cells faster than cells would normally be replaced by the body). All forms of radiation (cell towers, microwave ovens, Wi-Fi etc.) also disrupt the mitochondria. It's a miracle that there are still people alive. :)
Eating little and avoiding certain forms of intake (including toothpastes and lotions and creams that you wouldn't eat, because they are absorbed by the body nevertheless) is more important than what to eat, but eating less toxic stuff is good. Avoiding nutritional fads is probably even better:
The butchers are very much willing to prescribe toxins for "Stage 0" (one of their recent inventions) breast- and ovarian cancer...
Three percent of women die of breast cancer, whether they are "treated" or not. I tend to think that the main causes are antiperspirants and deodorants, plus shaving the armpit is also insane (shaving hair was introduced for streetwalkers for hygienic reasons in the early 1900s, and it's asexual and unhealthy).
There is a strong corellation between breast and prostate cancers and iodine deficiency, which is ubiquitous today. People require many times the RDA of iodine to be healthy. Some women are treating breast cancer just with iodine and it goes away.
Glad you mentioned iodine deficiency. The butchers love to remove the thyroids and make their victim dependent on their pharmaceutical products for the rest of their lives.
Thyroid malfunction can be even a result of contraceptives...
I do know people who benefit by not using Big Pharma or Big Medicine and healed. In my circumstance I chose no biopsy, and no surgery, and no chemical therapy for a tumor on my Pancreatic tail which my East West doctor discovered after he discovered my diabetes and Kidney Stones. I am ten years out today from this diagnosis.
I love it when they "discover" something that you do not have...
Biopsy is mostly good for selling your tissues or spreading the disease, if you really have it. Not feeding the cancer by avoiding carbohydrates and eating very little to let the body heal itself are free and they seem to be the most effective approaches. Chemo is mostly murder, not "therapy." Most oncologists would avoid it, if it were offered to them or to their family members. Avoiding toxic exposure also increases chances of survival.
Pancreatic cancer is one of the fastest (only a few weeks) to kill you, so I'm not sure what you had. Kidney stones are harder to misdiagnose, but one must never underestimate the reliability of technology... I suppose, your kidney stones were removed and after the kidney functions were normalized, you recovered.
As for me, I am not interested in any "medical" diagnosis. Seen too many of them...
Defined by imaging obviously. A 1.5 centimeter pancreatic mass on the tail of the Pancreas. My doctors suggested rapid action due to rare discovery so early and I for my part thinking why if cancerous am I not deceased. So every few years I have CT scan and unchanged.
I am not into the health care racket. Here in San Francisco enough of a non traditional health community exists to access. To pay the cost, not so easy. I would be very interested from a whole health view in live blood analysis. To have this done in Bay Area, even down to Santa Cruz is not cheap.
A mass can be a number of things, but more often than not, it's a cyst (encapsulated, probably toxic, material, mostly liquid) that poses no imminent danger. Also, it doesn't change over time. If it had been cancer, you wouldn't be around. The annual CT only adds to your radiation exposure. Pancreatic cancer is usually inoperable, anyway. Blood analysis is subjective; it is an indicator of certain conditions, but "doctors" usually have next to no idea of the causes, so they jump on "treating" the symptoms. In my understanding, the symptoms are usually due to the body trying to heal itself from something that is not in the "diagnosis."
Yeah we went over that. Language and image. The diagnosis was based on image, location, the endocrine system disorders, and prior art. I went to another hospital not run by Jesuits, Kaiser, and they repeated the process and wanted me to get cut. Agreeably I discuss with my new surgeon my thought and she agreed for me a bad choice. CT scan every 3 years or so. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NfJ_3R8Yw
I declined and I am fine. 70 going on 60. I have never been gullible. No such things as a virus. Never live in fear. Always do the opposite of the herd and you will be ok.
Thanks Ray. Astute observation of the ills of the medical conveyor belt of forever ailing people. From the baby & infant injections the victim is on the conveyor belt of failing health for a medicated life.
