I've spotted several satellite launches in the desert night sky where I live, the first courtesy of Elon, maybe the others, too, though Bill and Jeff might have been in on the action then. Pretty eerie sights, if you ask me, as a steady stream of artificial stars ascend and then disappear into the invisible reaches of space surrounding the earth.

I look at these as some of the latest signs of the imperialist mission to establish full spectrum dominance over the earth from space, and mad pollution with electromagnetism and nuclear radiation of the cosmic conditions of life on the planet. I can trace this death march overhead throughout my life from cold war race to space between superpowers, climaxed by the (televised) planting of the stars and stripes on the moon (USA! USA! USA!...we're numero uno!), through the Star Wars saga and shuttle expeditions (major cause of ozone depletion), and now onto the project of eventually encircling the earth with so many satellites by the tens and then hundreds of thousands that we will no longer be able to see real stars in the night, that is, if we and any life survive at all from the 5/6G effects of their weaponized payloads.*

As british arch-imperialist Cecil Rhodes said, "I would annex the planets if I could," and these billionaire psychopaths are out to do just that, with the MIC and shadow state lending the usual support, and the rest of us untermenschen in tow. What's really insane is that so many of us remain on our knees in idolatry of evil (enough to pull heretical holdouts into the sacrificial pit with them?). We're instructed to revere these madmen as heroes, geniuses, saviors of humankind. It's the usual his-story of the great men who make history off our blood and toil. What a bunch of a-holes these parasites and predators are!

As if raining down terror and torture on us from on high weren't enough for these wannabe gods, Elon's also heavily invested in invading inner space, with Neuralink and AI poised to upload our brains** into the cloud and dispose of our bodies (aka sacks of meat) with robotic replacements to achieve transhumanist utopia. All being sold to us with typical pitches of how this Frankenscience is going to help the lame walk, the blind see, and the deaf hear. Glory hallelujah! "The welfare of the people has always been the alibi of tyrants." (Camus)

In the early days of the Twitter takeover, Elon was hailed as a champion of free speech, so accustomed people are to private control of public communications. "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one." (A.J. Liebling) When Elon made a splash in propaganda media siding with Canadian truckers, his plans for centrally controlled transportation via 'driverless' vehicles, which would make those truckers obsolete, somehow got forgotten. No doubt Musk and other "masters of mankind" (Adam Smith) are looking forward to the day when they can dispense with having to gain our consent to their lies by having algorithms become our consciousness, or just zap us with a directed energy weapon from space should there remain disobedient defectives.

“The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, "Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.”(Rousseau) We're long overdue to get off our knees before these monsters.

*Deadly Rainbow: Will 5G Precipitate the Extinction of All Life on Earth?


**Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future


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Lots of excellent points!

Satellites last for about five years, and they will be indispensible for coordinating full global control. It might be helpful to know that rocket technology is usually purchased from the Russians! :) (well, recently, from South Korea, too)


Currently, they can influence people's behavior and they can remote-control crowds. Individuals whole DNA has been stolen (in blood test, genetic test, "covid" tests, but apparently they can take your DNA from a police breathalizer, too) can be personally addressed to hear commands and they feel excruciating pain, if they disobey (I suspect that some of the "mass shootings" that happened to be real were dry runs for such operations). Although false memories can be planted, fully wiping and re-installing the brain is still probably impossible. There are too many variables and no two brains are alike. Moreover, the AI still hasn't solved the problem of translating language to conceptual thinking (people think in concepts and many of these are unique to the person).

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Seems to be tied into the military establishment. They saved his arse and gave him his businesses.

But his Tesla allied with boring tunnels is an attempt to keep away from the great unwashed. Completely uneconomic model I would have thought, especially if you do manage to 'reduce' the population of the planet.

I think his tilt at Twitter was genuine. But as you say he's just the front for another bunch of capitalists. So who are they?. They're tilting at another bunch of capitalists who already own Twitter. So once again who are they?

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This is a good post on Musk our cultural hero of late and “champion of free speech”. With what I understand about Musk, his alliances with DARPA, NASA and other government entities through SPACEX I lump him with the rest of the corrupted - AWS, GOOGLE, ETC. Maybe he was trying to clean up his image & maybe he wants to run for office. Anyway we look at it he is one of the rejects in the leadership club. WEF too.

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There are but a few extremely rich people. The ones that did not invest in Musk personally, still make money from him through us via stocks invested in the companies of the ones who 'made' Elon Musk. Teenagers grew up with Musk, he was and still is their hero now they're 20-somethings. I bet he is put in place to 'help as much of us as possible' start the process of transhumanism by showing how he uses science for the survival of mankind and the protection of mother earth meanwhile brainwashing his audience.

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These people are spending the taxpayer's money, issued by central banks, mostly by the private Federal Reserve. Theoretically, they don't even have to be "rich."

As major companies have been using the previously-illegal practice of buying back their own stocks in order to boost stock prices, something similar is going on with Tesla.

These morons seem to believe they can survive the destruction of nature.

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