Did You Know Anyone Who Refused the Injection or Refused To Wear a Muzzle?
...and refused "medical" treatment" for it?
Nature heals, but where will this road end? It doesn’t look natural, but it is certainly used often.
The title is not a rhetorical question; it begs for answers, but it gets more intense, once the next step is considered:
Is it possible that those, who refused or were refused “medical treatment” eventually became better without it, because they were forced to be away from the Hired Killers:
Obviously, after kidney failure, dialysis is irreplaceable, but that is one of the few “health” conditions that don’t get better, if they stay unattended or don’t get worse even under constant “medical” attention.
About three year ago, Dr. Mercola published an article about the way Type-2 diabetes can be fixed in a month or two by simply staying on a clear-liquid diet.
“High cholesterol” is a symptom, not an illness. Statins only increased the risk of a stroke or a heart attack, the very same catastrophic events whose risks they were supposed to lower. The same applies to most treatments of another ridiculously over-diagnosed condition: high blood pressure.
Over-diagnosing and over-treating cancer has also been pointed out in the last several decades. Everyone has cancer cells all the time, but the body heals itself. If it doesn’t, chemo will surely finish them off; most of the time, it would kill even those who are healthy:
Psychiatric toxins alter the brain, often catastrophically and irreversibly, while not helping, because the premise of “chemical imbalance in the brain” was refuted about four or five years ago, at the same time when the “high-cholesterol” myth was debunked:
and it takes time and patience to gradually abandon them. Pyshiatrist at the moment don’t even have a working paradigm, yet they are afforded formidable power to destroy people’s lives1.
“Doctors” never waste a minute not trying to turn you into one of their victims, while fraudulently calling you a patient:
According to Hippocrates, “the father of modern Medicine,” nature heals most conditions, if it is given a chance.
Still, once the body becomes fully dependent on some chemicals (fraudulently called “medications,” because they don’t heal, only perpetuate or even create new or chronic conditions), the patient of modern medical “science” cannot run away and start over. When such people needed treatment during the “covid” show and couldn’t get it, their condition certainly worsened or they died.
Not only all “medications” are toxic; there are bad things in the air, in food, and in the water, too, and I am not even mentioning household chemicals, utensils, wall-to-wall carpets, microwave ovens, and countless other sources of common poisonings. There was a time, when detox methods used to work. Lately, however, even the most aggressive methods are prone to fail, because the poisoning of the general population has become so rampant:
Still, the question also prevails:
Last year one of my friends who is around 60 was given a "zero cancer" bill of health after being diagnosed for Breast Cancer 18 mos prior. She refused the treatments they wanted her to do and instead changed her diet, did some naturopath and spiritual work, made sure she got more rest, and VOILA! She's doing great.
A friend’s mother in her 70’s diagnosed with cancer, can’t remember what type, years ago. Was supposed to die with no treatment. Friend convinced mother to forgo chemo, etc, and she takes some supplement- she’s still alive, doing the same. Doctors are ‘baffled’