The scariest part is the indemnity "vaccine" manufacturers enjoy. That alone should have been raising a red flag since 1984.
I refused the vax and TX when I was told it was Covid or the flu. I shamefully wore a mask to the hospital because I needed the money to pay my bills. I never stopped talking about how wrong what happened was to anyone who will listen. I kept a journal and am writing a book as documented first hand evidence as to the lies.
May we never ever forget what they did!
Some things in the world of treatment are a trade off. Its better to have teeth fillings (which will still rot your teeth) rather than cavities, it’s better to have knee replacements than be unable to walk, though those fake knees may give you lots of problems, and better to take insulin for Type I DM unresponsive to lifesstyle changes, detox etc, than have episodes of diabetic keto-acidosis and microvessel disease that will wreck your heart, eyes and kidneys, but insulin can also give you other problems. It might be better still not to have vaccines that might have caused the diabetes, cancer, ADHD, and autism, and maybe other psych problems in the first place, but that’s not the Dr’s immediate problem once you do have these.
Psych drugs require more nuance because some are quite dangerous, and some quite safe, and some psychiatrists are a bit dangerous and some quite careful, and some psych problems are quite serious and some not so much. Its not a zero sum game. The more serious the condition, the more cautious the Dr, and the better the safety profile of a specific medication, the closer we are to “teeth filling” and the further we are from giving “covid” shots. Neither eating well, having a good environment and relationships, doing CBT or Mindfulness nor sitting around singing Kumbayah will help the vast majority of persons with serious psychiatric conditions, but maybe sometimes? The diagnostic labels used in psychiatry are quite messy and too many Drs and patients believe they are "real", but that doesn't mean people aren't mentally ill, that would be a bigger mistake. Any one who thinks otherwise should spend a month in a psych ward to see the degree of illness (regardless of cause) out there. Abuse of psychiatry of course is unacceptable but that is not the topic of this comment.
Cavities so small you have to be radiated by a machine that makes the dentist ALOT OF MONEY just to see these 'cavities' in your tooth!
Now ask what is a safe dose of radiation?
There is ZERO safe dose of radiation!!
That is not a trade off.
The notion of drilling your teeth under the guise you did not not take care of your teeth or are just unfortunate that their is a cavity in one of your teeth so now this tooth that is not bothing you now must be drilled and filled with chemical compounds that are toxic thus they WILL have a side effect.
That is not a trade off....at least not until the tooth actually rots.
I suspect like Rockefeller Medicine Men control their version of medicine (Allopathy) so to do a group control dentistry to the same degree.
One last thing.......
The only creature i see with routinely bad teeth on this earth is Man!
I have had several dogs live a decade and a half and when they ALL passed those teeth were white, bright, with healthy gums, despite their advanced age.
Hey Smedley, well you are right about small cavities, so lets say we never look for those and so I apologize, then by definition what I meant was larger cavities, sometimes pieces of teeth fall off, painful, impaired chewing, even under Terrain Theory can get infected, even to the bone underneath. Personally I don't ever use metal fillings and don't want Elon Musk Starlinking to my fillings, so I'm with you on that one, you decorated soldier you hero! (didn't the Business Putsch nail you just a few years later?). Where are you buried good soldier? Now I don't think humans living way before our favorite family the Rockefellers had good dentition so neither they nor the NWO caused that one. What would you do about those large cavities besides start to bark?
Smedley is buried in Oaklands Cemetary in West Chester Pennsylvania.
His tombstone is littered with the metals of other Marines paying respect, I paid respect by leavinga placard that said 'War is a Racket'
I suspect Smedely may have been a victim....he certainly knew WWII was around the corner....he understood the racket and spoke out about it.
As for the cavities I think much has to do with diet. Mankind eats a lot of poop so to speak these days and this may reflect in the teeth of people. I just cannot get over the bright white completely intact teeth of my two most recent dogs passing away both living 15 1/2 years.
I think of all the crap my dogs chewed and gnawed on.... In my mind i would have thought i would be toothless if i did what those dogs did....maybe i should have gnawed on bones too!
Kinda reminds me how General Patton was finished off in December, 1945, probably for saying and maintaining that "we have fought on the wrong side."
When the bankers fund both sides either side would be wrong to fight for!
This time, there will be only one side...
I have also been concerned that if dental Lidocaine contains graphene, so does the filling material...
At this point, my wife and I are learning some nature-based dentistry. Is it still possible to obtain filling materials that are not toxic and do not contain graphene, or a dentist's pliers are all one can resort to, when the cavities/chipped teeth become unbearable?
I'm definitely scared of that. My only ideas are:
1. Find a lido maker that doesnt have graphene (how to prove that?),
2. Make your own lido (how to do that?), and get a dentist to agree or inject yourself before going to the dentist.
3. Have dental work with topical anesthetic (assuming that doesn't have graphene)
4. Let your teeth rot (not a great idea and it might be better to take a risk with lido and live well for 10 years rather than poorly for 15 years then just die anyway). I assume the graphene in lido isn't as much as a vaccine, but who knows?). It's not a zero-sum game (* ´艸`)
I'm not familiar with "lido." Topical anesthetics are possible to make from alkaloids. Wouldn't trust a dentist, even an honest one, because they probably don't know that even their dental swabs can contain graphene... I wouldn't let my tooth rot; I would tear it out. :)
Ok, "lido" is short for Lidocaine. :)
While never had any psychiatric problems myself, I've had extended personal experience from working in a hospital for eight months (when I was young), advising doctors of all kinds for a decade, volunteering in a VA at a psych ward, and helping out patients for years.
When it comes to the choice between a Lidocaine injection or tearing my tooth out, I'll do the latter.
Going to a doctor these days IS a zero-sum game most of the time. Most doctors agree that they wouldn't go to be seen by anyone below 45, because med school graduates have become amazingly ignorant and stupid, while maintaining their air of superiority. The time has come to choose between "medical" treatment and dying of natural reasons.
Indeed, there are severe psychiatric problems that do need attention. The reasons of such conditions remain a secret, so symptomatic "treatment" prevails (basically, patients must not harm or kill themselves or anyone else). Still, psychiatrists don't have a working paradigm, because the "chemical imbalance in the brain" baloney was refuted about four years ago. Basically, they work on a trial-and-error basis, with conflicts of interests involved between their pharmaceutical manufacturers and their patients' best interest. All they can do is dull you to the point that sometimes you forget to go to the bathroom and pee yourself... "Mild medications"? Never heard of one; they all drastically interfere with neural and brain functions, so what gives?
Hey Ray, we basically agree. To be sure, I never said anything about Lidocaine and dont disagree with you. "Chemical Imbalance" is just a model, but clearly people are sick, maybe from Al or Hg stuck in their brain from vaccines, that is still a kind of "chemical" problem if "chemical" means the substance and function of the brain, but the yeasayers cant prove yes and the naysayers can't either prove no, so it's model that doesnt need bunking or debunking.
Debunking the serotonin model did not debunk substance and function problems of the brain, did it? If an antidepressant works and the Dr is careful it wont necessarily "dull" the person. If someone is dull that is a side effect that needs adjusting. I never used the word "mild medication". Some drugs at appropriate and/or low doses can be "safe" which is the word I used. Psychiatry is easy if you are a rational Dr., if meds dont work or have bad effects you can just STOP THEM hopefully quickly. Its simple. I know many psych Drs and patients who have no problems because their med regimens are well tolerated or they are off meds. Each patient is different, its not a zero sum game, but if you want to think it is I am fully in favor of each person having their own opinion.
Yes, it must be a combination of poisoning with toxins (heavy metals, Ag included; it's way too profuse in the water systems in Europe and in many parts of the US) and with electromagnetic fields.
Sorry, I hate the word "debunk," because it conjures up false analogies from the MSM; I prefer refute. :)
Antidepressants work until they don't. Most start working after about three weeks and work for a couple of months. After that, the patient feels more miserable than before. (Of course, Xanax is always a winner among patients, but it's been forbidden to prescribe in many places in the last few years.) Seasoned psychiatrists usually experiment until they find "the right cocktail," and it's a hit-and-miss if more damage is done. Did I mention the doses must be raised over time, and the whole trip must end before it becomes evidently toxic. Psych drugs are mind-altering substances and must be used only as a last resort, at least, in my opinion... Addiction and dependency on certain chemicals, as it happens to be the case with most "medications," are also problems that hardly anyone addresses, and the news, somehow, never catches on.
Of course, each patient is different, which is why it's a heroically hopeless enterprise to become a healer in most cases. Still, some people seem to have the gift that I couldn't even try to describe. Somehow, what they are doing, works.
Sorry to make you write so much Ray, you do make me think deeply and I appreciate that! I also in-general agree with what you say. Let me just note some definitions I use:
Loss of efficacy (it's not dependency in the sense of needing a high, its more like glasses, take them off you cant see. Is that dependency? Depends on the definition)
Tolerance (doesnt mean doses need to be raised-could be due to many factors. Again drugs can just be stopped, easy game if you are a good Dr. raising doses and giving patients problems can be a Dr problem, not a med problem or the patient's problem. As I said some Drs are good, some not so good. It not zero sum with them either).
One caveat about all of this is what people write on forums. Satisfied patients rarely write much, only people who have troubles/had real med troubles/or can't cooperate with treatment are on forums.
Ok Ray, lets get back to what we do best which is try to write good posts!
It's good to have an intelligent conversation even if it's time-consuming. Of course, neither of us has the time for such.
I don't think we disagree on "loss of efficacy" and "tolerance. Dependency can be proved only with withdrawal symptoms, and some of them can be deadly, so there is such a thing a lifetime dependency on certain drugs. If the body cannot tolerate a substance, it is either overloaded or doesn't have the metabolic means to process it.
Since the compartmentalization of Medicine, it's become next-to-impossible to be a good doctor, because a holistic aspect is necessary for healing.
My experience is direct; not from comments or blogs.
I'm glad to have you as a friend! (At least, you are one of the few I consider one; I will always listen to your opinion and learn what I can, and there are usually plenty of such things in our exchanges.)
That's a really touching reply Ray, very heartfelt and much thanks here too. My personal life has just been filled with eye-rolling nincompoops these last few years, it's great to know you too. I didn't even know how to spell "nincompoop" until recently as I never had to experience this kind of closed thinking before.
I can't imagine a single newborn in this world who is already not "too old."
Self-incrimination is worse than accepting divine redemption, but there are too many ways to understand that, and I am not here to preach, only to instigate personal decisions.
Also, as a fellow author, you might want to place links in your comments to your articles, which would make your messages easier to read and guarantee more feedback. Of course, that's only my take on it.
You are covering too many subjects all at once. It's a good idea to address only problems from the article and tell your reader how your comment is related to that.
Elizabeth, my comment was not about me or even about you; I only noted the logistics of effective comments. Sorry, if I failed to make that clear.
Your contributions are valuable, so please, carry on, and do it the way you want to do it. :)
I refused the PCR tests. I refused the Lethal Injection. To my lasting shame I did not refuse that useless, dehumanizing, imbecilic and lunatic bloody mask. OTOH I have a wife and vaccine-damaged stepdaughter to take care of.
It was HARD to refuse to be muzzled, but my wife and I ignored those who told us we were "required" to wear one. We cheerfully passed those people and said, "We know." And walked on. Enforcers in rural Kentucky are not so brave, but large cities like Louisville were proper sh*tholes (well, they still are).
OTOH up here in the fastness of British Columbia -- This is the place Gavin Newsome looks to for instruction -- I could have been looking at violence, arrest / indefinite imprisonment if I stood up for my position.
Not only did I avoid the jabs, as did my family, I also refused the PCR tests when I was sick in January! They wanted to do a PCR to rule out "covid." I asked her if she had anything else - that I had about a 50% chance (same as flipping a coin) of being positive or negative, that the test was NOT accurate and I refused to go along with the narrative. She told me that if it was negative, since I had symptoms, she could STILL go with a covid diagnosis!!! I allowed them to test for the flu - and positive Type A. I asked her how many people she tested for flu, seeing as how the first thing she wanted was to test for covid only? She just looked at me - said she pretty much never tested for anything else. Grr...
Btw, she told me that she wouldn't prescribe me anything if I didn't let her test. BIG DISGUST on my part - I told her that since it WAS the flu, I didn't need anything anyway - and walked out.
Of course, the "flu" is another invented illness; a cover-up for expanding the electric grid or the harm of newly-introduced microwave technologies...
Oh, dear... You might be stating the obvious for some, but it must be hammered in for the rest. Keep up the participation in the project of those who cannot be defeated!
This upcoming article seriously addresses the challenges of detox and the rest of your ideas, too.
At the moment, I am working on my best article on the subject, possibly a break-through that will make many people rich, while ignoring me. Still, I am happy if that prevents the globalists' final attack and killing spree.
Oh yes and my mother when I was taking care of her when she was sick got a UTI which I understand she had frequently I had never had one, she went to the doctor and got her meds I got cranberry concentrate and got over mine in three days it took her a week on the meds, and lately I am eating garlic cloves for any infections instead of getting antibiotics I find they work faster than the antibiotics I’ve used in the past.
Sadly, UTI is common among those, who take antibiotics frequently, because ABs exterminate good bacteria, too...
Leaving well enough alone usually works for me; no special panacea is needed...
Cured myself of the early stages of cervical cancer, several skin cancers, and had all three iterations of the flu got over them easily because I eat ridiculously healthy and Used herbs and supplements to cure the flu and I am 71 with SLE and RA and take no meds for either condition. Nature has a remedy
The last time I saw a doctor was in ER after my ear lobe got infected & needed excision. That was nearly two years ago.
It's a good idea to be prepared for such minor surgeries in the near future.
A friend’s mother in her 70’s diagnosed with cancer, can’t remember what type, years ago. Was supposed to die with no treatment. Friend convinced mother to forgo chemo, etc, and she takes some supplement- she’s still alive, doing the same. Doctors are ‘baffled’
Me, my boys, my most liberal DIL, and her daughter didn't do jabs but they wore muzzles, she is a Postal Worker, Grand was in college, Near Death, Gardasil jab was their deciding factor, and you had to if you went to the local Navy Base to pick up meds or to the doctors, dentist, or optometrist. My eldest had his Heart Bypass postponed a week, They let him know about 2 pm yesterday, Surgery was scheduled for Today, he had already had a TIA in October. Four 85% blocked arteries. This puts us at pre-Easter Weekend.
American Thinker: "Isn't it time that journalists and other Democrats stopped intentionally misleading the public that they believe the Justice Department is impartial and that no one is above the law. It is such an obvious lie -- yet none of the people pretending to be fact checkers call them out because they are just as dishonest." https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/03/its_time_the_media_and_other_democrats_stopped_misleading_the_public_that_they_believe_in_equal_treatment_and_that_no_one_is_above_the_law.html
The disposable muzzles contained two carcinogens and graphene oxide...
Gardasil was the deadliest criminal injection before the "covid" ones.
Dental Lidocaine contained graphene oxide already in November, 2021, and the dentist, despite my offering to pay with cash, wants to know where I live. Obviously, I don't care to be tracked, because I'm not in the system in any way.
Most coronary procedures are unnecessary: there are about 200 of them, and if one is clogged, another takes over. However, they are clogged, because there is an infection/inflammation in the body, causing the walls of blood vessels to crack, which is what cholesterol is supposed to plug in. Surgeons love surgeries (even when no body part is removed and sold), because they can train their med students and their interns can collect "experience." The patient's DNA is certainly sold, probably even after a simple blood test.
Exercise can cause severe symptoms, if someone has graphene in their body:
"Doctors" love to send their victims to the cardiologist who, subsequently, recommends surgery based on "clogged arteries."
There are no Democrats and no Republicans; this is a Uniparty system with a government that was hijacked a long time ago:
No politician and no court will protect the people in the long run, and when they act as if they achieved something, it's only the latest, somewhat sophisticated method of mind control:
ha,ha, prof Ray, TPTB in canuckistan have hatched a fool[sic]proof plan of ensnaring the useless eaters via...blogto.com /city/2023/03/new-dental-care-plan-canada/
Canada is getting a new dental care plan that will cover millions without insurance
The federal government has announced its 2023-2024 fiscal year budget, including a brand-new dental care plan for Canada.
"We will begin rolling out a dental care plan that will eventually cover up to 9 million uninsured Canadians," Chrystia Freeland said in a press conference on Tuesday.
"This will mean that no Canadian ever again will need to choose between taking care of their teeth and paying the bills at the end of the month. It will mean you can’t tell the size of someone’s paycheck by their smile."
The move comes after the success of another dental plan introduced in December last year. However, that one only covered children.
So far, it has helped keep more than 240,000 kids healthy without impacting their guardians' and parents' finances.
The new Canadian Dental Care Plan will roll out by the end of this year and will span over five years.The 2023 budget will deliver a "transformative investment" to provide dental care to Canadians with $13 billion over five years and $4.4 billion ongoing.
"These are significant and necessary investments because a strong and effective public health care system is essential for a strong and healthy Canadian workforce," added Freeland. "We need a strong and healthy [sic] Canadian workforce now more than ever because as we wrestle inflation to the ground, Canada must also navigate fundamental shifts in the global economy."
No kidding. With graphene oxide in dental Lidocaine. For that matter, a mouth swab can also install the same as the injections used to. Of course, there are plenty of other delivery system, so don't worry, you will get yours, over and over:
By hook or by crook is their modus operandi, eh, Prof Ray? this ol mechanic's refrain is, '
In other words, Humanity has been hijacked, & we're FUBAR...'Fcked/Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition." & when warned of this calaminty, the vast majority of useless eaters don't give a rat's arse ...'
That sums it up. :)
sakk-matt ! eh?
Regarding gardasil- pediatrician asked if I was interested in it for my teen daughter, when I said “never” emphatically she said “good, good” to herself as she typed. Huh? Was that something that slipped out? If it’s good I don’t want it, how can you sleep at night offering it to me? I said nothing because I’m a coward. Or maybe just shocked
I also heard the first honest oncologist after 30 years being in touch with "doctors," who told the patient that chemo is a hit-and-miss, and the profession "hopes" that cancerous cells die fast enough so that there would still be enough healthy cells left to stay alive. According to my observations, one in 50 survive chemo, but I have no data if they were really ill to begin with.
When it comes to my own health, I just avoid "doctors" like the plague.
Sure, there are plenty of us who wouldn't take the experimental COVID shots. Most of us are just fine. We have real, broad-spectrum immunity. The COVID mortality rate is tiny. Most of the purported deaths had nothing to do with COVID.
The PCR test results are fake. The government statistics are fake. The "vaccines" are fake. The Big Pharma profits and the death and disabilities caused by these abominations are real.
Western allopathic medicine is officially the number three cause of death in the United States, but I maintain that it is ACTUALLY NUMBER ONE! Because causes one and two, heart diseases and cancers, are heavily contributed to by our medical system, by suppressing real cures, and by promoting dangerous high carb and industrial seed oil consumption diets, and by administering toxic drugs that only suppress symptoms, instead of promiting healthful practices such as getting sufficient sleep and maintaining a better circadian rhythm, mild exercise, stress reduction, following a more natural/appropriate diet, and taking nutritional supplements to provide optimum nutrients so that the body can heal itself.
The medical system can be hazardous to your health! In the U.S we have the highest health care expenses and the worst health on the planet. It is all about making money and keeping people sick to keep raking in the profits.
The symptoms used for diagnosing "covid" are mostly due to 5G exposure and graphene. The PCR test is a fraud, and it is also used for depleting the food supply by culling millions of poultry for another invented illness, the "bird flu."
Don't take me wrong, there are plenty of things that can cause illnesses and deaths, but they have been pre-planned and intentional:
The US sick-care is based on a fraudulent paradigm, Germ Theory. Its victims are systematically made sick or even killed:
All modern diseases are metabolic in nature and stem from the foods we consume, lack of sunlight and lack of exercise. The metabolic theory of cancer was discovered by Otto Warburg who won a Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery that cancer cells ferment and need glucose to survive. This was swept under the rug when the discovered that mustard gas, left over from WW2, could be repurposed to kill cancer cells (and the patient eventually as well). Gene theory then hit the scene which then sucked up trillions in funding going down dead ends. As with all diseases, the medical money making cartels would go out of business if natural cures were promoted and thus began the long love affair between researchers, pharma, the media and our benevolent government. Its all about the Benjamins! I would recommend anyone facing the dreadful challenge of fighting cancer to look into the work of leading doctor trying to bring the metabolic approach back into the light - Dr Thomas Seyfried. There is also a good book that goes into depth on how the research took a turn away from the metabolic theory called "Tripping over the Truth" by Travis Christofferson that is worth a read for those seeking alternatives to the murderous money making scam that is oncology today.
What causes the changes in metabolism? How can that be identified? Does it need treatment or the body can do the job most of the time?
Other than eyes drops have had no meds for the past 30 years. When I get ill I stop eating go to bed and drink water and teas. Did not take the jab nor my wife. We had covid really bad 6 days in bed six crawling. We got better both in are 60s.
I’m with you. No masks, jabs or tests. My dr diagnosed me on symptoms. Knew it wasn’t flu because I didn’t have my flu chest. It was different.Husband +. Had it for 5 days, like a bad cold. I was knocked out for 21/2 weeks! But, I’m 78 and have Dysautonomia. Lived on grapefruits, water, chicken soup and garlic ginger tea with lemon and turmeric! Alternative dr. used energy treatments for systems, infectious agents. Check out NAET for future if you need help.
I don't know what's in the injection, but only five minutes after a newly-injected breathed on me a year and a half ago, I felt I was about to die for about five minutes. Debilitating symptoms still prevailed for 8-10 months, but I'll be dead before I see a "doctor." As I usually say, here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes.
Clear-liquid diet speeds up healing, especially if you feel what your body craves. :)
NAET is supposed to eliminate allergies. Allergies are also invented conditions for the body's becoming overloaded with some toxins...
Beware of eye drops, too. Graphene oxide has been found in artificial tears...
"Covid" cannot be diagnosed, because it's one of the hundreds of invented illnesses. The symptoms are likely caused mostly by 5G and/or graphene. (Symptoms multiplied after massive 5G installations and the fraudulent PCR "test" also installed graphene into the person without an injection.)
Last year one of my friends who is around 60 was given a "zero cancer" bill of health after being diagnosed for Breast Cancer 18 mos prior. She refused the treatments they wanted her to do and instead changed her diet, did some naturopath and spiritual work, made sure she got more rest, and VOILA! She's doing great.
Stress suppresses the immune system. Nutrient deficiencies suppress the immune system. Our immune system is perfectly capable of eliminating cancer cells if it is working correctly.
Beliefs have an enormous impact on our health, actually "flipping" numerous epigenetic "switches". That is partly why the "placebo effect" is so powerful. Align your beliefs with healthy eating and a good supplement program and stay away from doctors!
Intercellular communication is essential for preventing cancer, and people are loaded with microplastics (good insulators) and pesticides (they kill cells faster than cells would normally be replaced by the body). All forms of radiation (cell towers, microwave ovens, Wi-Fi etc.) also disrupt the mitochondria. It's a miracle that there are still people alive. :)
Eating little and avoiding certain forms of intake (including toothpastes and lotions and creams that you wouldn't eat, because they are absorbed by the body nevertheless) is more important than what to eat, but eating less toxic stuff is good. Avoiding nutritional fads is probably even better:
The butchers are very much willing to prescribe toxins for "Stage 0" (one of their recent inventions) breast- and ovarian cancer...
Three percent of women die of breast cancer, whether they are "treated" or not. I tend to think that the main causes are antiperspirants and deodorants, plus shaving the armpit is also insane (shaving hair was introduced for streetwalkers for hygienic reasons in the early 1900s, and it's asexual and unhealthy).
There is a strong corellation between breast and prostate cancers and iodine deficiency, which is ubiquitous today. People require many times the RDA of iodine to be healthy. Some women are treating breast cancer just with iodine and it goes away.
Glad you mentioned iodine deficiency. The butchers love to remove the thyroids and make their victim dependent on their pharmaceutical products for the rest of their lives.
Thyroid malfunction can be even a result of contraceptives...
I do know people who benefit by not using Big Pharma or Big Medicine and healed. In my circumstance I chose no biopsy, and no surgery, and no chemical therapy for a tumor on my Pancreatic tail which my East West doctor discovered after he discovered my diabetes and Kidney Stones. I am ten years out today from this diagnosis.
Good choice. All three "standard of care" "treatment" modalities damage or destroy the immune system (surgery/chemo/radiation).
And ONLY the immune system can eliminate cancer!
I love it when they "discover" something that you do not have...
Biopsy is mostly good for selling your tissues or spreading the disease, if you really have it. Not feeding the cancer by avoiding carbohydrates and eating very little to let the body heal itself are free and they seem to be the most effective approaches. Chemo is mostly murder, not "therapy." Most oncologists would avoid it, if it were offered to them or to their family members. Avoiding toxic exposure also increases chances of survival.
Pancreatic cancer is one of the fastest (only a few weeks) to kill you, so I'm not sure what you had. Kidney stones are harder to misdiagnose, but one must never underestimate the reliability of technology... I suppose, your kidney stones were removed and after the kidney functions were normalized, you recovered.
As for me, I am not interested in any "medical" diagnosis. Seen too many of them...
Defined by imaging obviously. A 1.5 centimeter pancreatic mass on the tail of the Pancreas. My doctors suggested rapid action due to rare discovery so early and I for my part thinking why if cancerous am I not deceased. So every few years I have CT scan and unchanged.
I am not into the health care racket. Here in San Francisco enough of a non traditional health community exists to access. To pay the cost, not so easy. I would be very interested from a whole health view in live blood analysis. To have this done in Bay Area, even down to Santa Cruz is not cheap.
A mass can be a number of things, but more often than not, it's a cyst (encapsulated, probably toxic, material, mostly liquid) that poses no imminent danger. Also, it doesn't change over time. If it had been cancer, you wouldn't be around. The annual CT only adds to your radiation exposure. Pancreatic cancer is usually inoperable, anyway. Blood analysis is subjective; it is an indicator of certain conditions, but "doctors" usually have next to no idea of the causes, so they jump on "treating" the symptoms. In my understanding, the symptoms are usually due to the body trying to heal itself from something that is not in the "diagnosis."
Yeah we went over that. Language and image. The diagnosis was based on image, location, the endocrine system disorders, and prior art. I went to another hospital not run by Jesuits, Kaiser, and they repeated the process and wanted me to get cut. Agreeably I discuss with my new surgeon my thought and she agreed for me a bad choice. CT scan every 3 years or so. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NfJ_3R8Yw
Eventually, it's always your decision. First thing they do is make you sign a consent form... They take NO responsibility.